The sound of the sweet drink came from another direction, the voice was not too loud, but in the words, it carried a daunting high.

Not long after the four heavenly kings knelt down on one knee, the other knee violently knelt toward the high altitude where Jiao Yin came.

The body was slightly creeping, and there was a slight trembling posture all over the body, but the neck and neck of each heavenly king showed blue veins violently, as if trying to control the body, so that the kneeling swing did not appear so large.

Don't talk about the four heavenly kings, even if any fairy **** in the heavenly palace is here, facing such a situation, I am afraid that it will not be much calmer than their four brothers.

After all, one is the Queen Mother of the Heavenly Court, and she is no longer under the Jade Emperor.

Although she didn't take the initiative to control the world, she could intervene in the important affairs of the Three Realms at will with her words and deeds. That was the woman who stood at the peak of power in the entire Three Realms.

The other one had no choice but to practice alchemy.

But do you think that people are just a strong person with the highest level of cultivation, and disdain to fight for power?

But in fact, the one who lives in the palace of Touzi is one of the few saints in the Three Realms, and his status and strength are all supernatural beings.

Not in power, it's just that the old gentleman has no time to be intoxicated with all these things. He has long detached from the Taoist realm of ordinary immortals and reached a certain kind of heavenly concept that only sages can explore.

Although there is no real power, but the weight of words, it is the heaviest existence in the entire heaven, no one dares to take negligence lightly.

But these two big men actually appeared at the same time now, and they seemed to come for the same person.

This this this...

Not to mention that the big man on Mo Liqing's forehead is already rolling like beads, even the three heavenly brothers beside him are sweating in their palms at this moment, and they don't know how to deal with it.

But the four brothers also realized for the first time that they had been tricked, and the guy who tricked them didn't know where they were going.

"The Queen Mother, did you also like Ye Chen?

However, aren't there only female fairies in Yaochi Palace, and men have never lived in them.

It's better to give the kid who is good at playing with fire to the poor way to make alchemy, and it's good to be a fire-burning boy. "

"Huh? Lao Jun's words are rather rude.

Although I have never had a man in the Jade Lake Palace, the boy was indeed the one who summoned the Heaven Palace, and he also fled from the Jade Lake Palace.

Does the old man want to take away the person from his seat and claim it as his own? "

The Queen Mother and her entourage made a speech, violating Taishang Laojun's intention to seek talents.

One, he took a fancy to Ye Chen's flame-making skills, and wanted to be admitted to his seat to help him refine the elixir.

But the other one, who clearly stated that Ye Chen was hers, and that she was about to bring it back, seemed to have no intention of discussing it at all.

And listening to the conversation between the two big men, the four heavenly kings kneeling at the Nantian Gate, their legs couldn't help trembling here, and the heart said that this time, it was a disaster.

Who knew that a kid who couldn't describe the fairyland would actually provoke the two pinnacle bosses of the heavens to fight for tit-for-tat.

The big beads of sweat began to roll off the faces of the Mo Liqing brothers, and the eyes were peeping around for a while, but there was no sign of the door-breaker.

All of a sudden, the four heavenly kings became more and more impatient, wishing to escape from the mortal world immediately, to catch the deceitful kid back, and let the queen mother and the old gentleman take it.

Just when the four heavenly kings were thinking slightly, two beams of dazzling colorful lights and shadows instantly descended from the sky above the clouds to Nantianmen.

Immediately, the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother with a pretty white face, and the old gentleman with a faint smile on her face, who fluttered slightly in the dust, also hovered over the Nantian Gate at the same time.

Although it was a Xianli projection, despite this, when Mo Liqing and the others saw it, their hanging heads became more and more drooping.

At this moment, the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother in an exquisite brocade robe looked a little displeased at the Nantian Gate, and said the old Elder Hu on the opposite side.

"Old gentleman, Ye Chen is the person from the Jade Lake Palace under this seat that I personally invited to the Heavenly Court from the Ordinary Realm.

It's a bit wrong for you to take such a brute force, after all, this seat is also the Queen Mother of Heaven. "

The meaning of this statement is already very obvious, and it probably means: Ye Chen is a member of the Yaochi Palace, and gives face to this queen mother.

However, when he heard this, the old gentleman, dressed in a clean and simple Taoist robe, stroked his beard and smiled.

"The Queen Mother, if it were really yours, why would you run away again?

What's more, a mortal man is not suitable for staying in the Queen Mother's Yaochi Palace.

After all, you are the head of the Heavenly Palace, the rules of the heavens and the earth in the Three Realms. If you ignore it, then there are rules in this big Three Realms? "

Taishang Laojun is not a good stubble, although he needs to follow the principles of heaven in the intention of cultivating the heart, but the old gentleman who is not missed by the Three Realms, he actually saw a trace when he observed Ye Chen escaping from the southern gate An extremely novel secret.

Although in the Three Realms, beyond the five elements, it is completely outside the sky.

At his level, if he wants to go further, he must break the old rules in my heart, and even the shabby rules of the Three Realms.

In this way, there is a possibility of a breakthrough.

And Ye Chen, the mortal boy who can't see through him as a saint, is also one in a billion possible to help him.

Such an extraterritorial secret, if his old gentleman does not hurry up and is discovered by other saints, he will be completely lost.

So today, Ye Chen, he is too good to be an old gentleman.

However, I don't know the old man's thoughts, and thought that the other party only wanted Ye Chen to be the queen mother of the fire-burning boy, but he also showed a very unwilling expression.

Originally, Ye Chen Feiqiu escaped from the Yaochi Palace because he wanted to play with this funny kid.

What was strange was that when she had a dispute with the Four Heavenly Kings at the South Heaven Gate, when the battle came together, she suddenly couldn't sense any breath of Ye Chen, as if she had disappeared.

Ye Chen's sudden disappearance made the Queen Mother feel that it was like a plaything that already existed in her palm, suddenly out of her control.

She didn't like the feeling of loss, so at this moment, Lao Jun came to fight for a mortal, and she didn't want to let it go.

After all some character has been in the hands of Laojun, her queen mother will never have a chance to find it again.

The two of them also looked at each other in unison between their own thoughts.

"'Mother Queen' and'Old Monarch', how does this son belong to me? If you have other requirements, you can ask for it..."

Halfway through the conversation, the Lao Jun and Queen Mother were stunned. After all, they wanted to get Ye Chen's thoughts, how the same coincidence, but neither of them could imagine.

Mo Liqing, who was kneeling on the ground, secretly glanced at the aloft Queen Mother and Lao Jun, and a thought arose in her heart.

Both parties obviously didn't want to stop there, but Ye Chen only had one boy. How should the two top bosses of Heavenly Court fight with reason?

How can I get away cleverly while waiting for my brother?

The more I thought about it, Mo Liqing's brain hurt more and more, and immediately couldn't help but vomit: "Damn Ye Chen, it's all your fault..."

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