Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 683: Brother Wu Gang

The Queen Mother gave an order, and there were countless beautiful fairies everywhere inside and outside the huge Yaochi Palace. They all fluttered into the sky in all directions like a goddess.

In a short while, the surrounding area of ​​the huge Southern Heavenly Court, a series of brilliant and beautiful light spots all fell, and immediately a wave of powerful and weak majestic forces gathered together and rushed to the sky at an extremely fast speed.

A series of colorful pillars of divine light continue to rise straight from all directions of the heavenly court. After the huge pillars of immortal energy condensing countless fairies rise up, strands of divine consciousness are like a web of cobwebs. It is showing a transparent state, slowly enclosing the entire heavenly court.

For a while, all the fairy gods in the heavenly court felt a feeling of being monitored and scanned, and they flashed past themselves.

Lingxiao Hall!

A Taibai Venus with long white hair and a back, felt the interweaving consciousness of the scan, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Then he walked to the center of the main hall with his hands folded and bowed to the Jade Emperor on the high seat.

"Your Majesty Jade Emperor, Queen Mother... is she a little fussy, and too much.

After all, this is the Heavenly Court, the thirty-sixth Supreme Heaven of Your Majesty, but the Queen Mother made such a big move.

What the **** is this for, a monster? Or is it an immortal that disturbed the Queen Mother's interest? "

After Taibai Venus finished speaking, the immortals in the two columns in the main hall also nodded slightly, expressing their agreement with Taibai's doubts.

They also want to know what kind of person they are and what they have committed that can make the Queen Mother make such a big move.

Why did the Queen Mother summon her subordinates directly, but she did not simply send a message to Lingxiao as usual, and then let His Majesty the Jade Emperor's low-handed Heavenly Soldier and General to deal with it.

However, facing the confusion and slightly unhappy look of many immortals, the Jade Emperor looked at Taibai Jinxing and shook his head slightly and replied.

"The queen mother does not need to wait for the immortal family to worry about it. Let's retreat today and go back to the house!

After the emperor knows the situation, I will explain it to the immortals tomorrow. "

With a casual wave of his hand, the Jade Emperor Shi Shiran stood up and walked towards the ear door behind the high seat of the Conference Hall.

In his heart, he didn't want to take care of the Queen Mother's affairs. After all, he had been rejected early before asking for a union, so the two would just sit in the heavenly court in such a peaceful manner. Mutual respect is not another way of cooperation.

But there was such a big disturbance as today, not to mention the fairy gods underneath, even he, the Jade Emperor, wanted to ask the Queen Mother.

Moreover, at this moment, the Queen Mother seemed to have gone to a place where she would barely set foot in her daily life, and it was her second trip this time.

Such a weird move, the curiosity in the heart of the Jade Emperor was suddenly ignited.

Immediately after stepping through the ear door of the main hall, the space around the Jade Emperor's body twisted, and then in the next second, his figure appeared in front of the Palace of the Thirty-third Heaven.

At the right time, in the jade forest outside the Sixth Heaven Guanghan Palace.

Ye Chen, who was supposed to have escaped from the heavens, raised his eyes to look at Wu Gang, who was full of burly muscles in front of him, and his eyes wrinkled slightly.

"Brother Wu Gang, who are you?

Why dare to help me save Baihe? Are you not afraid to offend the Queen Mother and offend the entire heavenly court?

Also, in the end, how can you actually be able to rescue the white crane and the jade rabbit under the eyes of the queen mother? "

Ye Chen, who was full of doubts, couldn't stop asking Wu Gang three consecutive times.

And why he was in the jade forest, Ye Chen had just arrived at the time, and his face was dumbfounded.

Originally, he had successfully fooled the four heavenly kings, and was about to flee to the lower realm when he was invisible.

But suddenly, a powerful force suddenly enveloped him, and in the next second, Ye Chen came to the Yushulin.

When they came to Wu Gang who was banging down Yushu, the two of them stared at him with big eyes, and when they saw Wu Gang kept smiling at him.

Afterwards, it was the tug of war between the Queen Mother and Lao Jun to find themselves, and after the Baihe was forced, Wu Gang cleverly sent the Yutu who had just been released by Ye Chen, rescued her and Baihe Fairy one after another, and came to this endless distance together. Yushulin.

This kind of strange scene, Ye Chen really could not have imagined that it was Wu Gang who cut the tree to help him.

It's just that, taking such a big risk, what is Wu Gang's picture?

Also, how strong is the man in front of him?

These are all questions Ye Chen can't understand in Ye Chen's mind at this moment.

After all, in his impression, a strong man who is comparable to the quasi-sage would appear to be painful to come to this jade forest to cut trees.

And if it's for Fairy Chang'e, with Wu Gang's almost quasi-sage strength, wouldn't it be a matter of grasping it?

"I'm Wu Gang, the one who cut the tree outside the Moon Palace, haven't we met before? Brother Ye Chen!"

Wu Gang, who was a burly figure with a red fruit on his upper body and shoulders against an axe, immediately touched the sweat on his forehead after hearing Ye Chen's question, and showed him a panicking smile.

During this time, Fairy Baihe and Yutu, who were rescued to Yushulin, fell into a brief coma, lying on the Yushu beside Ye Chen.

Wu Gang didn't even look at the two pretty fairies, but looked at Ye Chen with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

In such a weird scene, even Ye Chen, who is full of emotions, has a very bottomless thought in his heart: Does this Wu Gang really like to be tough?

No, if that's the case, then he is still staying in Yushulin and doing things. In this moon palace, there are only two young fairies, Chang'e and Yutu. What can he do.

There was a slight uncertainty in his heart, but Ye Chen did not show it on his face.

Seeing that he arched his hand slightly towards Wu Gang, he thanked him and said, "Brother Wu Gang, I don’t want to thank you for your kindness. Ye Chen will remember today’s matter in my heart, but right now, Ye Mou is still unsympathetic. Please, can you please help me and Baihe Fairy to send me down to the mortal realm together with my brother?"

Speaking Ye Chen bent over and picked up the unconscious Baihe leaning on the Yushu.

This silly fairy, in front of the queen mother she was afraid of, refused to give up and call her own name to betray him.

Based on this, Ye Chen couldn't leave this woman anymore, even if he wanted to return to the lower realm, he had to bring her together.

Otherwise, staying in this heavenly palace, if the Queen Mother finds it, I am afraid that there will only be a dead word left.

He couldn't be so ruthless, and he wouldn't leave her like that.

"Haha, Brother Ye Chen is really so kind.

I just helped you, you don't know if you don't know the Entu report, you still dare to ask.

Ye Chen, do you think I will help you again? "

Wu Gang smiled unabated, carrying a big axe, watching Ye Chen deeply, without blinking his eyelids.

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