Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 684: "Good Fortune Hunyuan Gong"

Feeling the condensed serious gaze, Ye Chen's suspicion in his heart made him feel more chill.

But fortunately, if he wanted to use Wu Gang's idea to escape from the heavenly court, he was just probing the Lord, after all, the heavenly court couldn't hold him back.

"If this is the case, then there is no need for Brother Wu Gang, let's not live here!"

Holding Fairy Baihe, Ye Chen whirled slightly, and then flew away from the Yushulin with a sharp turn.

At the same time, the jade rabbit on the side was re-entered into the system space by him, and when he passed through the Guanghan Palace, he would also let him go free.

Journey to the West has a strong spatial suppression force, but after Ye Chen's cultivation level was promoted to Earth Wonderland, the speed at which he flew up was also several times faster than when he first arrived.

And following the familiar use of space power, when Fei flew up at this moment, there were few ups and downs, and Ye Chen had already flown out of the vast jade forest.

However, the faster his speed, the more space power he uses.

Still staying where he was watching his'Wu Gang', the light in his eyes became more intense.

Then, looking at Ye Chen's back, Wu Gang couldn't help but smile again.

"Good boy, you deserve to be a disciple of the deity.

How long has this passed? Not to mention that he has successfully broken through the fairyland, and his understanding of space power is becoming more and more proficient.

It's like, it's like this kid, originally a strong man no less than me, drove the space to come in handy.

It's more and more surprises and surprises to the deity, haha. "

After two bold laughs, Wu Gang didn't see any movement, and the whole person disappeared in the same place.

In the next second, outside the high wall of the Guanghan Palace, Wu Gang's disappeared figure stood in front of Ye Chen who was flying by.

Looking at Wu Gang who was suddenly in front of him, Ye Chen changed hands and included Fairy Baihe into the system space.

Immediately with his eyes, he stared at Wu Gang who behaved strangely in front of him for a moment, staring at him and wrinkled slightly.

"Brother Wu Gang, what are you doing? We have no grievances and no grudges. You really don't need to be so enthusiastic. You still have to come to see Ye."

"Oh? How do you know that I am here to see you off, not to stop you and not let you go?"

Facing Ye Chen, Wu Gang couldn't help but show a weird smile again, and immediately those piercing eyes focused on Ye Chen. The possessiveness in them was really shocking. .

Ye Chen, who realized that the situation was getting more and more wrong, immediately agitated and boiled all over his body, ready to defend his dignity with death and ambition at any time.

Even if he knows he is invincible, what does it mean to reincarnate him into a woman with the Queen Mother in the face of Wu Gang like this?

When he was firm in his mind, Ye Chen also gradually looked at Wu Gang with cold eyes, and stretched out his hand and said: "Thank you brother, let me go. I have to leave the heaven now. If I have time in the future, we won't be too late. "

The final warning has been said, and the immortal power of Ye Chen's body has reached the extreme of boiling fierce.

Although it hasn't moved, its whole body is already covered with a little splendid emperor flame.

In an instant, the temperature of the air outside the Guanghan Palace had also risen from the original chill, and instantly became anxious and hot, as if it might burst at any time.

Seeing Ye Chen waiting in such a desperate posture, "Wu Gang", who knew he might have a misunderstanding, immediately waved his hand and laughed.

"Brother, don't get angry, I just look at your aptitude and look like a talent. For a while, you have a love of talent in your heart.

Now, there is no place for you to stay in other places above the heavenly court.

Brothers might as well worship me ‘Wu Gang’ as a teacher and live in the jade forest.

From now on, the safety of you and that fairy, this...people will naturally take full authority, and will not put you in jail again.

Although the temple is big, you can be the master of the vast cold jade forest! "

After Wu Gang finished speaking, a strong force of wind suddenly blew Ye Chen's heart a little suspicious and uneasy.

Why do you sound so familiar with this?

Also, why are individuals wanting to accept themselves as disciples?

Looking at Wu Gang, who did not put the mighty Queen Mother in his eyes at all, his hands-in-the-chest posture seemed to say that as long as Ye Chen becomes his apprentice, anyone who wants to embarrass him can be blocked by him as a master. All pressures are average.

Regardless of whether the queen mother is the co-master of the heavens, she has great power and can mobilize all immortals with a wave of her hand.

"Could it be that Wu Gang is a saint?"

When he had some guesses about his cultivation base, Ye Chen also subconsciously asked.

"Worshiping you as a teacher, what benefits can I have? Can you teach me how to cultivate a soaring base?

For example, like what ** Xuan Gong? Dapin Tianxian Jue? There are also the art of change, Thirty-six Tiangang, Seventy-two Disha, and Faxiang Tiandi what?

Can you teach me these? "

Ye Chen was never a polite person. Since the other party wanted to accept him as a disciple, Ye Chen didn't want to have any real skills.

And he didn't plan to learn the ordinary immortal techniques such as those cultivated by the immortals in the Heavenly Court. After all, it was too much time to cultivate so quietly.

Sun Wukong still has some time to go down the mountain to be born. If he is the elder brother, if he is still cultivating slowly, what's the use?

Just as Ye Chen's thoughts took off, Wu Gang, who had just uttered'Kuangyan', was immediately stunned by what he said: looking at Ye Chen, who turned to stare at him,'Wu Gang' at this moment, but It was a habitual smirk, and he started to stand still and scratched his head.

He never expected that Ye Chen, who had a very average cultivation base and came from the mortal world, would actually know so many top cultivation methods of the immortal family.

**Xuangong? Dapin Tianxianjue? Thirty-six changes in Tiangang.........

These things are all top-notch practice methods, and if they have good wisdom roots and have a clear understanding.

The cultivation of these top immortal magic techniques is extremely fast.

The speed of increasing the realm of cultivation will also increase rapidly, just like drinking water.

But generally speaking, it is impossible for ordinary immortals to know or hear about such precious cultivation fairy tactics, even if it is the name.

But at the moment Ye Chen, the disciple he wanted to accept, knew so much detail? And even knowing the powerful and fierce supernatural powers of Faxiangtiandi, this is too unprepared for people.

Although he hasn't approved the Saint Peak Realm, what he has been cultivating has been the ‘Jing Xuan Proud Immortal Art’ taught to him by his ancestors.

And has been practicing for a long time, there are no shortcuts to talk about, extremely assiduously practiced, after all kinds of disasters.

Right now, Ye Chen wants to practice quickly, this this...

"Brother Wu Gang, if you don't have one, you'd better get out of the way quickly, don't stop Ye from the lower realm, and say goodbye!"

While'Wu Gang' was thinking hard about what else could be done quickly under his hand, Ye Chen said goodbye again, and he was about to pass him and leave.

Seeing this Wu Gang, who finally convinced Ye Chen a little bit, suddenly felt unwilling to give up, and immediately stopped in front of Ye Chen, and said with a frown.

"Brother Ye Chen, for the magical powers of the fairy tactics you mentioned, brother does have some similar methods in his hands.

However, a realm promotion that is too fast, after all, is not as good as a steady and steady fight, which is too vain.

Why don't you just follow me to practice for some time, I'm sure that within a thousand years, you will be able to help you achieve the Great Luojin Wonderland.

But if you insist on the immortal technique of rapid cultivation, I got a copy of "Good Fortune Hunyuan Gong" by chance, but that is not an ordinary immortal technique, and it is extremely dangerous when you practice it. If you are not careful, you will end up with it. The end of the fascination.

After getting it for my brother, I also wanted to use this practice to break through the realm of saints, but after all, the realm was not enough to be too cruel to myself. "

Wu Gang was talking, but Ye Chen's eyes, who was about to pass him by the side, were full of energy.

Immediately, a resolute voice reverberated in Wu Gang's ear and said: "Master, can you teach me "Good Fortune Hunyuan Gong"!"

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