Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 700: Outside the Guanghan high wall, the drizzle is tender and silent

As soon as Fairy Baihe said this, in an instant, the romantic atmosphere created by Ye Chen's heart was broken to pieces in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, his continuously approaching body also came suddenly and suddenly, frozen in place, a little at a loss.

But at this moment, Fairy Baihe looked like an emotional idiot. He didn't realize that Ye Chen's mood was not right at all, and then took his hand and said aloud from close range.

"Although I don't know why you feel safe, Ye Chen, this fairy has something to say to you clearly.

That is, among the great gods of the various palaces in this heavenly court, even His Majesty the Jade Emperor with the highest status, could not stop the Queen Mother from acting in the slightest.

Because I want to find you, a mere mortal, it's just a small thing that can't be too small.

Even after His Majesty the Jade Emperor knows that the Queen Mother is the cause of the movement in the heavens, he might even send the Immortal Gods to come to get you.

Don't be too naive, never trust anyone in the entire heavenly court, even if it's me, don't believe anything I say when you see this fairy again in the future.

The power of the Queen Mother is not what you can imagine.

I don't want to watch you get caught by the Queen Mother, even if it is a little bit of harm, this fairy will never allow you to get hurt, do you know?

Come with me! "

Fairy Baihe, who hadn't figured out the situation at all, expressed his heartfelt feelings, and then he pulled Ye Chen somewhat domineeringly, and wanted to continue to go outside the Nantian Gate.

As if going to the lower realm and entering the vast four continents of the mortal world, Ye Chen could be as free as a fish in water, without being disturbed by anyone.

However, looking at her innocent and flawless appearance, the corner of Ye Chen's mouth showed a slight smile inadvertently.

If he hadn't been sure about Baihe's heart before, then Ye Chen could be sure that the fairy in front of him was destined to work hard to protect her in his life.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but violently explode the strength in his body, and dragged the white crane fairy Hao's wrist who wanted to continue to attack, causing him to jump into his arms without any control.

Immediately, Ye Chen no longer cared about other things, and after reaching out to hug the little white crane on his chest, he began to say with a smile.

"Sister Fairy, you are so cute, people can't help but want to kiss you and possess you.

Although I am not as strong as you, for the rest of my life, Ye Chen will do my best not to let you suffer any harm.

Because you are my little white crane, the Chenjing that I want to protect all my life! "

"What are you doing, let go of this fairy~~~

I told you so much, why didn't you hear a word? We are in danger right now, you can't and can't mess around with this fairy, me, me..."

The fairy Baihe who was embraced by Ye Chen, this emotionally idiot fairy, even if he no longer understood the relationship between men and women, could not stand Ye Chen's very explicit and heartfelt words of tiger and wolf.

Right now, the white crane with a sharp red face also raised his arms and wanted to push Ye Chen away, and wanted to take him out of the dangerous place of heaven first, and then talk about other things.

It's just that at this moment, the White Crane Fairy who was pushing Ye Chen with all his strength, suddenly discovered that he, who was strongly embraced by him, was as if he had lost 90% of his strength. There was not enough strength to move Ye Chen.

Moreover, leaning on the other's sturdy chest, Baihe couldn't help but flushed, and the words Ye Chen said echoed in his mind: I want to kiss her, take her!

Such words are like a lingering curse, constantly reminiscing in his mind, just like Ye Chen's voice dictating in his ears, condensed for a long time.

Baihe had never had such a strong emotional stimulus in his heart, and began to feel a little flustered, wanting to push away again.

But every time he exerted his force, in his mind, he continued to automatically outline his naked body and he was firmly grasped by Ye Chen, and then he acted recklessly, acting indiscriminately against himself.

Even Baihe, who has never experienced such a marvelous thing, is also in the hazy picture of self-replenishing fantasy, and sees Ye Chen, who is ‘fighting a gun,’ constantly doing strange things to her.

It’s just because of the excessive lack of knowledge in this aspect that even if the picture of Fairy Baihe’s brain is enduring, it seems like a picture of several layers of unknown clouds, but it still prevents her from seeing what is inside. What happened, Ye Chen treated himself so cruelly or tenderly.

As soon as this sutra had an emotional fantasy, even the fairy above the heavenly court, at this moment, was collapsed in Ye Chen's arms with a soft body, Qiong nose was breathing fast, and the fragrance was in the mouth and spit out.

And looking at Ye Chen, who was so charming and charming, with the appearance of Ren Jun picking, he had not done such a thing for a long time, and he was really a little irritated, and he wished to give the White Crane Fairy in his arms to the spot on the spot.

But when I thought about this place within six days, not far from Yushulin, Ye Chen, who didn't want to give his cheap master a live broadcast, suddenly picked up Fairy Baihe, and the two of them shrank into jade rabbits. Looks like, rushing towards the rabbit group pavilion outside the high wall of Guanghan Palace.

There was a long distance from Yushulin. If both of them were hiding in the outer garments of the origin of the system, the master and the old man would not be aware of it.

And with Fairy Chang'e not knowing the suffering of Yutu, she would not go to that pavilion either.

Moreover, due to the special dark advantage of the geographical location, it is absolutely impossible for all the patrolling heaven soldiers guarding the Guanghan Palace to set foot in that pavilion.

Therefore, the small stone pavilion outside the Guanghan Palace is the best place to solve my immediate ‘emergency’.

After thinking about this, Ye Chen urged the origin of the system space, wrapped him and the Baihe Fairy in a group and hid them.

Immediately afterwards, he mobilized his body's celestial power with all his strength and rushed towards the high wall and stone pavilion at full speed to prepare for a big fight.

It's just that the weird position he moved forward in this way aroused suspicious questions about the fairy in his arms.

"Ye Chen, where are we going?

Think about it, did you escape from the heavenly court, eh~? "

Faced with such an abnormal breath, Ye Chen immediately couldn't help but shivered, then raised his finger in front of his mouth and murmured.

"Hush, don't be afraid, Fairy Sister, we are just going to sleep, and we will be there soon."

"Sleeping? But, but I'm not sleepy. Ye Chen, let's escape the Nantian Gate quickly, otherwise..."

Fairy Baihe didn't hear Ye Chen's overtones at all, and still wanted him to leave the heavenly court safely.

It’s just that the atmosphere is here, how could Ye Chen give up easily? At the moment, he just showed a faint smile at the white crane, and then simply said, “We’re all going to be all right,” and transformed into a small jade rabbit. The body went straight to Shiting Xiaodi!

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