Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 701: Innocence Baihe: You hurt me

Soon, Ye Chen once again came to the stone pavilion outside Guanghan Palace. After flying and falling in the pavilion, the white crane fairy in his arms was also restored to his original size and pretty appearance in an instant. Lying on the stone table in the pavilion.

The white and rosy cheeks outlined a beautiful red arc in Ye Chen's vision, who had not recovered his body.

Just looking at it, for Ye Chen, who is now more and more animalistic, is so fascinating.

And he didn't hide the slightest, after he transformed back into his body as a human being, a fierce tiger came towards the white crane fairy who did not resist.

In an instant, the heavy object hit Fairy Baihe so hard that the little fairy who had no experience could not help but mumble softly.

Immediately, he raised his messy little hand, trying to push Ye Chen down.

But it is a pity that such a vain struggle has evoked Ye Chen's long-term inability to release, and the beast nature that burned with flames became more and more dishonest.

His breathing gradually became heavier, Ye Chen didn't care about the three-seven-one, opened his mouth and chewed on Fairy Baihe's red lips, and then his big hands became even more unrestrained, and he was familiar with it. What it should do.

However, Ye Chen, who was so experienced, made it impossible for Fairy Baihe to stand up for a while and was defeated.

On the other hand, she also blushed like a ruby, her little hand gripped Ye Chen's chest tightly, and muttered.

"No, don't go on like this, okay, I've already suffered..."

Before his voice was over, a voice that was not satisfied with his desire suppressed his words.

"Where is this sister Fairy, I haven't gotten real yet, you can't just care about yourself."

Ye Chen, who hadn't even had time to take off his clothes, would simply let the white crane go. It didn't even start, so why was there a sneak attack?

Looking at Fairy Baihe, whose face was blushing and the face was faintly bloody, the whole person collapsed on the stone table and gasped for breath.

Wanting to get out of Ye Chen's control, at this moment, it was even more helpless, and it was worthwhile to look at Ye Chen dimly, with the expression of begging for mercy in his eyes.

Seeing such a pitiful beauty, Ye Chen immediately couldn't help swallowing his saliva. After that, he stopped talking nonsense anymore, and his body trembled slightly, and all his clothes disappeared in an instant. Two nets.

"Just once, okay, I'll be quick, sister Fairy, don't worry."

In order to satisfy his desire for sou, the corner of Ye Chen's mouth could not help but reveal a pure smile, coupled with the perfect body that is strong but not fat, and the handsome appearance of Xian Yi Juechen.

For a while, Fairy Baihe, who had already lost the battle, immediately nodded at Ye Chen in a ghostly manner, and then saw her teeth clenching and her slender white legs tilted slightly.

After doing all the postures and moves, the Fairy Baihe who had just agreed to Ye Chen, a thought suddenly rose in his heart.

"Because it's just a short while, just like me, Ye Chen shouldn't hold on for too long.

In this case, what can't help this fairy, isn't it just for a short while. "

Baihe, who forcibly gave himself a sigh, felt a little scared in his heart, and he was immediately comforted by himself.

However, in this self-comforting heart, before Fairy Baihe had enough sense of security, a strong sense of tearing made Baihe's whole person tremble crazily.

Immediately, there was a loud scream, which also instantly rang across the entire building area of ​​Guanghan Palace.

Ye Chen, who heard such a huge cry, couldn't stop his eyebrows from jumping, and secretly, it would be good if he didn't disturb someone.

Thinking about it, he covered Fairy Baihe's mouth with one hand, and hissed with one hand in front of his mouth.

"Sister Fairy, don't cry, don't cry, you will get better soon, can you hold on for a while?"

During the speech, where did Ye Chen dare to move any more, his body stiffened hard, waiting for Fairy Baihe to nod his head for agreement.

He is not the man who likes to forcefully mess around, Ye Chen thinks, he still needs the consent of the person he loves before he can continue.

Otherwise, if Fairy Baihe doesn't follow, then he can really strengthen her and fail.

Suddenly, the air inside the stone pavilion became a little quieter.

There were tears in the corner of Fairy Baihe's eyes, and the severe pain made her mouth tremble.

But Ye Chen stopped suddenly and asked her what she meant, but Baihe didn't know for a moment whether he should be angry with the other party.

She didn't understand why it was fine before, and there was some stimulation and comfort.

But in the blink of an eye, why did Ye Chen stop talking about martial arts, and stabbed her with a sharp sword to hurt her.

Pain, her pain is really painful, and the unparalleled pain is constantly occupying her nerves.

So that Baihe could not help but think secretly in his mind: Is this man in front of him trying to kill himself?

Fairy Baihe, who didn't know anything about men and women, burst into tears in a moment of grievance.

She treated Ye Chen with a sincere heart, but the other party hurt him so much, could it be that this is why the Queen Mother didn't allow the whole heavenly goddess to commit suicide with mortals in private.

It turns out that there is this deep meaning in it? It turns out that the Queen Mother is protecting everyone, not to be fooled by mortals easily?

Fairy Baihe, with sharp thoughts and strange thoughts, stared at him deeply, with his eyes full of worthless possessions.

She couldn't help but blurted out and asked, "Ye Chen, you want to seize my immortal veins and bones, but are you going to enter the heavenly court as an immortal as a matter of course?

Everything that we have experienced before, is it just because you want to become a celestial sex, you lie to me like this?

To say that life is alive, without emotion is like walking dead ~ not living.

What to say to protect me, for life.

All this is just your hypocritical lie, isn't it? "

The tearful eyes that Fairy Baihe said, seemed to have suffered a huge blow in his heart.

The sharp pain in her body reminded her all the time not to think about Ye Chen's kindness to her.

Regardless of his own safety, he forcibly rescued himself from the Queen Mother, and also affectionately, must always protect her, this life will not be separated.

When Fairy Baihe thought of this, the tears in his eyes became more and more turbulent, and the unstoppable drops of water slid down his fair and pretty face, as if the whole person was immersed in endless harm and betrayed. In the hatred of hate.

However, looking at Ye Chen who suddenly said a lot of inexplicable words, he smiled helplessly and said: "Where is this all, Sister Fairy, listen to me to explain, in fact, I didn't hurt you.

Oh no, it's not that it hurts, but it's not that kind of hurt..."

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