Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 710: Willing to die for the lover

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't react, he was captured by his own Jade White Immortal. Fairy Chang'e couldn't help but sighed and shook his head.

"After all, it is the difference in realm that will lead to shallow insights between you and me.

Just like before, I was so ignorant that I wanted to escape the heaven on my own, but I never knew it. In the eyes of a **** as powerful as ‘she’, you and I are after all just ants that are free to handle, alas! "

Fairy Chang'e couldn't help sighing. After seeing the gap between the sages and immortals in her heart, she felt more and more that the barrier that she could never cross over would be impossible in this life or in the next life.

Thinking of this, Chang'e couldn't help but shook her head sorrowfully.

But at this moment, a sound came from his ears and came up in a leisurely manner.

"Sister Fairy, why is your voice so sad?

Who made you unhappy, can you tell me, I can help you. "

"Help me? No need, because that's a person who can't afford to provoke me, how can you help..."

Halfway through the conversation, Fairy Chang'e suddenly realized that the sound in her ears was very strange, and then she suddenly turned her head in surprise and looked away.

A icy lips, the moment Chang'e turned his head in an instant, it fits tightly with her white teeth and red lips.

The refreshing softness, mixed with a touch of mint fragrance and sweetness, gave people a very comfortable feeling, so that Chang'e subconsciously wanted to keep tasting it, and wanted to explore more wonderful feelings.

But in the next second, the person who was reflected by her pupils immediately caused her whole person to fall into a blinding state.

Without even thinking about it at the moment, Jiaochu hurriedly flew back toward the back, and the guy who was close to her lips opened a long distance.

After stabilizing his figure, Fairy Chang'e's perfect face suddenly revealed a hint of redness.

"You, why are you by my side? How did you escape the siege of this fairy Jade White Fairy.

Impossible, being trapped by my immortal belt frontally, even if it is a golden fairyland powerhouse with a better cultivation base than me, it will never be possible to escape.

how did you do it? "

Looking at the handsome man not far away, with a three-point smirk and six-point indifference at the corner of his mouth, Chang'e couldn't help but recall the strange feeling of the four lips just now.

Those feelings were completely different from the usual tactile sensations when I was intimacy with Yutu. On the contrary, it was a very comfortable and harmonious pleasure, as well as the weird illusion that I wanted to continue.

"Ah? You shouldn't ask Yemou this question, Fairy Sister, are you sure, is it me that you trapped?"

Looking at the invisible fairy who was quickly pulling away, Ye Chen couldn't help touching his lips during the reply.

The soft, fragrant and greasy that had just hit suddenly, as if hit by something gentle, the clear and incomparable touch makes people quite nostalgic.

But the question is, where is the gentle thing that hits Sister Fairy? Why did you run away just now?

Thinking of the soft collision just now, Ye Chen couldn't help but look at the slightly transparent shadow of the other party. He raised his hand and touched his lips. He didn't even know where he was contaminated by someone taking advantage of him.

"You are not allowed to show such a slutty expression.

Give it to me as soon as possible and catch it with bare hands. "

With a soft drink, there was a sudden sound, and then, the thousands of jade and white immortal belts that had just been squeezed and besieged, suddenly burst into a burst of colorful magical light.

Immediately after they quickly dispersed out of thin air, they also turned into dense jade silk ribbons, rushing straight towards Ye Chenfei who was thinking.

But this was not general enough. While Chang'e was controlling the immortal belt to attack the siege, while in her small mouth, she began to mutter the ancient and incomprehensible fairy tactics, and continuously gathered a huge colorful light group in front of her chest.

Suddenly, over the vast area of ​​the ruins of the Guanghan Palace, bursts of sharp and inexplicable depression suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Turning to the sky full of colorful clouds, suddenly wisps of colorful divine light clouds like blue smoke flowed from the inside, and they continued to flow and fall across the air.

For a time, it was as if the entire Sixth Heaven was raining with colorful divine light, and the coverage was so large, as if the entire Sixth Heaven and Earth were covered by the continuous beam of divine light and clouds.

And with the appearance of more and more streamer clouds, Ye Chen, who had not noticed any problems at first, suddenly felt that the air between the whole world and the earth was condensed, and he could not catch his own influence on the space. The control broke open forcibly.

That kind of huge oppression also seemed to come from a different super field, not only suppressing the stability of the space, but also making people's breathing a little unsmooth.

Looking at the many immortal belts flying over, and the light stream of clouds floating in the sky, Ye Chen couldn't help showing a solemn color for the first time in his eyes.

"It looks like I looked down upon the fairy before.

But fairy, how do you want Ye to catch it?

Don’t you just want to catch me just like you took my lips and kisses? "

Hearing that, Fairy Chang'e, who was deploying magical powers, suddenly stopped and stirred for a moment, and his beautiful eyes turned to Ye Chen to stare.

"Xiu has lied, Ye Chen, it's too late for you to surrender now, I can give you another chance!"

"I really, do you have a chance?" Ye Chen, who agreed to turn his head and look at the transparent figure of Chang'e, could not help but add another sentence after he murmured at the corner of his mouth: "Fairy Chang'e!"

When the voice fell, Chang'e, who was still invisible, looked at Ye Chen in the invisible state that quickly dissipated.

On her pretty face, apart from a strange redness, there were no other expressions, and she was surprised that Ye Chen could guess her identity, and it didn't exist at all.

After all, in the ruined Guanghan Palace in the sixth heaven, there will be a few more female fairies here.

Chang'e, who showed a slender figure, looked at Ye Chen, whose mouth was still smiling, her beautiful eyes trembling slightly.

"You still have a chance. As long as you agree to go with me to'Daluotian', this fairy will let you go, and my Fairy Chang'e will owe you a favor from now on. When you are from Daluotian Come out, I will..."

"Do you agree with your body?

In this case, Ye Mou feels feasible.

I, Ye Chen, willing to die in the hands of my own woman! "

Chang'e didn't finish her Ye Chen followed her words, responded quickly, and immediately spread her hands slightly, waiting for all her attacks without any resistance.

It's just that when he said this, and the calm appearance of willing to die for the lover.

Fairy Chang'e could hear it, but her heart trembled.

But soon, she shook her head and said alone: ​​"Men, they are all the same. The smallpox she said is willing to die for me, but in the end, she is all greedy for life and fear of death. I know the Jade Emperor. After they exist, they hide themselves from ghosts and gods, but they are just a generation of apprentices who try their best and covet their beauty.

Pathetic, pathetic! "

After thinking about it, Chang'e couldn't help but settled her mind, and then continued to control the magic magic power she used, and bombarded Ye Chen.

As long as you try your best to win the gift from the other party to the Queen Mother, you don't need anyone's help to be free.

She must do this!

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