Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 711: He is really different

For the desire for freedom, Chang'e has been looking forward to it for thousands of years.

And now Ye Chen's non-resistance also brought the hope of victory to her.

It seemed that as long as he maintained the offensive in front of him, wounded Ye Chen, and then took him down to the Queen Mother.

But despite this, when Chang'e looked at Ye Chen who hadn’t made any defenses, she couldn’t help but remember that the Queen Mother and the Empress made her own shot, and she pierced the huge Sixth Heaven into a hole with a single palm. Obviously that It was the killer.

Then, if she grabbed the opponent and sent him to the Yaochi Palace today, Ye Chen's end would be extremely obvious.

Sacrifice the lives of others for your own freedom, really, do you want to do this?

The beams of light and clouds in the sky slopped down slopingly, carrying most of Chang'e's celestial power, and rushing away with great momentum.

In a short while, it was already less than a kilometer above Ye Chen's head.

And the many immortal belt jade silks that had been urged before had tightly wrapped Ye Chen's body, who had not resisted, tightly wrapped like a mummy.

But even in the face of such a catastrophic attack, Ye Chen still stood there with a calm complexion, and never instigated the slightest strength to come out.

Even Fairy Chang'e couldn't help but frown and worry about it.

The two originally had a huge difference in the realm, so facing her offensive without any reaction, I was afraid that even if they did not die, they would end up in a tragic situation of distress.

Seeing that this scene was still going on, Chang'e, who was a little confused, couldn't help but uttered a voice.

"Fight back, or you won't have another chance.

Don't say so grandiosely that you did this for this fairy, after all, you men don't have a good thing.

Everyone is just greedy for my beauty. You show your greed and greed, but you don’t need to use such awkward means.

You were seen through, Ye Chen! "

After finally speaking out all the words buried in her heart, Chang'e couldn't help feeling that her psychological burden had been reduced a lot for a while.

Throughout the years, all the fairy gods in the heavenly court have all complimented and sought after her in every possible way, and even obtained some rare and exotic treasures, and would not hesitate to give her to enjoy.

He said that he fell in love with her at first sight and loved her for a long time. In the final analysis, it was not because he was greedy for her reputation as the number one beauty in the Three Realms of Chang'e and wanted her body.

Although there is the Jade Emperor's constraints, if she is willing to go first, she is willing to take the initiative to do something extraordinary with which fairy god.

Even if it is known by the Jade Emperor, they can't be helped. All the faults will only be blamed on him, Chang'e.

But when it came to life and death, would anyone really want to give up a long and hard-won life for her? Abandon everything for her?

No, that kind of person doesn't exist at all.

Fairy Chang'e, who knows all the inferiorities of men very well in her heart, looked at Ye Chenhou who was still pretending to hear her words.

The bottom of my heart couldn't help but think of some things that happened in the past, and then, the only trace of worry and other intentions in her heart slowly disappeared without a trace.

She really wanted to see, but it was just a mortal, in the face of such a crushing or even death attack, where did Ye Chen pretend to be in front of her.

Maybe, his offensive distance has just reached 100 meters, he will fight back.

Oh, how is this different from those hypocritical immortals.

As if he had made up his mind, Chang'e instantly urged the magic formula in his hand.

At the same time, the beams of divine light clouds covering the sky over the sky are also multiplying the speed of the storm.

In a short while, the airspace position that slipped had already covered the end of a hundred meters above Ye Chen's head.

As if there is another half a second, it will be like a pouring down, directly hitting the top of its head, destroying it instantly.

At this time, Fairy Chang'e, who was staring at Ye Chen, also said silently in his heart: "Fight back, fight back quickly. Put away your pretense and do it quickly. Let me see, I haven't reached the immortal position yet. What is so special about you."

However, Chang'e, who urged Shenguang Yunshu to attack, secretly urged, but suddenly discovered that even if the big goods were about to come, Ye Chen, who was watching him, still had any defensive reactions.

10 meters....5 meters....1 Ye Chen, who was about to be bombed by the sky full of divine light clouds, could be trapped by himself. Not only was there no counterattack defense here, but even in Chang'e. Under his gaze, the other party turned his head to look at her, and smiled at her.

As soon as that smile came out, Chang'e's ugly cognition of all the fairy gods before, seemed to collapse in an instant.

She never expected that there would be such a fool under the world.

Without getting any response from her, she just so willingly forgot the preciousness of life for her, Chang'e.

"What are you drawing, Ye Chen, what are you drawing?"

Under Ye Chen's calm smile, Chang'e couldn't help but mutter in disbelief for a while, her beautiful eyes full of incredible surprise.

Because everyone in the world has never given her such a simple heart shock. Everyone beside her has a plan.

But the mortal Ye Chen in front of him, why, is so different.

When he was shocked, the pouring beam of divine light that covered the sky still fell on Ye Chen's head, less than half a meter apart.

But the guy who made people wonder, still looked at her stupidly and smiled.

Seeing such a situation, he could no longer stop it, and Fairy Chang'e, whose mood had changed, couldn't help but shout loudly.

"Get out of the Use the trick you used to the queen mother to avoid, no, don't just leave this world like this."

An exclamation rang out, and Fairy Chang'e also rushed to the spot, and flew straight towards Ye Chen.

I said before that my own supernatural power will only damage the opponent's divine soul, but that is under the premise of making a defensive offensive.

But now Ye Chen, who is defenseless, will definitely be smashed with one blow with his full strength, and it is most likely that he will be utterly devastated.

Chang'e didn't want to watch the only man among the three realms who treated him special dying, but here, she seemed to be unable to stop anything other than shouting.

At the same time, Ye Chen, who was firmly trapped by Chang'e and the clouds came from the sky, couldn't help but smiled at Chang'e who was flying towards him: "Fairy Chang'e, you really are not as ruthless in the legend. Yeah!"

With that said, Ye Chen, who hadn't moved for a long time, had a surging celestial power all over his body, and then the thirteen leaf golden lotus in the Dantian in his body swayed stupidly...

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