Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 716: Ye Chen who never succumbed

With that, the Queen Mother also patted Ye Chen on the shoulder, and then continued.

"Follow this seat and keep your kid in the endless glory and wealth, not to mention, there are countless rare treasures that are coveted by the fairy gods and monsters of the Three Realms.

You will never suffer from following this Queen Mother.

But, while getting the benefits of this seat, Ye Chen, you must also do something in this palace.

It is a basic requirement to serve this seat and rest. As for the more important, well, I will talk to you in detail later. "

The Queen Mother kept talking, and apparently she had already calculated everything before this meeting.

However, in the face of such rude and non-compliance with his original desires, Ye Chen has never been a master who tends to be inferior to the flames.

I saw a pair of star eyes, staring at the queen mother who was close at hand.

"Shu Yemou can't follow his fate and can't do all the things you ask.

As the saying goes, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated. How come I, Ye Chen, a man of seven feet, became the queen mother for a bit of petty profit?

I am a man, not the fairies in your Jade Lake Palace! "

Ye Chen said unceremoniously, and his strong words had more meaning of righteous words.

Compared to the Yaochi Palace, he really wanted to stay in the Dust Palace full of elixir and magical medicine. It's a pity that the overwhelming old gentleman actually sold himself, so he simply left him to the Queen Mother. Stayed in the Yaochi Palace.

If there is a chance, Ye Chen feels that when it is necessary to return to the Palace of Rates again, he will come up with a plan that will not leave a single inch of the elixir.

Only before implementing this plan, escape from the Yaochi Palace is the top priority right now.

"Oh? Is it true?

What a seven-foot man, standing upright.

But before you make up your mind not to serve this seat, do you have to find out how many rare and exotic objects, fairy beasts, and magic treasures have been stored in this Queen Mother's Jade Pool Palace during these endless years.

Are you sure, are you not ready to find out? "

Looking at the appearance of Ye Chen who was resolute and unwilling to leave, the Queen Mother didn't panic at all. After beckoning, she walked back to her throne without hurriedness, supported by Fairy Chang'e.

At the same time, the somewhat unusual Fairy Chang'e who was obedient and obedient also suddenly spoke.

"Ye Chen, I think it's better for you to find out.

The background of the Queen Mother, the Yaochi Palace Collection, may really exceed your imagination. "

Chang'e's kind words persuaded Ye Chen to frown, and then responded.

"Fairy Chang'e, Ye Mouguan, you seem to be trapped in this Yaochi Palace. Are you also under the coercion of the Queen Mother?

You and I have full authority to inform me, if possible, Ye Chen is willing to take you away.

After all, this Jade Lake Palace is simply not suitable for you peerless pretty people.

Only freedom and unruly is our common yearning, isn't it? "

Adhering to the same idea, Ye Chen spoke emotionally at this moment.

After all, in this world, it is rare that there is a fairy like Chang'e, who swears to the death to get a free soul.

But just as Ye Chen's thoughts came up in his heart, Fairy Chang'e's voice instantly made him unable to help but raise his eyes and stare at the other party, shrugging his shoulders and frowning and pouting.

He only heard the voice of Chang'e and said: "No, Ye Chen, you really misunderstood what the Queen Mother meant. In fact, agreeing to the Queen Mother’s request is of great benefit to you and me."

After saying this, Fairy Chang'e also looked at Ye Chen with a smile, and then stretched out his hand to hook him. Although he was speechless, he seemed to say: Come on Ye Chen, join us, join the Yaochi Palace and be happy.

Looking at this weird scene, Ye Chen's whole body was standing upright, and he didn't understand what happened to Fairy Chang'e now, and what the Queen Mother was calculating with him.

What do these two women in front of them want to do to themselves?

Doubts arose in his heart, and looking at the beautiful eyes of Fairy Chang'e and Queen Mother, Ye Chen couldn't help but step back subconsciously.

Facing such sultry two stunning beauties, Ye Chen didn't have the assurance of winning by sticking to his heart.

However, his slight panic expression fell straight into the eyes of the Queen Mother.

Immediately the next second, I saw the Queen Mother with a single move.

In the sky above the towering and wide main hall of the Yaochi Palace, there suddenly appeared many attractive flat peaches that were full of abundance and fluttering with fairy spirit, one of which was the size of a half human head, and the flesh was thin and red.

Just looking at it from afar, there is a stream of sweet and rich powerful vitality in the nose and mouth, constantly flowing through it.

Even Ye Chen, who had eaten the magical medicine of Laojun's Immortal Pill, couldn't help but swallow.

But before he had time to act, the Queen Mother, who was sitting high, waved her hand.

Immediately, a divine sword with a glazed light and flying clouds and a magnificent star cloud suddenly appeared in front of Ye Chen.

Just hovering there, Ye Chen felt a ray of sword aura that was difficult to look directly at, as if to penetrate him in an instant.

Before he could feel the stalemate carefully, Ye Chen had a feeling in his heart that if he could get this sword, any Taiyi Golden Immortal would be nothing more than a flash of smoke and could be destroyed at his fingertips.

"Good sword!"

Unable to hold back, Ye Chen said just one thing.

After hearing this, the Queen Mother also said with a faint smile on the corners of her mouth.

"What a good sword, it's just a Liuxia Star Sword that this constellation got accidentally in the early years. It's not a big deal if a mortal drives it, but it can kill Chen Tianxian.

It's just a trivial collection of swords in the collection of this seat. Seeing that it is in a good style, it has been kept until now. "

After the Queen Mother said, Ye Chen suddenly felt a rush of wind blowing towards her face. How she heard these words, they seemed to be pretending to be compelling.

What is meant by a mortal holding a sword can kill the gods!

The hard power gap between mortals and immortals is not to say what the gap is, it is simply a world of difference, okay?

Moreover, such a divine sword that can span the gap between mortals and immortals is actually just an object of appreciation in the hands of your queen mother?

Thinking about it, the corner of Ye Chen's mouth couldn't help but twitch for a while, and he secretly said that the heavenly court co-lord, as expected, he was so arrogant.

However, just relying on this divine sword foreign object, already those dozen flat peaches want to buy him?

Ye Chen felt that it was unnecessary!

After experiencing the fascinating peaches and the amazingly powerful divine sword, the novel color on Ye Chen's face gradually disappeared, as if he was completely disinterested.

Seeing this, Fairy Chang'e couldn't help looking back and forth between Ye Chen and Queen Mother, and then shook his head slightly.

Then my heart couldn’t help but secretly said: "Mother Queen, isn’t it good for us to tell the truth? Why did you use such foreign temptations? Oh, I really don’t know what you think..."

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