Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 717: Ye Chen's overly greedy

Fairy Chang'e sighed with emotion, as if she was immediately felt by the Queen Mother.

Ye Chen, who was unmoved by her gaze, was attracted by her flat peach sword, her cold beautiful eyes inevitably wrinkled slightly for a moment.

The Queen Mother felt that although the benefits she had brought out were not considered the treasures of the Three Realms, it was no matter what.

There are more than a dozen flat peaches that are coveted by thousands of immortals and gods in the heavens, but they are fine flat peaches that ripen once in six thousand years.

People who eat Xiaju and fly up to cast a position of immortality, not to mention immortality, the realm of cultivation can also be promoted to a great realm.

In addition, you can kill the gods at will by holding them, and you can get the same from the Golden Fairy's Liuxia Divine Sword.

Even if it is taken out casually, and I don't know what kind of competition storm should be set off, this is not something ordinary immortals can enjoy, and the value is self-evident.

But Ye Chen's servant, the look of these treasures here, was so calm that he was too calm, and there was no sign of heartbeat at all.

"Could it be that the value of the items we put out is not enough?"

Seeing the appearance of Ye Chen who didn't respond, the Queen Mother couldn't help but think about it in secret, and after a moment of hesitation in her solemn pretty face, she waved forward again.

In an instant, a small sapling that looked delicate, but mixed with lush green vitality, instantly appeared in the midair of the main hall of the Yaochi Palace.

And the moment the delicate saplings appeared, waves of majestic vitality rippling like tides, suddenly like mountains and seas, frantically wandering in the main hall of Yaochi Palace.

And when he felt the incredibly powerful vitality rushing to his face for the first time, the speed of the good fortune Hunyuan Jue in Ye Chen's body, unexpectedly, in an instant, at a speed of a geometric multiple, then it started to run frantically.

The speed is so fast, as if he signed in directly and completed several goddess tasks, making Ye Chen's gaze not entirely fixed on the delicate sapling, secretly speaking strangely.

However, before he had time to look at it for a while, the small sapling that was so small and tender as if a gust of wind could blow it off, disappeared again.

At the same time, the voice of the Queen Mother heard faintly.

"Ye Chen, as long as you follow me and serve you honestly, you will be able to cultivate under the innate spiritual root tree just now.

As long as you promise to obey me, you will be interested in some of the treasures of the Three Realms in this collection. "

After the Queen Mother said, she put on a cold look with her head raised and proud, as if everything was under control, with Ye Chen's eyes facing each other.

After a while, Ye Chen, who hadn't spoken for a long time, also said aloud.

"Since the Queen Mother and the Empress have shown such rich sincerity, then Ye Mou naturally has nothing to mind."

Upon hearing this, the Queen Mother finally nodded in satisfaction, secretly saying that Ye Chen was not so stupid.

But soon, Ye Chen's next words, she heard Queen Mother Liu's brows wrinkled slightly.

"But right, it's okay to want Ye to be obedient, but how many conditions can the Queen Mother beat me?"

"Huh? Conditions, interesting, I am curious, what other conditions can you put forward."

The Queen Mother, who was slightly displeased by Qiao Rong, said in a cold tone.

She didn't expect that she had brought out so many good things to exchange, but Ye Chen still looked like a tiger who couldn't feed her, she was a bit greedy.

But anyway, as long as the other party can agree to it and the conditions are not excessive, then the Queen Mother doesn't think it's a big deal.

After all, the Ye Chen she knew now was not simply a mortal who could serve her at will.

Its more use value to oneself is the key to that quasi-sage's breakthrough in cultivation.

Compared with self staying in the heavens and cultivating hard, if there is a contrast that is completely opposite to the direction of her cultivation, the Queen Mother doesn’t need to think about it, she knows that this will be of great benefit to her future cultivation path, and it may even be possible. Play a range of effects that are completely beyond your own understanding.

After all, this Ye Chen, but the boy whom the saint too sage Laojun fancy, had to make her, the queen mother, take a little more thought.

What's more, even if the other party asks for the conditions rudely at the moment, it is still possible who will get more benefits from whom in the future.

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother's mind also appeared in the form of a good-looking fairy, and immediately murmured in her heart.

"Little Baihe, I hope you will disappoint me by then."

Ye Chen, who was standing in the center of the main hall, just started thinking about the Queen Mother's heart, and immediately spoke directly about his demands without being polite.

"First: Ye Chen, it's impossible for me to go to reincarnation to serve you, the Queen Mother. If you don't agree to this, then there is no need to continue the conversation."

The first condition was to hear Fairy Chang'e next to the Queen Mother, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help laughing.

Immediately, there was a hint of fantasy in his eyes, and he couldn't help thinking about what happened between Ye Chen and the queen mother, why did he go to rebirth in reincarnation, and what excessive form he had to become after reincarnation, unexpectedly Ye Chen reacted so violently.

"Okay, I promise you that you don't have to stay in the Yaochi Palace for a long time anyway, this condition doesn't matter, what else?"

"And... the second condition is: The flat peaches you gave me, the queen mother, are not enough for Ye Mou to eat. How about this, no matter when in the future, your flat peach garden will be open to me, Ye Chen? Pick! As for the third condition, it's about Fairy Baihe..."

Before Ye Chen had finished speaking, a cold voice was suddenly accompanied by a violent wind, which instantly blew in front of Ye Chen, causing his clothes to rattle.

"What a big The flat peach garden in this seat is a mature innate spiritual root, and the flat peaches in the garden are extremely rare. Among them, the fruit of the best flat peach that bears in nine thousand years, even if it is a big Luojin The powerful fairy **** in the fairyland will be blessed to enjoy the second one for thousands of years.

Are you open to you to eat? Ye Chen, be careful that you are too much appetite to crush yourself to death. "

After the Queen Mother said, the expression on her face became more and more ugly.

This Ye Chen wanted to eat her flat peach, and he was still thinking about the whole flat peach garden. It was ignorant.

The flat peaches in her flat peach garden that ripen in nine thousand years can only be fully absorbed by the strong immortal gods of Da Luo Jinxian.

People of the rest of the realm below, eat only the waste of the flat peach delicacy, and can't absorb the surging energy contained in the flat peach, it is also very likely to be directly crushed to death and die.

Ye Chen wanted to eat, he also had that blessing.

The queen mother really felt that the other party was too greedy, which is really undesirable.

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