Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 718: Pan Taoyuan is blooming, Luxiao's queen mother

The Queen Mother's statement was quickly approved by Fairy Chang'e next to her.

"Ye Chen, the Queen Mother is right. Under Da Luo, there is no fairy **** who can swallow the flat peach experience that was ripe nine years ago.

Even the Tianpeng Marshal and the third Nezha prince who are now sitting in Tianhe are both superior in strength among the Taiyi Golden Immortals, but they are also not blessed to enjoy the nine thousand years of flat peach sacred fruit.

Even now, the Heavenly King Tota still treasures a top-quality flat peach sacred fruit, and he dared not swallow it for refining, in order to stabilize the foundation when he was promoted to Da Luo. "

As Chang'e said, her eyes couldn't help but look at the six thousand-year-old ripe peaches displayed by the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother in the center of the main hall, and she said with envy.

"The sacred fruit of the flat peach at the moment is the most sacred object for your cultivation, but you have to slowly taste, absorb and refine it.

Because even the flat peaches ripening once in six thousand years, the immortal gods under the Daluo Golden Immortal, it takes a long time to be completely used for their own purposes. "

Ye Chen naturally listened to the words of the Queen Mother and the Fairy Chang'e, and understood that they had no malice or reluctance, but felt that at the current stage of cultivation, flat peaches under six thousand years were the holy ones they should enjoy. It's fruitful.

However, they really misunderstood Ye Chen.

Is he really greedy? Or is it to say that if you want to use the cultivation base of the earth fairyland, you should swallow the top-quality flat peach that only the strong person above the Daluo Jinxian can eat the refining and absorption?

No, not at all.

With Ye Chen’s current state, he is only one step away from the Celestial Celestial state, but he is only a Celestial Celestial, but he also feels that the energy needed to continue to cultivate the Hunyuan Gong in the future will consume a very terrifying amount of Celestial and Earth Celestial Qi energy. The extent of this cannot be calculated based on ordinary throughput.

Taishang Laojun would rate the elixir magical medicine in the palace, and if he eats all the magical pills in the palace, he is afraid that there will be nothing enough.

But perhaps in addition to the large number of congenital flat peaches that the flat peach garden has produced over the years, perhaps it is possible to ensure that Ye Chen's cultivation base will not be at a scarce level.

After all, it was only the fairy power of the Fan-tier who built the foundation, and most of the fairy qi in the huge six-fold day was almost completely absorbed by it.

If it slowly recovers, it may be compensated by the immortal energy of the upper layer, and it will not take too long.

But in case, Ye Chen said just in case, the immortal energy in the 36th layer of heaven in the entire heaven was absorbed and refined by his cultivation.

At this moment, how could he continue to cultivate and become stronger?

It is well known to the world that the further the cultivation, the more heaven and earth resources are needed, and under the whales swallowed by the good fortune Hunyuan Gong, Ye Chen is really a little afraid that the immortal energy in the heaven is not enough for him to cultivate.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen was also a little helpless looking at the still angry Queen Mother and Fairy Chang'e who wanted to persuade him, shrugged and smiled.

Immediately, he shook his head and said firmly.

"If you can enjoy the best flat peaches in the flat peach garden, Ye Mou is not sure, but as the saying goes, something is better than nothing.

For the future, this transaction of ours, I am also deliberate and foresight, am I not?

Besides, if I can't eat flat peaches that are ripe for 9,000 years, would Ye Chen still be so stupid to go to Husaihai to drink it?

So in that case, it doesn't matter whether Pan Taoyuan is open to me or not, anyway, you don't lose anything, Queen Mother.

Could it be that the Queen Mother would think that a mortal in our area would vacate your Pantaoyuan? "

Use what the other party has said, leaving them speechless.

Ye Chen has used this method to the fullest.

Doesn't the queen always say that he is a mortal, so good, is it possible that the dignified queen mother is afraid of him as a mortal? Not so much.

Sure enough, in Ye Chen's almost agitated words, the Queen Mother couldn't help becoming a little clearer looking at his beautiful eyes.

A voice also rose in her heart.

"Yes, but for a mortal ground immortal cultivation base, to enjoy the 6,000-year-old flat peach, the other party may not be able to eat it, refining it, what am I worried about?"

It can be said that, deep in the Queen Mother's heart, she always feels that Ye Chen, who has endless sex, will definitely one day, no, she should be eager to beat her 9,000-year-old best flat peach.

In this way, it would be a pity if it really swallowed the best flat peaches and perished in this world.

After all, the Queen Mother unconsciously began to care about Ye Chen.

I just don't know if the other party is just caring for his own cultivation progress or simply caring.

"Okay, Ye Chen! Since you are obsessed with understanding, I don't mind giving you this favor.

But these conditions are my promise to you, but you must also ensure that you are only allowed to pick and enjoy the flat peaches in the flat peach garden, and never give it to anyone at will.

Also, before your cultivation base reaches the golden fairy realm, you can't touch the top-quality flat peach that has been ripened in 9,000 years. This is the bottom line of this seat! "

The queen mother, who had been deliberate, couldn't hold back Ye Chen, and couldn't bear to challenge her as a mortal to the authority of the co-lord of heaven and earth.

Just open up Pan Taoyuan, if she agrees, it's not a big deal.

After all, even if it is the innate spiritual root sacred fruit, when it comes to her cultivation level, there is not much effect, and it can only increase some fairy power reserves.

The Queen Mother thought, Dang Even waved her hand.

Immediately, more than a dozen six-thousand-year-old flat peaches and Liuxia divine swords suspended in the air immediately took the initiative to fly in front of Ye Chen.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen was not polite. When the Pan Peach God Sword was about to be collected into the system space, the corner of his mouth couldn't hide his smile and said: "Thank you for the reward. Now that the transaction has been concluded, Ye has a question. I don't know the king. Mother, can you tell me in detail.

This Queen Mother, what do you want me to do after you? Except for some simple waits!

There is also, how much does the degree of service need to reach? Please also ask the Queen Mother to make it clear. "

If the benefits were taken, Ye Chen would naturally not be shameless, even if he asked all the other party's requirements.

When the Queen Mother heard this, she didn't respond immediately, but inexplicably listened to what he said: "Chang'e, you go to my bedroom to prepare first, and you can leave."

After the words fell, Chang'e's beautiful eyes immediately showed a sense of joy, and after a charming smile at Ye Chen, he flew out of the outer hall and headed towards the inner hall of Yaochi.

Just after Chang'e had left, the Queen Mother on the high seat returned her gaze to Ye Chen's body, and the corner of her mouth seldom smiled.

"What I need you to do is very simple, and that is to accompany you to a place to stay for some time.

Also, before you go, call the hiding white crane over, after all, it's time to settle some of the confusion in this Yaochi Palace! "

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