Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 719: Old gentleman, something is wrong

"Wonder Mother, what do you mean? Are there any accounts between us?

Could it be that what you said earlier that you promised me that I would not care about what happened between Fairy Baihe and Ye is false? "

Looking at the Queen Mother, Ye Chen asked in a puzzled way.

He didn't expect that this queen mother would have no credibility when she spoke, and she had promised him, so she would regret it?

However, in the face of his questioning, the queen mother leaned back on the throne slightly, shook her head and turned back.

"The matter between you and Fairy Baihe, this seat promises you not to care about it. Don't worry about that.

But the next topic to be entered requires the presence of Xiao Baihe to prove the most important thing. You and let her remove your strange concealment means, don't worry about anything, I just have a word to ask her. "

Everything the Queen Mother said and said she wanted to get Fairy Baihe to be there, and this special move inevitably caused Ye Chen to be even more convinced that the other party could have really noticed what happened in the Jade Lake. Something.

If that were the case, once the white crane showed up, then with his respect for the queen mother, the paper really couldn't contain the fire.

Thinking of this, some Ye Chen, who knew everything well, couldn't help Wei Mi's eyes, and then said as if drinking fake wine in some oil gourd, knowingly.

"The Queen Mother, since you have completely ignored it, what else is there to say?

After all, Sister Fairy is tired now, and she is working hard to rest.

Yemou didn't lie, after all, haven't you witnessed the Queen Mother on the spot? "

In other words, Ye Chen said as he spoke, Miao Miao, who was in front of him, instantly turned back to the Sixth Heavenly Stone Pavilion, and what happened.

The Queen Mother is also a smart person. When she heard the testimony on the spot, her willow eyebrows also trembled several times from time to time. She almost wanted to speak, but in the end she couldn't say anything.

Obviously she had already realized what Ye Chen meant. If she wanted to care about things in the holy water of the Yaochi, the live broadcast of Shiting outside the Guanghan Palace would also be brought out for discussion.

"What a cunning man!"

The Queen Mother, who was so shocked by Ye Chen that she didn't know what else to say, suddenly screamed in her heart to vent her unhappy emotions.

But that's the end of the story. If she insists on repeating the old thing, the ending will only hurt both sides.

At that time, it's really not certain who will hold the handle.

After all, whether it is in the holy water of the Yaochi or the stone pavilion of the Guanghan Palace, if it is publicized, it seems that it will be harmed. It is only the reputation of her queen mother. In the end, she can't make a good point at all. This is the most important thing. Hateful place.

And thinking about this kind of empress, she couldn’t help but say something in her heart: “How do you think of it, it’s me who is at a disadvantage, **** it!”

‘Crack! ’

A cracked and crisp sound suddenly rang from the throne of the Queen Mother. Ye Chen couldn't help but curl his lips. He thought to himself that the Xuanyu Glazed Sacred Xia Chair, which was exclusive to the co-owner of the court, was a felony. It's a young life, it's really a violent thing.

"Ye Chen listens to the order!"

Suddenly, the Queen Mother, who crushed her throne, made her debut with a soft sigh.

This time, Ye Chen also stood with his hands in cooperation, waiting for instructions from his employer.

And the words of the Queen Mother immediately sounded.

"Give you one day to prepare. Tomorrow, you will follow this seat into the mortal world, self-appointed to finish all your cultivation, and accompany this queen mother to complete the mundane experience.

I have only one request for you, and that is: do your best to shake the foundation of your cultivation!

Everything about the mortal world, I have made arrangements for Si Ming Xianjun, you go back and prepare, we will set off tomorrow! "

After that, the Queen Mother instantly disappeared in the Jade Lake Hall, not giving Ye Chen any chance to think about rebuttal.

When Ye Chen heard that he needed to go down to the earth to experience, his face instantly appeared as ugly as bitter gourd.

He really didn't understand, why did he go to the ordinary world? Isn't it fragrant to stay in the heaven comfortably?

Ye Chen consciously entered Detoux Palace by himself, and could swallow the elixir magical medicine in the hall to his heart's content.

I have just obtained the permission to enter and leave the flat peach garden, and you can enjoy the holy fruits full of flat peach trees.

But why, before you have enough time to eat, if you are tired of eating, you are leaving the heavenly court?

It's not fair, it's so unfair!

In an instant, Ye Chen burst into flames in his heart, and a flame of unwillingness was burning on his chest.

Compared to going to the lower realm in a strange way, staying honestly in the heaven and devouring the elixir and peaches, and practicing as fast as possible, the cultivation level skyrocketed, wouldn't it be wonderful?

"Mother Queen, come out for me, can we discuss it again?

Give me three days, oh no, give me one week, can we go to the common world again?

Painfully, you come out and give a word! "

Some helplessly yelled a few times, but the answer to him was the emptiness of the hall.

Knowing this time, Ye Chen knew why Fairy Chang'e abandoned his ideas so easily.

It turned out that she had known that the Queen Mother was going to the lower realm a long time ago, and she was looking forward to nothing more than this.

"How could it be like this?"

After walking out of the Jade Lake Palace with a slight loss, Ye Chen flew aimlessly towards the Palace of the Thirty-third Heaven.

Until the half-dew, Ye Chen's eyes were filled with blank eyes, but she suddenly raised a gleaming look.

Immediately, he clenched his fists hard and yelled violently.

"good very good.

Since this Heavenly Court can't stay anymore, what happened? Ye Chen, I have been negotiating hard for so long, and I can't lose money.

Dou Li Gong, Pan Taoyuan, you will wait for me. If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous..."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Chen's listless figure suddenly exploded with a powerful aura of no one to me.

Immediately, I saw him turning into a light, spurring him to the fastest speed, and swiftly flying in the direction of Dou Shi Gong.

Just like a meteor flashed by, and within a short while, located in front of the Palace of Ruodadou in the 33rd Heaven, there was a crackling sound of jade cracking.

With such a huge movement, the two big boys with golden horn and silver horn in the palace's inner hall were shocked for a while, raising their eyes and frowning and looking at each other.

"Which brave guy dares to make such a big noise in front of the gate of the palace of Touzi, and he is not afraid to disturb Laojun's practice. It's really bold."

While speaking, two small and delicate boys were still born at this time, and their figures suddenly swayed and suddenly appeared in the front hall of the Palace of Dou Li.

But the next second after he appeared, the two big boys, the golden horn and the silver horn, suddenly swayed into an afterimage and disappeared.

Immediately in front of the middle courtyard of the backyard of the palace inner hall, the two boys with flustered expressions and sweating profusely knelt down on a quiet old way with closed eyes, and yelled in horror.

"Old... old gentleman, something is not good!"

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