Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 729: Little Yutu is fine for no reason?

In front of the gate of Yaochi Palace, Taishang Laojun waited anxiously.


   In the inner courtyard of the Yaochi, Yutu, Chang'e, and the Queen Mother were all having fun.


   Under all sorts of tentative investigations, the little Yutu who had been attacked inside and outside was so irritated that he couldn't stop the coquettish voice.


   And this situation continued for an unknown period of time, and the Queen Mother and Fairy Chang'e, who were sweating on their foreheads, finally felt tired, and the movements on their hands also slowly stopped.


   It's just that strange things happened when the two stopped their excessive behavior.


   The Queen Mother looked at the Chiguo Little Yutu, who was obviously no one disturbed. The naked body was still showing an incomprehensible state of ups and downs.


  The corner of the mouth is even more nonsense and nonsense.


   "No, no, stop now."


   and so on, the eyes of the Queen Mother couldn't help showing a look of surprise.


   "Fairy Chang'e, what's wrong?"


   "Huh? I don't know, it may be because..."


   Fairy Chang'e, who replied subconsciously, blurted out the trace of Ye Chen's hiding without even thinking about it.


   But fortunately, her ability to react is so sensitive that when the words come to her lips, she is abruptly held back by her.


   then said: "It may be because of the sequelae of excitement. After all, the Queen Mother did a lot of things to Yutu just now."


   "Well, it should be.


   But even the sequelae did not last for such a long time. "


   The Queen Mother was still a little curious and said, and then suddenly, under the jade rabbit, a little bit of glittering brilliance appeared suddenly.


   so that she couldn't help but leaned over with her eyes slightly, trying to see clearly.


   Seeing this scene, Fairy Chang'e also stared at the jade rabbit as if to burst into a strange state, and wiped his forehead with sweat a little nervously.


   walked to the side of the Queen Mother, and tugged at the other's sleeve and whispered.


   "Mother Queen, I should take Xiaoyu Rabbit out of the palace for treatment.


   Look at her painful appearance now, it's just worse.


   If you don’t get treatment anymore, I'm afraid my body will not be able to bear it anymore. "


   Chang'e said, when the blushing jade rabbit was still experiencing abnormal tweaks despite her body, he wanted to lift it up and walked out of the palace.


   Queen Mother saw this, but she didn't stop her too much.


   After all, Yutu's abnormal state here is inextricably linked to her behavior just now.


   It is better to let them both go out and get a good treatment.


   Although she hasn't been a fairy yet, Xiao Yutu is also very good. She likes it very much.


   When you find Ye Chen's lower realm to experience, you can also bring the jade rabbit with you to help you out on the way.


   Speaking of it, the Queen Mother still feels a little bit unfinished here.


   What Yutu did just now is very similar to her in the holy water of Yaochi.


   But in closer comparison, it seems that there are some differences, waiting for her to decrypt.


  "In the end, what is the difference? Why is Xiaoyutu's performance so much greater than the reaction of this seat at the time, is it because Fairy Chang'e has also done it? Is she feeling doubled?


   But the problem is that I waited for the technique to be comparable to Ye... "Fairy White Crane" was exquisitely exquisite when he served this seat. "

   Queen Mother thought about it, and she became more puzzled. After careful measurement, she also felt that she was too different from Yutu.


   "Stop, stop quickly!"


   Suddenly, a sweet shout suddenly disturbed the ears of the queen mother who was falling into the comparison of memories.


   Immediately when she raised her eyes, she saw the little jade rabbit being supported by Chang'e, yet she could not get up from the incense couch.


   A turbulent and bizarre water curtain surface suddenly appeared in an instant.


   The Queen Mother and Chang'e, who were not far apart, were surprised to see them, but they did not react at all, and they were instantly covered by the water curtain.


   Then, for the next second, under the two of them, they fell into layers of dampness.


   The sudden change also caused them to cry out.




   Then, whether it was the Queen Mother or Fairy Chang'e, they waved their sleeves one after another, trying to wipe a few of their bodies, and there was a look of extreme resistance in their eyes.


   "How can this be? Does Yutu still have the most basic fairyland etiquette, actually in public..."


   In the last two words, the Queen Mother was even ashamed to speak, and she never expected that she would one day be surrounded by a jade rabbit and bird, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable.


   can be wiped, the Queen Mother suddenly felt that the things on her body did not seem to have any irritating smell.


   is like a rootless source, colorless and tasteless, pure white and transparent, not the kind of thing she understands at all.


   Suddenly, the Queen Mother couldn't help looking at Chang'e with a bewildered face. Even after seeing the other party, she stopped wiping and faced her eyes.


   Yutu's bizarre and out-of-control behavior, they have never seen and understood, even in Shiting, they have witnessed the relationship between Ye Chen and Baihe Fairy, but they have never seen such a scene that they do not understand.


   I don’t understand, but the Queen Mother once again found out that the little seems to have calmed down after her vulgar behavior out of control.


   The body didn't shake anymore, and there was no sound in his small mouth, but the whole person looked profusely sweating, as if he had recovered from a serious illness, which made people curious.


   Could it be that the jade rabbit’s illness was ‘caused’ by the two?


Some queen mothers who were not convinced of their guesses couldn't help but look at Chang'e and said, "Little Yutu, is this... completely better? In this view, her physical signs have returned to normal, and there is no abnormal regeneration at all, but her breath is slightly weak, but It's not just for the symptoms of illness, but it's like being caused by overwork."


   Upon hearing this, Fairy Chang'e couldn't help but nodded, and then the little hand didn't stay in front of him and scratched and said: "It should be all right, Queen Mother, don't worry, I'm going to ask."


   said, Chang'e walked towards the jade rabbit on the bed again, but strangely, she had been scratching her chest from time to time, left and right, up and down, as if she was itchy by something.


   The queen mother who was looking aside could not help showing an ignorant look in her beautiful eyes. Wasn't the secret path just getting wet? As for scratching like that?


   This seat is not also affected, but there is no such symptom, and every part of the Yaochi Palace is carefully cleaned every day. It is spotless, and there is no dirt at all.


  But the Queen Mother is just a little curious, after all, compared to Fairy Chang'e, she is more concerned about the current situation of Xiaoyutu and why the water curtain dew suddenly emerges.............

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