Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 730: Chang'e is itchy

Before the incense couch in the bedroom, Chang'e had walked slowly, and slowly leaned against the Yutu who seemed to be prostration, her jade arm kept scratching in front of her.


  I don't know why, she just feels a burning hot on her chest, itching intolerable.


   Even after scratching it for a while, it didn't seem to have any effect. Instead, it became more and more serious.


   It was as if something had fallen into the skirt of the clothes, hiding underneath, and it caused a series of itching.


   But now, Chang'e doesn't care about the itch anymore, just leaned over next to Yutu, and asked in a soft voice: "Little Yutu, are you getting better?"


   said so, but under the voice, Chang'e couldn't help but speak through the voice.


  "Little Yutu, tell me, did you really hide Ye Chen in such an absolutely hidden place?


  Also, when the Queen Mother and the master were acting on you just now, how did you react so much? Could it be that Ye Chen has been messing around in your body..."


   has not said the last word, Yutu, whose'critical' situation has been alleviated, couldn't help but immediately echoed.


   "Master, didn't you let me hide him? Hide him in the most hidden part of the body, isn't it there?


  Also, why do you want to go with the Queen Mother to search me like that?


   Isn’t the owner afraid that the bad guy who is not honest at all will be found out? "


   Yutu's voice, although he did not answer the question directly, Fairy Chang'e has already given a very rich answer from the side.


  Especially the phrase ‘unfaithful bad guy’, Chang'e couldn’t help but think about it.


   It’s not honest in places like Xiaoyutu, so what are you doing? And Yutu, what kind of ‘torture’ he has suffered, will reveal his uncontrollable affection, and even a Jedi out-of-control incident has occurred, which is out of control.


   But right now, Chang'e also knew that it was not about all the timings.


   But after the Queen Mother left, she also wanted to ask what Ye Chen had done while hiding in the most hidden position.


   "Well, itchy, what's the matter."


   After thinking about it, Fairy Chang'e immediately stopped moving his hands, and immediately began to tickle. The clothes in front of him were all wrinkled by him, which made him feel very puzzled.


   can't help but secretly said, there shouldn't be anything dirty in the fragrance bath she just took yesterday.


   Even if the jade rabbit is out of control, the queen mother is not good, and the colorless and tasteless, it doesn't look dirty at all.


   It’s just that although the idea was correct, the itch in front of Fairy Chang'e became more serious as she scratched.


   The jade rabbit on the bed could not help but ask, "Master, what's the matter with you?"


   Hearing Yutu's concerned question, Chang'e suddenly smiled barely at him, and then shook his head.


   "I'm fine, but I'm a little sorry Xiaoyutu you, but the master just acted excessively towards you. I can't help it. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it..."


   Before she finished her words, Chang'e felt as if she had crawled into thousands of ants inside her chest and clothes. She began to scratch more frequently, and even messed up her rhythm of speaking.


   Chiguo Yutu, who was unable to lie on the bed, looked at the master so uncomfortable, and didn't say anything, but after smiling at Chang'e that he was OK, he continued to care about him.

   "Master, you'd better go clean it up, I'll be fine."


   Hearing this, Chang'e suddenly felt guilty, and secretly said that she shouldn't have followed my mother and daughter to act on Yutu just now.


   Her little jade rabbit was so lively and cute, but now, she was made weak and gasping by herself, it looked like she had been seriously ill, and she was very disturbed when she saw it.


   But this kind of owed thought just started, and before he had time to think about how to make up for Yutu in the future, the Queen Mother not far behind spread the word.


   "How's the situation? Why don't you take Yutu to find a fairy doctor."


   There is also Fairy Chang'e, do you want to go see it together? It seems that you are in a very bad situation. "


   looked at Chang'e, who had been scratching and scratching her chest with both hands together. Seeing this scene on the side, the Queen Mother felt unbearable for a while.


   Yutu has been checked by her, and there is no problem at all, and she has checked too much.


   Therefore, looking at Chang'e at the moment, the queen mother let her take the jade rabbit out of the palace to see a doctor. As for any nutrients and elixir that she needs in the future, her queen mother will naturally wrap her up.


   Even, she still wondered whether she wanted to reward the master and servant with a few flat peaches. After all, they would still enter the mortal realm with themselves. Treating them badly, the queen mother still couldn't do that kind of thing.


   "I, it's okay, the queen mother doesn't have to... worry!"


After Chang'e tried to control her hands from scratching, she smiled faintly at the queen mother behind her, but immediately, she also turned her head to look at the jade rabbit on the bed and said, "But little jade rabbit, she needs to find a female fairy for medical care. Thank you for letting her go."


   said, Chang'e, who couldn't stop the unbearable swaying of the peaks and mountains in front of him, was also free to help him up and put on clothes for him.


I took her to the door of the bedroom, and when I passed by the queen mother, the master and servant even bowed slightly and bowed their waists, and bowed to her ~ Seeing it, the queen mother She didn't say anything, just nodded to the two of them, she followed them out of the bedroom, and flew towards the front hall of Yaochi.


   The three of them swept side by side, and within a short while, they returned to the glorious and luxurious hall of the front hall.


   At the same time, I found that the old man, the Supreme Master, who had returned, also rushed forward, looking at the Queen Mother and said.


   "How about, have you found that little Langer yet."


   Upon hearing this, the Queen Mother shook her head immediately: "No, Yutu's suspicion has been ruled out. She was not transformed by Ye Chen, and the details of her body have not been discovered.


   It seems that after the guy robbed us, he had escaped long ago, he was not in the heaven at all. "


  "How could this happen! I can't deduce the wrong way, the traces of Ye Chen before disappearing stayed in the heaven.


   And in terms of geographic location, even if he immediately concealed all his Qi machines to escape at that time, he would never escape from the huge heavenly space.


   is really weird, where did that kid go! "


   Taishang Laojun frowned and said, his fingers continued to hook, and he performed deduction again.


   But just as the old fingers of his hands turned into an afterimage dance, Fairy Chang'e turned in front of him, and in an instant a gasping murmur came out: "Mah, it's finally coming out!"

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