Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 749: The star of the world?

"Perhaps, this child is the key to solving the deadlock!"

The thoughts in his mind rose, and the expectation in the eyes of the Taishang Laojun became more and more concentrated.

Before this, there was also the appearance of a creature, which he regarded as the key.

But with Lao Jun's continuous deduction and progress, he found that after all, he still couldn't change much.

But Ye Chen is different. Even if he is too sultry, he can't see through this piece.

Such a strange and unknown life has long been beyond the six realms, and perhaps even the way of heaven may not be there.

Such a person who is not under control, if he becomes a star who does not understand the world, he is also very likely to become a child of annihilation.

When misfortune and good luck meet, the old man is also very uncertain.

But after getting to know and getting along with Ye Chen, Lao Jun felt that his character was neither arrogant nor rash, although he was greedy.

But on top of the big right and wrong, never compromised, even in the face of him, a saint, still able to maintain his original heart, it is really rare.

It's just that Ye Chen's bones possessed that amazing ****, if one couldn't grasp it, it would eventually cause disaster.

The reason why Lao Jun came down here is also worried about this, so he wants to follow Ye Chen to continue to observe, he can't grasp it, Lao Jun is also willing to help.

It's just that at that time, Ye Chen will be obedient, but Lao Jun is not very sure, can only say, do his best.

"Come on, Xiaoyou Ye, the old way invites you to drink this cup again."

Smiling and shook his head, Taishang Laojun raised a jar of wine again and drank with Ye Chen.

Immediately waved his chopsticks, and he was eating a table full of delicacies and delicacies. It was a delight to eat.

Ye Chen's unrestrained, unrestrained and unrestrained boldness made Laojun take a high look at him again, believing that he is the one who shed the world.

You must know that in these six realms, no matter which immortal **** is, it is the Buddha of the West Heaven, or even the same saints of the Sanqing.

Seeing him, the old gentleman is too respectful, who is not a person who dares to be so arrogant, and he is still a young man, but he does not know how many people have not met in thousands of years.

Based on this courage alone, Ye Chen is not comparable to that of other laymen.

The saint Laojun was also happy in his heart for a while. With this drink, he no longer had any scruples. He successively picked up the large wine jar with peach blossoms and kept drinking with Ye Chen.

Soon, the wine jar beside the table of the two of them was tired into the shape of a hill, and the whole hall of the tavern was filled with empty wine jars.

Ye Chen and Lao Jun also had a huge amount of them, even if they didn't use Xianli Sanjiu, the large cellar of peach blossoms in the tavern was just drunk clean by them.

Ye Chen and Old Monarch Taishang, who looked like a whale swallowing the sea, but were not drunk, and the young man waiting and watching were also dumbfounded.

He kept murmured: "What can I do, my store is going to use the three-year storage of alcohol, and I was drunk in one night?

Moreover, even the fine wines in the two other restaurants in the town were borrowed and squandered.

This is too good to drink,

However, the wine is finished, but the little brother and the old Taoist can't afford to pay this bill. "

Looking at the empty wine jars that had piled up outside the tavern, the handsome young man couldn't help picking up a white towel and constantly wiping the sweat from his forehead.

I patronized the wine just now, and looked at the five people in Ye Chen, who were gorgeously dressed and kind and beautiful, unlike people who couldn't afford to drink.

Therefore, the young man didn't think much about it, and kept serving Ye Chen and Laojun wine.

But the value of this drink is beyond the imagination of the young man.

Doing a little calculation, I am afraid that without fifty taels of gold, I will not be able to get out of the tavern.

"Little Er, bring wine!"

Just as the young man was in a state of confusion, he whispered again and suddenly rang.

Hearing this, the young man couldn't help but stepped hard over the hill piled up by the wine jar, and walked to the side of the wine table with a smile on his face and said with a laugh.

"Two guest officials, our boss said, the wine in the small shop and the drinks in the whole town have been taken by you and drunk.

There is really no supply of drinks, or else, the two of you will pick up the bill first?

As long as the money is in place, even if the two want to drink until dawn, the young one will go to the nearest town to deliver wine to meet the two guest officials without hesitation. "

The young man is also very clever. First, he explained that he has no drinks, and then he can be transported to meet the needs of Ye Chen and Laojun, but it also shows that it can only be done with enough money.

As for the consequences of not being able to pay for drinks, the young man did not say clearly, so it would not make the guests feel uncomfortable.

Knowing that the drinks and water in the town were all drunk, Taishang Laojun was happy and happy, and a little clarity was restored in his eyes, and he smiled.

"It's fine. Let's stop here for today. When another day comes, Lao Dao will definitely stay drunk with Ye Xiaoyou and rest."

Having said that, Lao Jun got up with a pale face, and walked up to the second floor toward the wooden stairs, without any drunkenness at all.

Although the wine tastes good, it is too difficult to want to be drunk.

Ye Chen shook his head knowingly as he watched Laojun leave.

Not to mention that the old gentleman is not at all drunk, even he, the heavenly immortal who has been Feng Xianli, is only slightly drunk, but his stomach is a little swollen, and it is really not suitable to continue.

With a smile, Ye Chen also got up, then took out an ingot of gold from the system space and threw it to the guy at random, then went straight upstairs.

"Guest officer, please stay. You have given too much money. If you are a small one, go to the counter to find the rest for you."

Looking at the heavy gold nugget in his hand, the young man who was just still paying for Ye Chen and Laojun couldn't afford it, he laughed from ear to ear, and then he stood at the counter and stared at everything happening, his mouth kept turning The boss, who was secretly laughing, walked quickly.

It's just that before he ran a few steps away, a voice rang out and said: "If you settle the surplus, you will be rewarded as a tip."

After that, Ye Chen's figure has disappeared, leaving only the young man holding a heavy gold nugget, standing in place with a flushed face, his mouth and nose breathing continued to increase.

He who takes care of his customers all the year Just feel it and know that this gold nugget is totally more than 50 taels.

At least, after all the drinks and accommodation are settled, there will be dozens of two left.

And it's still gold, which is many times more valuable than silver and copper.

"I, my Wang Xiaoer, is this going to get rich overnight?"

Looking at the direction in which Ye Chen disappeared, the young man murmured deeply, and then the corner of his mouth suddenly burst into laughter.

Under the trembling all over, there was also a fiery light in those twinkling eyes.

He works in a tavern, and his lifelong wish is to open a tavern and become the owner himself, and this lifelong dream is about to come true? This is simply more unreal than dreaming.

"Why are you stupid standing there, send me as soon as possible."

It wasn't until a terribly unpleasant sound suddenly sounded that the young man came back to his senses, firmly holding the gold nugget in his arms, and feeling that the real thing should not be too real.

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