Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 750: I want to be the boss, Peach Blossom Town is chaotic

"Damn it, Xiaoer Wang, don't you want to do it? Send me the money quickly."

Another impatient call came, and then, in the living room of the tavern, there was a sound of rapid and heavy footsteps.

When Wang Xiaoer heard this, he looked at the boss who moved his fat body and ran over like a snake, and then said loudly with an uncontrollable smile on the corner of his mouth.

"If you don't do it, don't do it, do you think Lao Tzu is very rare for this job?

On weekdays, you keep telling me to do that, from the **** crows to the midnight shift, without paying an increase in wages.

For a boss like you, I, Xiaoer Wang, don’t serve you anymore, bah! "

After saying the words that had been depressed for a long time, Wang Xiaoer's chest suddenly disappeared. The body after a busy day is also in the spirit of Beier.

The fat tavern owner never treats him as a man. Wang Xiaoer eats less than pigs and does more than cows.

He was tired and miserable a long time ago. If he hadn't insisted on the dream of opening a tavern in his heart, he would not have wanted to continue.

But now, he has the money, and the chef in the tavern has a good relationship with him, and he is squeezed by the fat boss and stays in the kitchen all day and night and cannot go out without freedom.

Now, if he uses the gold in his hand to open a tavern and raise his arms, it must be that by then, the chef will not be in this broken tavern to compromise and make that little money.

"Well, I won't do it anymore."

Firmly thinking in his heart, Wang Xiaoer also yelled, and immediately ran out of the tavern with the gold nugget.

Soon after, he ran over again and threw a large piece of gold to the fat boss who was panting after chasing out the door and said: "These are enough to cover all the expenses of the little brother guest officer.

From then on, I will no longer be your employee, goodbye! "

After speaking very decisively, Wang Xiaoer was also holding the part of his own gold that was tightly wrapped with cloth strips, and once again disappeared into the dark night, and soon there was no shadow.

Seeing this scene, the fat boss couldn't help but stare out his eyes as he watched the disappearing Wang Xiaoer clenching his fists.

Immediately, I saw the fat boss with a gloomy face. After picking up the gold nugget on the ground that seemed to be severed by an axe, his eyes were gloomy and he looked at a few Tian-sized houses on the second floor and the dark night outside the door. Fierce light.

"good very good.

Wang Xiaoer, you wait for me. When Lao Tzu eats the fat sheep upstairs, you will be better off kneeling in front of my boss and begging for mercy. "

With that said, the fat boss stepped directly out of the tavern, and then rode his horse towards the back hill of the town, riding a bright moonlit night.

Under the vast night, the huge mountains behind, in the darkness, were like a hideous ghost head that swallowed the fast-driving carriage in no time.


It was another night with a breeze, and the sun rose until the next day.

After a night of alcoholic fermentation, the sky had just cleared, and Ye Chen woke up from his dim sleepiness.

However, while he was still washing and cleaning in the room, the rush of knocks outside the guest room door completely drove his sleepiness away.

At the same time, Ye Chen's eyes condensed slightly when he heard the shouts one after another.

Immediately he saw his figure flash, and he came to the door and opened the door in an instant. Yesterday, the shopkeeper who had been very considerate to serve him, looked at Ye Chen with a panic on his face and shouted loudly.

"Gong, hurry, run away, Taohua Town is no longer safe."

Ye Chen's face was dumbfounded by the sudden words.

But the wet clothes on the boy and the chaotic screams from the street outside the house made Ye Chen feel a little weird.

Of course, his first reaction was that Peach Blossom Town had a demon.

"It's noisy, has something happened outside Ye Chen?"

Soon, it wasn't just Ye Chen coming out of the room.

The Queen Mother, Chang'e Yutu, and Taishang Laojun also dressed neatly and walked out of their rooms.

With a little dissatisfaction on his face, I wanted to get up and sleep well, but I didn't expect to be woken up like this.

"It's okay, if Ye goes out to see it, he will be able to deal with it soon.

A few fairies go back to the house and rest. Don't be disturbed by some miscellaneous fishes. I think there is a monster disaster. I will go back. "

Waving his hand casually, Ye Chen took the young man and rushed out of the tavern.

However, he had just walked out of the tavern, and Wang Xiaoer kept screaming in his hands.

"Benefactor, don't, don't go out.

They, they are not monsters. "

During the conversation, on the spacious street outside the tavern, a few monsters holding spears and iron forks suddenly appeared, and with their appearance, the originally dry bluestone ground suddenly burst into a large amount of river water, and after a while, the whole The street has been flooded by the river.

And the surface of the water is still rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if there is no sign of stopping.

Without waiting for Ye Chen to observe it carefully, a slightly unfamiliar voice, but with some familiar cunning sounds, suddenly passed from the residential building opposite.

"Several great immortals, it is this guy who carries countless treasures of gold.

A random shot last night was more than a hundred taels of pure gold, and that aptitude must have been seen by several great immortals.

As long as this kid is slaughtered, the gold on his body is yours, and upstairs in my tavern, there are three stunning women of that kid hidden.

That beauty is even more beautiful than a heavenly immortal, all over the country.

If a few big immortals can kill the kid, gold and woman, I don't need it.

However, I bothered a few great immortals, caught the defecting buddy beside the boy, and handed it over to the boss to deal with it, which made me out of my heart. "

Wherever he looked, the figure of the fat boss fell into his eyes, and Ye Chen's eyelids jumped straight under his mouth.

My heart was even more distressed, and secretly said that those monsters holding iron forks and spears, who looked like all kinds of seafood prawns, had become immortals.

If this respect can be called a great immortal I don't know if real great immortals like canopy and barefoot look at this, will they feel as uncomfortable as eating **** in the bottom of my heart.

"Hahaha, boss Li, don't worry.

Isn't it just a mortal? It can be killed casually.

Also, the traitor is really unpleasant, but the fairy beauty in your mouth can keep a few of our brothers shuan..."

Several shrimp soldiers and crabs immersed in the water uttered nonchalantly, laughing loudly.

But just before the words of a few ‘Daxian’s were finished, a bang suddenly sounded.

Immediately, the foul language in their mouths was not fully understood. The seemingly tall and strong bodies, like a kite falling on the line, flew backwards swiftly towards the rear, and instantly drove the fat boss where he was standing. Resident wooden buildings crashed and collapsed in an instant.

Countless pieces of wood, flying pillars, and rocks were shot down from the sky. After a bang, they all fell on the bluestone waterway, splashing large ripples.

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