Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 751: Your big fairy is "fresh" cooked

The sudden fierce blow, not to mention Wang Xiaoer who was standing next to Ye Chen, the whole person was stunned.

Even Ye Chen himself looked at his fist with some suspicion, and raised his eyebrows secretly.

Isn't it, this mortal world monster is so weak? Or is I too strong?

"Cough cough cough cough cough, you ignorant mortal, dare to do something with the immortal, it seems that today, you are destined to die, haha."

After a while, the sound of the tumultuous wood turning over, the untimely laughter was heard, and suddenly the fat boss who pretended to be big kept uttering it.

He just managed to crawl out of the ruins of the building. Despite the embarrassment, he looked at Ye Chen with a triumphant smile.

It seemed to him that Ye Chen's attack of such a fierce blow, directly destroying the wooden attic, was nothing in his eyes.

As long as the great immortal he invited reacts, it will be a complete killing, and no one will be the opponent of the great immortal he invited, no one.

The vision is limited to the fat boss of mortals, and he can't realize the power of Ye Chen at all. In his cognition, a few big immortals with shrimp heads and crab tails are invincible in the world.

However, for the ignorance of the fat boss, Ye Chen couldn't bear to remind him to point to the messy ruins. The brains had already splashed everywhere, and the ‘great immortals’ who were suspected of dividing the body by five horses shrugged and said.

"Ahem, what, your great immortals, they may be already familiar."

When the voice fell, the fat boss flushed immediately, his eyes full of anger and angrily roared at Ye Chen.

"Don't talk nonsense there, the posture of a great immortal, in fact, you and other mortals can imagine it?

My big immortal, that is a fairy **** who crosses six rivers in all directions, and shoots thousands of corpses in the tide of the Nu River.

Just your little tricks, even I can't do it, can it hurt a few big immortals to no avail..."

The fat boss obviously had a blind admiration for the big shrimp and crab immortals, and he had not only seen each other's supernatural powers, but was pitifully deceived to this point.

It's just that when he talked about it, there was only a burst of fresh fragrance in the moist air.

Just smelling the smell will make the population hydrated and appetite.

Even the fat boss himself swallowed several drools on the ruins, and then he couldn't help but chirp.

"It smells so good, it tastes several times better than any tavern food I have ever worked for.

Oh no, it's fresh, just like fishermen risking their lives and deaths. The fresh and fragrant taste of fish, shrimps and crabs caught from the sea cannot be overstated. "

Wang Xiaoer, who smelled the scent in the air, couldn't help but express his thoughts and the ultimate admiration for the fresh scent.

It's so clear that people can't wait to go to the ruins of a wooden building, grab the source of that delicious smell, and savour one or two.

It's just that the happier Wang Xiaoer said, the more angry the fat boss.

Immediately, he stopped arguing about anything. After escaping from the waist with a jade carved waist drop, he slammed up and said.

"Daxian Zhuluhehai, please use your supernatural powers quickly to clean up the group of mortals in front of you.

If he doesn't do it yet, the boss will definitely tell him to the Sea of ​​Dragon Palace.

Don’t forget, I’m your master’s benefactor. Who dares not follow my command. "

Although he is a mortal, the fat boss speaks with great momentum at the moment.

In the words, there is a kind of control, as if this is not the first time he has done this.

At this moment, the great immortal in his mouth has become a sword in his hand.

But it is a pity that the so-called Invincible Great Immortal, here, has really become a well-ripe stinky fish and rotten shrimp, and he can't die anymore.

There was no response for a long time, and the fat boss's cunning pupils couldn't help showing traces of fear.

Secretly said whether he was serious, the big immortals didn't want to help.

Before he could, he had spoken too much, but afterwards, he had to spend some money to serve a few great immortals, and it was no disadvantage.

How can it be too quiet for a few days? Could it be...

There was a fearful thought in my heart, and the fragrance of the nose was overflowing.

The fat boss suddenly felt cold in his hands and feet, and then looked back tremblingly, a huge red shrimp tail suddenly appeared in a corner of the broken wood.


He swallowed uncontrollably. The fat boss who had just been unworthy of a lifetime saw the red shrimp tails that seemed to be scalded, his whole body was fascinated, and his head was blank.

He never imagined that what he provoke today was actually a hard, hard-to-kick iron plate.

"Guest, don't be polite with the cannibal boss.

He wants to kill you, so you'd better cut the grass and remove the roots quickly, otherwise there will be endless troubles. "

In the chaotic mortal world where demons gather, Wang Xiaoer also deeply understands the truth that cutting the grass does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze regenerates.

Needless to say, Ye Chen, who has been alone in various worlds for so many years, could not understand this.

However, the reason why he hasn't done it yet is not that he is soft-hearted, but that he deliberately heard a sentence from the fat boss: I am your master's benefactor.

Those vulnerable shrimp soldiers and crabs are doing evil in this Peach Blossom Town, and it is impossible to have no support at all.

And the so-called Lord, it is also possible that it is really related to the power of the true dragons in the four seas, and it is not impossible.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but think of the monster clan that Tianpeng had told him.

Choosing a day is not as good as hitting the sun, but he felt that he could take this opportunity to meet the masters of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals for a while to test whether they have the inherent strength and cooperate with him Ye Chen.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen immediately waved his hand indifferently: "Don’t worry, don’t worry, your boss is so arrogant, but you still have your hole To cut the roots, it’s better to remove all the masters together. Isn't it even more wonderful."

Ye Chen's blunt words suddenly heard the fat boss step back.

Only at this moment did he know how powerful Ye Chen's punch was, and he actually punched the Daxian he had invited.

Such a strong mortal, I don't know whether the Lord will be able to keep him.

But the fat boss with more thoughts, after seeing Ye Chen’s gradually getting cold eyes, the horror in his heart made him tremble uncontrollably, and he smashed the jade waist pendant in his hand. Lord, save him.

Seeing this, Ye Chen on the other side of the street also raised his head with a smile and said to the distance: "The Lord, here comes!"

Hearing this, Wang Xiaoer, seeing Ye Chen's undaunted look like Wei Ran, secretly guessed his identity in his heart.

Immediately after squeezing his fist hard, he looked forward to the distance with a calm face, the white light spot that galloped forward.

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