Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 760: 2 Great Fairy’s Accounting Ledger

Luxuriously furnished, in the Tianzi-sized guest room with a variety of ornaments by Pearl Lingluo.

Ye Chen was lying on the bed **** with five flowers, looking helplessly at the two beautiful masters and servants of Fairy Moon Palace.

Chang'e's face is flawless, and her small face seems to be the most successful work carefully carved by God, so beautiful that it doesn't look like a real person.

The skin is fat, the air is blue, and on the body, there is a beautiful body fragrance that comes with it. Just smelling it is enough to make people feel happy.

In response to this, on the left side of Ye Chen who was tied to Ye Chen, Yutu also had a pretty and lively face and a refined and pleasant temperament.

The petite figure is exquisite and elegant, like a little loli who is easily pushed, causing crime, and the red pupil makes it unique and exotic.

But just like these two great beauties in the fairy world, at this moment, they were staring at Ye Chen for an instant, and the beautiful eyes flashed with a little brilliance, and they didn't know what was thinking in their heads.

"Ahem, what? The two fairies have something to say.

Early in the morning, lonely man and widow, don't mess around, I just came out of the queen mother next door.

If you want to plot something wrong with me, don’t rush to do it for a while, find an opportunity, and we will come back to ask for further advice tonight. Wouldn’t it be great? "

Although he was tied up, Ye Chen's mind was still very active, and his mouth was even more sweet, and the two fairies who squatted on both sides of him straightforwardly became delicate in an instant.

Soon, the little Yutu on the left side of the bed couldn't help but pointed at Ye Chen and said.

"Master, what else can you say?

If you look at him like this, there is no point in your heart to hurt us.

We sacrificed so much for him, but it was not the guy who didn't care.

In my opinion, we shouldn't talk nonsense with him, just deal with it directly. "

As if filled with great resentment towards Ye Chen, while Xiao Yutu was talking, he inexplicably had a pair of cold and shining iron scissors in his hand.

As soon as he looked at the shattered and sharp cutting blade, Ye Chen knew that something was wrong in an instant. The two fairies and beauties of the Moon Palace were not at all like Rong Rong and Zhu Qing.

This is to do it to him.

"Hey, don't rush to deal with it.

It's better to ask more clearly, this fairy just wants to know if he did it on purpose at the time. "

On the side, Fairy Chang'e slowly said a few words, and Ye Chen, who heard this, also had suspicions in his heart, what these two beauties wanted to do.

Right now, Ye Chen couldn't help but bluntly said: "Intentionally? What did Ye Mou deliberately, so that he could only have two stunning fairies, so hard to deal with me?"

"Huh, what you pretend is pretty good.

Ye Chen, let me ask you, when your jade rabbit wanted to hide your traces, you had no choice but to let you stay in that special place.

But why, I have treated you so kindly, but you are arguing and wantonly in it.

It hurt... it made Ben Yutu appear in such a shameful situation,

You, you must be deliberate, right? "

Fairy Yutu asked for a question, and Ye Chen instantly fell into the whirlpool of memories. Then, in his mind, the ruthless oppression of the two black oppressive mountains rose again, and his heart trembled.

"Ah, this....

I said I was unintentional, do you believe it?

It was too dark at the time, and Yutu, you didn't return to Yemou's Voice.

So, in order not to hurt you, I didn't take a tough shot and fled, but slowly fumbled for a way out.

You can also blame me for this, Yutu, you didn't explain clearly below, where you want to hide me.

And at that time, it seemed that I also said that without the help of your master and servant, Ye can solve it by himself.

But, no matter what, I would like to thank the two fairies for their help.

Yem here, thank you very much! "

There were no flaws, and even some sympathetic answers, which not only perfectly solved the question raised by Yutu, but even Fairy Chang'e on the side showed an air of thoughtfulness.

But soon, she nodded slightly, and murmured in her small mouth: "It seems, it is."

But as soon as this statement came out, the Yutu opposite Chang'e immediately asked questions from deep in the soul.

"Then, how do you explain everything that my master did.

Obviously you went out on your own, but you, however, had no good intentions towards my master, Fengluan, and even made a big fight.

How should you insist on this?

I run away inexplicably and do it in the arms of my master. Is this your Ye Chen's thank you? "

Yutu was very unconvinced and asked again, a bit of a bit of a bone in the egg. Anyway, he felt that what Ye Chen had done was premeditated and deliberate.

Yutu didn't know where he was emboldened, anyway, there was always that kind of feeling in his heart, making him feel uncomfortable if he didn't understand it.

After it raised this question, Fairy Chang'e's pretty face instantly rose with a touch of redness, and she was also very curious about whether Ye Chen did it intentionally or unintentionally at the time.

With curiosity in my heart, I want to understand it thoroughly.

Therefore, this time, Chang'e will follow Yutu to make such a bold act.

However, in the face of another questioning, Ye Chen felt even more helpless in his heart.

Did he run into Fairy Chang'e's chest by himself? Is he? Is he that kind of person?

When it sounded that he was being driven uncontrollably by a powerful torrent, Ye Chen immediately explained the embarrassment of not smiling bitterly.

"Ahem, what? Two fairies, Yutu and Chang'e, are you sure you want me to tell the specific story?

Well, let me explain in advance, this is what you forced me to say.

Don't let Ye say it out when the time comes, but you guys are going to nag Ye. "

"Hmph, please speak up.

It's boring, it's not like a man. "

In Yutu's words, there was a thorny sentence, and Ye Chen responded with a grin in the corner of his mouth unceremoniously.

"Am I a host knows best.

Xiaoyutu, you are still young, but if you really want to know the details, it is better to go to your Master Chang'e to find out. "

"Ye Chen, don't talk nonsense there, can't I not hold it down?

However, you must have an explanation to Xiao Yutu, after all, after all, you are the first person in her mysterious place, and you are still a man.

If you want to refuse even this, then... then you really are not a man.

Xiao Yutu is very good, Ye Chen, you don't suffer. "

On the side, when he heard something that could evoke a red face, Fairy Chang'e hurriedly found a topic, wanting to relieve her embarrassment, and Xiao Yutu's fiery eyes followed.

But just when his words revealed that the situation was a little stalemate, a cold voice, but it was untimely quietly turning around in the room.

"He is the person in this seat, so there is no need to explain anything to anyone!"

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