Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 761: Ye Chen: What do you want to do to me?

An overbearing and decisive voice that was not cold and arrogant, instantly passed from outside the Tianzi House.

Immediately, when a turbulent wind blew the pearl pendant in the house swaying endlessly, a graceful and pretty figure, also unconsciously, appeared beside the bed.

Seeing the sudden attack of the figures, Fairy Chang'e and Yutu, at first there were intentions to ask questions, but after seeing the appearance of the person, the words that had just risen in their small mouths were suddenly swallowed by the two. Went back.

Afterwards, Chang'e and Yutu looked at the beautiful shadow next to the bed with a bewildered face, repeating a sentence in their heads, constantly understanding in their hearts.

"He is my seat!"

What? When did Ye Chen become the queen mother in front of him.

Before going down to the world, wouldn't the two of them still face each other tit-for-tat?

Even the entire Heavenly Court had been stirred by the Queen Mother more than once or twice because of Ye Chen.

But with such two opposing people, why now, the Queen Mother said that Ye Chen is her person.

Yutu had no idea about the situation at the scene, and Chang'e, who had witnessed the Queen Mother's hands on Ye Chen, was even more incredulous. No matter how she imagined it, she couldn't infer how Ye Chen conquered. Ruthless Queen Mother's.

Extraordinary has lifted the antagonistic relationship between the two parties, not to mention, and it will actually make the other party back to protect him.

What's wrong with this world?

However, unlike the two fairies Chang'e and Yutu who were completely absent, after the Queen Mother gave her order, she saw that they were still sitting on the bed next to Ye Chen and did not move, as if she hadn't heard her at all.

As a result, the queen mother's face became more solemn in the instant, and she said Jinkou again.

"Huh? Wait, what are you still doing in this room, do you still need my mother to invite you out?

Tonight, I will sleep in this room. "

There was another sound, and Chang'e and Yutu couldn't help but be surprised. After nodding in confusion, the two women got up from the bed obediently and walked out of the room together.

And the moment they went out, the door that had only been opened for less than a second suddenly closed with a bang, not allowing anyone to enter without permission.

However, Yutu, who had already walked out of the room, muttered deeply in puzzlement after hearing the door quickly close.

"Master, isn't it just dawn now? Queen Mother, why did she say that she will stay in our room tonight?"

After hearing this, Chang'e also reacted, but she also shook her head blankly and said something softly.

"Perhaps, for the Queen Mother, a day in the Mortal Realm is almost like nothing."

"But master, even if the queen mother doesn't care about time, why should she rob our room?

Also, Ye Chen seems to be still inside?

Are we going to get him out so as not to disturb the Queen Mother. "

"Ahem, presumably, there is no need for that."

Hearing Yutu's question again, Chang'e couldn't help smiling with her thin lips, and then she took Yutu's slender jade arms and walked slowly downstairs.

It’s just that, when she came down here, she looked at the door of the room she was driven out from time to time, as if what was about to happen inside was full of fatal temptation for her. The eyes kept being attracted away.

Tianzi No. 2 room, on a spacious bed.

Ye Chen, who was **** by the fairy, couldn't help but smile after realizing that he had been rescued.

"Mother Queen, thank you for your personal help, otherwise, Ye Mou still doesn't know how long to be entangled by the two fairies.

Moreover, you, the queen mother, prevented the weird things that might happen soon.

Thank you, thank you! "

After sensing the room where Chang'e and Yutu had left, Ye Chen also let out a sigh of relief.

However, he hadn't been relaxed for long, a blunt words, accompanied by a chapter of cold words and majestic, pretty face, immediately resounded in Ye Chen's ears, and appeared in front of him.

"I've thought about it. If you have any requirements, you can rely on you as long as you don't overdo it!"

The sudden words had already approached the Queen Mother's face sharply, less than three or four centimeters away from Ye Chen's face.

Ye Chen was shocked, and his body trembled slightly, and he wanted to break away from the rope and open the distance between the two sides.

Otherwise, Ye Chen was really afraid that the fickle woman who was close at hand would find out what reason to attack him.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Using physical strength, Ye Chen couldn't help but let out an exclamation in his heart.

Originally, when Chang'e and Yutu bound him, Ye Chen had already judged that it was just an ordinary mortal world rope, and he could break free at any time.

Therefore, when the two fairies were trapped for questioning just now, he seemed so comfortable with it.

But now, what the **** is it.

Just when Ye Chen was puzzled, he secretly asked why he couldn't get rid of a few ordinary ropes.

The Queen Mother, who kept her eyes close to each other face to face, uttered a cold voice again.

"Don't struggle, all your power has been sealed off by this seat, no matter whether it is the power of the immortal or the physical body, you can't use any of it.


As soon as she said this, the Queen Mother quickly saw a bewildered look in Ye Chen's eyes, and immediately, her explanation was also spoken out.

"Don't look at me like this, I have no other meaning, and I don't want to do anything to you.

But now that I have made up my mind, I plan to contact you like that.

Then, there is one thing, this queen mother still has to try to determine whether she can fulfill the promise given by this seat.

Don't worry, it won't be too much the first time. "

The Queen Mother walked slowly, making her own thoughts and goals all clear.

But those words fell in Ye Chen's ears, and combined with his current trapped state, Ye Chen had a lot to say in his heart.

But with a thousand words, it is extremely complicated at this moment.

Immediately in Ye Chen's mouth, he only uttered a sentence that was not suitable for his status as a big man.

"No, no, what do you want to do to me?"

When the voice fell, Ye Chen's struggle couldn't help becoming stronger.

But in normal days, the mortal ropes he disliked were as strong as a celestial rope. No matter how Ye Chen exerted his strength, there was no sign of getting rid of it.

Even, it is very rare, I don't know how many years have passed, the fiery pain caused by the rubbing of the rough twine, once again let Ye Chen realize what is meant by the weakness of a mortal.

I think that Ye Chentang's physical body has reached the cultivation level of the immortal peak, but now, he is weak and trapped by a rope...

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