After Liu Haizhong was dragged into the water by Yi Zhonghai, the two became frequent visitors to the "Eight Great Hutongs".

With Liu Haizhong as his companion, Yi Zhonghai no longer hid himself. After all, no one would have thought that the two of them would actually go out arm in arm to rejuvenate their second spring.

Gradually, the two were no longer satisfied with experiencing the gentle countryside only on weekends.

Even on weekdays, the two would occasionally go to the "Eight Great Hutongs" to be affectionate for a while after get off work before returning to the courtyard.

The news that they were obsessed with the gentle countryside was immediately told to Zhou Jianjun by Sister Hong.

Upon hearing the news, Zhou Jianjun just smiled faintly and responded: "Don't pay attention to them, they are all rich people, and we will talk about it when we empty their wallets."

Although Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong always walked out of the courtyard hand in hand, creating an illusion that they were going out to do business.

But as soon as they arrived at the "Eight Great Hutongs", the two played their own games.

Yi Zhonghai likes plump young women, while Liu Haizhong's preference seems to be a bit out of tune with this era. He likes soft girls.

After Zhou Jianjun knew about this, he pondered for a long time before attributing the reason to the fact that the aunt did not give Lao Liu a daughter.

"Alas, is Lao Liu crazy about having a daughter?!"

When he thought of Liu Haizhong's bloated figure, Zhou Jianjun was a little worried about the little girl.

"What a sin!"

In addition to Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong, there was another person in the courtyard who had a significant change, and that person was Xu Damao.

Since Xu Damao got married, Zhou Jianjun didn't look at him straight.

But by chance, Zhou Jianjun discovered the changes in Xu Damao.

On this day, Zhou Jianjun planned to leave early with pay as usual.

He just went downstairs and ran into Xu Damao head-on.

"Ouch, who is this! So ignorant!"

Xu Damao fell to the ground, holding his chest and making a "scream".

Zhou Jianjun looked down at the white powder on his chest, and couldn't help but cursed: "Xu Damao, what did you put on your face? Why is it still falling off!"

"Bah, stinky man, how can you talk like that!"

Xu Damao stood up from the ground, pointed at his face angrily and said: "Zhou Jianjun, look carefully, this is powder on my face, high-end stuff!"



Zhou Jianjun looked at Xu Damao in confusion, and it took him a long time to say a word.

"Xu Damao, are you a pervert?"

"Ah, bah, bah, bah!"

Xu Damao spat several times at Zhou Jianjun, then covered his mouth and said coquettishly: "Zhou Jianjun, stop talking nonsense there, I just slipped my tongue for a moment."

"Hmph, I don't want to bother with you!"

After Xu Damao finished speaking, he waved his hand and turned to walk upstairs.

Looking at Xu Damao's twisting "waist" and "hips", Zhou Jianjun couldn't help but shudder!


Until then, Zhou Jianjun noticed that Xu Damao's dress was unusual: tight T-shirt, tight pants, and most importantly, through the trouser legs, Zhou Jianjun saw the floral socks on Xu Damao's feet!

Floral socks, leather shoes, plus the donkey face that was polished to pieces, coupled with his "seductive" walking posture, Zhou Jianjun can now be 100% sure that Xu Damao is a pervert!

"Is it so exciting? Without his life force, Xu Damao has become a woman?"

"As expected of Xu Damao, he is always at the forefront of fashion."

"I, Zhou, am willing to call you the best!"

Since Zhou Jianjun "left early", when he returned to the yard, there were still only women chatting in the middle yard.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, Zhou Jianjun went straight into Xu Damao's house.

"Benefactor, what are you doing..."

Sister Hong seemed a little surprised by his sudden arrival.

"Sister Hong, I want to ask you something."


Sister Hong looked like she knew everything and would tell you everything.

"Have you felt that Xu Damao is a little bit strange recently?"

"Something is wrong?" Sister Hong frowned and thought for a while, then blurted out, "He seems to have started to dress up, and the powder on his face is thicker than mine."

Speaking of this, Sister Hong suddenly paused and looked at Zhou Jianjun in horror, "He looks more and more like a woman..."

"It seems that my guess is right!" Zhou Jianjun was shocked, "Sister Hong, it seems that you will have another sister in the future!"

"Ah!? This is too disgusting, isn't it?" Sister Hong looked disgusted.

"What's wrong with this? It's better than him being a eunuch, right?"


It's obvious that Sister Hong didn't believe it.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I have something else to do!"

After perfunctorily saying this to Sister Hong, Zhou Jianjun left Xu Damao's house.

As soon as he walked to the middle courtyard, he saw something that made his headA shocking scene: Sha Zhu and Xu Damao walked in from outside, talking and laughing.

The two of them walking together looked like a couple.

"When did these two get so close? Didn't Sha Zhu notice that Xu Damao was not right?"

When they walked to the door of Sha Zhu's house, Xu Damao said to Sha Zhu in a very "gentle" tone: "Brother Zhu, don't forget to come to my house for dinner later."

"Okay, I will definitely go."


Xu Damao looked at Sha Zhu with a smile, then turned and walked to the backyard.

Zhou Jianjun finally recovered from his shock, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a pair of eyes behind the window of the Jia family, staring at this scene.

"Jia Zhang? This old hag has been quiet for so long, she won't make trouble again, right?"

"No, I'll go find Lou Xiao'e later, and stay here to see the situation first."

Zhou Jianjun muttered to himself, then turned around and walked towards the backyard. He had an inexplicable premonition: there must be something good to watch today.

After Zhou Jianjun returned home, he immediately moved a stool and sat behind the door to watch the situation outside through the window.

He didn't wait long before Sha Zhu's figure appeared in his sight.

Sha Zhu held a lunch box in one hand and an old hen with shed feathers in the other hand, and swaggered into Xu Damao's house.

Soon, the aroma of stewed chicken wafted out of Xu Damao's house.

"Here it comes!"

As expected, Jia Zhang had been quiet for so long, and today she finally resurrected.

Jia Zhang led the limping Banggeng, each holding a large bowl, and staggered to the door of Xu Damao's house.

"Xu Damao! Come out to me!"

Jia Zhang shouted in her unique hoarse voice.

The door opened, and Xu Damao came out in confusion, "Jia Zhang, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, I heard that your family is eating chicken today, so I came to ask for some chicken for my grandson to replenish his body."

"I owe you, get out!"

Xu Damao cursed angrily, and then closed the door.

"Bang bang bang"

Jia Zhang began to bang on the door, shouting as she banged: "Xu Damao, you pervert, open the door quickly!"


As soon as she cursed, the door of Xu's house was kicked open vigorously.

Then Xu Damao rushed out of the house and pounced on Jia Zhang and started scratching her, shouting, "Scratch you to death! Scratch you to death!"

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