After all, a pseudo-mother is not a real mother. Xu Damao was only arrogant for more than ten seconds before Jia Zhang, who had come to her senses, "stood up" and threw him to the ground.

"Xu Damao, you pervert, how dare you hit me!"

Jia Zhang rode on Xu Damao, holding his head with one hand and hitting Xu Damao with the other hand.

"I'll bite you to death if I let you hit my grandmother!"

Bang Geng also cooperated and lay on the ground, holding Xu Damao's hand and started to bite.

Just as the two were fighting, Sha Zhu walked out of Xu Damao's house.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Sha Zhu was stunned.


Looking at the fierce Jia Zhang grandparents and grandchildren, Sha Zhu was a little at a loss.

"What's going on outside?"

Sister Hong also came out of the house with one hand on her stomach.

Seeing Xu Damao being beaten, she frowned slightly and her face suddenly became gloomy.

"You useless bastard, you can't even beat an old woman."

After a while, the neighbors who heard the noise rushed over from their homes.

"Hurry up and pull them apart!"

"Where's the first uncle? Why isn't he here?"

"Uh, the first uncle and Yi Zhonghai went out, they're not at home!"

"What!? Then... where's the second uncle!"

Just as the crowd was talking, a cry suddenly came from the backyard door: "The second uncle is here, the second uncle is here!"

Hearing the voice, everyone looked towards the gate.

What a Yan Fugui, just like a big star in the future. With one hand slightly supporting his glasses and one hand behind his back, he walked over there and kept nodding to the neighbors.

He had a smiling look on his face, which gave him the feeling of a leader going to the countryside for inspection.

Yan Fugui was immersed in his own world, enjoying the feeling of being the center of attention, when suddenly a sharp shout broke his fantasy.

"Old Yan, why the hell did you come just now! Look at how our grandparents and grandchildren have been bullied!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, and saw Jia Zhang riding on Xu Damao, with one hand pressing Xu Damao's head tightly, which actually had a hint of the charm of "Wu Song fighting the tiger".

"This is too cool, Jia Zhang is not a tigress, but a female Wu Song!"

Zhou Jianjun stood at the door of his house and sighed sincerely.

Hearing his sigh, several neighbors around him couldn't help but look at Zhou Jianjun, "Female Wu Song?"

Then everyone looked at Jia Zhang again, "This pose, isn't it Wu Song fighting the tiger!"


Everyone laughed.


Yan Fugui coughed twice to hide his embarrassment, then walked up to Jia Zhang and said, "Sister-in-law, come down quickly. Look, Xu Damao is almost rolling his eyes. If someone dies, you will have to eat peanuts."

Jia Zhang looked down and saw that Xu Damao had already started to spit white foam from his mouth. She jumped back quickly, grabbed Banggeng's arm and retreated a few meters away.

"You saw it, I didn't do anything to him. If he dies, it has nothing to do with me."

Jia Zhang said, and then pulled Banggeng to leave, "Banggeng, go home with grandma."

Seeing Jia Zhang's trick, all the neighbors were a little dumbfounded, "What the hell is this trick!"

Zhou Jianjun took advantage of the situation and secretly winked at Sister Hong.

Sister Hong nodded slightly, immediately pulled Sha Zhu's arm and said: "Sha Zhu, help Damao, don't let him be bullied for nothing!"

Sha Zhu's body stiffened, he looked down at Sister Hong's snow-white hands, then swallowed his saliva, raised his right hand and patted Sister Hong's hand gently, "Xiao Hong, don't worry. Damao and I have been brothers since childhood, I won't let it go like this."

After the voice fell, Sha Zhu stepped forward and shouted at Jia Zhang: "Jia Zhang, you hit someone, and you are just like this "Did you go?" Jia Zhang heard his head and glanced at the silly pillar. It was six. "" It's not right, Xu Damao is abolished, so it should be five! "Don't dare to think about it, how disgusting that picture ..." Listening to everyone's discussion, the silly pillar is really "stupid"! "Where is this?" RedAt this time, Sister Hong suddenly said, "Jia Zhang, stop slandering my Damao. If he is disabled, where did the child in my belly come from?"


Everyone looked at Sister Hong again.

Jia Zhang curled her lips and said disdainfully, "Where did this slut come from? I don't even know whose bastard in my belly is? How dare you come here to talk."

Sister Hong's eyes turned red, and she shed tears as big as beans. She sobbed and said, "You... You slandered my innocence, I won't live..."

Sister Hong said, and she pretended to hit the wall. Seeing this, several women around her hurriedly stopped her.

How could Sha Zhu tolerate his sweetheart being bullied?

"Jia Zhang!"

Sha Zhu shouted angrily, strode directly to Jia Zhang, and swung his arm to hit Jia Zhang's face.

"Pah pah pah!"

"I'll teach you a lesson!"

"Will you be so mean in the future?"

Shazhu's outburst was so sudden that everyone was stunned and didn't react.

Only Banggeng, who was closest to Jia Zhangshi, came to his senses and hugged Shazhu's thigh and started biting him, cursing relentlessly: "Shazhu, you dare to hit my grandmother, I'll bite you to death!"


Shazhu was bitten and let out a wolf howl. He looked down, then picked up Banggeng and threw him far away.

With a "thump", Banggeng fell to the ground, his eyes rolled back, and he fainted.

Everyone came to their senses at this time, and Yan Fugui hurriedly shouted to Yan Jiecheng and others around him: "Hurry up and pull Shazhu away!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Everyone was about to step forward, and at this time Jia Zhangshi came to her senses and saw Banggeng fainted, so she turned on the "runaway" mode directly.

"Shazhu! I'm going to fight you!"

"Old woman, you dare to slander Xiaohong, I'll tear you apart!"

The battle of Mars and Earth began, and this time, the two fought evenly.

Shazhu's big slaps kept hitting Jia Zhangshi, and Jia Zhangshi was not to be outdone, attacking Shazhu's "vital points" with every move.

The battle was so fierce that everyone was dumbfounded.

Yan Fugui swallowed unconsciously, a little confused.

In this situation, he really couldn't handle it!

He didn't say anything, and the neighbors around him didn't care about it, and stood aside silently watching the show.


The two of them wailed at the same time.

Jia Zhangshi covered her "pig head" and squatted on the ground, wailing non-stop.

Shazhu was even worse, he covered his crotch and curled up on the ground, opening his mouth but couldn't make a sound.

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