This spiritual spring, as long as it is placed, will be followed by the derivation of the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in the Xumi space.

  can continue to evolve.

  It can be said that this spiritual spring is not simple.

  "The mission appears to have been completed. It seems that Xu Damao's side should have nothing to do."

  In fact it is.

  But he said that Xu Damao and Qin Jingru happily went to the state-run restaurant in the city for dinner.

  Qin Jingru was not happy at first.

  But under Xu Damao's various sweet words and rhetoric.

  Qin Jingru got caught up.

  Xu Damao's thief's heart did not change.

  I got drunk with Qin Jingru.

  Booked a room in the hotel.

  When you're ready to do something exciting.

  Xu Damao suddenly stopped moving.

  "what happened?"

  Qin Jing looked at Xu Damao with hazy eyes and saw that Xu Damao was about to take off his pants.

  But for a moment, he froze in place.

  Qin Jingru was a little puzzled.

  However, Xu Damao didn't say anything.

  Just notice when you're down.

  He was stunned.

  He has not heard Qin Jingru's words.

  Qin Jingru felt a little puzzled.

  When I was about to get up from the bed to see what was going on.

  But he saw that Xu Damao suddenly went crazy.

  He growled with red eyes:

  "How could this be, what the hell happened to 05?"

  He never thought of it.

  Wake up after fainting.

  He turned out to be a real rooster.

  This fact made Xu Damao somewhat puzzled.

  "You're crazy, Xu Damao."

  Qin Jing was completely annoyed.

  She felt the nice words that Xu Damao said in the state-run hotel just now.

  They all lied to her.

  This made her very angry.

  I was thinking of living in the city with Xu Damao next.

  Live that kind of lazy life.

  But Xu Damao made fun of her like this.

  Made her very angry.

  "Go away, go to Lao Tzu."

  Xu Damao was extremely irritable, his eyes were red.

  Angrily rushed forward.

  Pushing Qin Jingru away directly, Qin Jingru was also annoyed.

  "Anything, cross the river and demolish the bridge, I think you, Xu Damao, are nothing to grow."

  This sentence.

  It seemed to stab the deep wound in Xu Damao's heart.

  Xu Damao suddenly raised his head.


  He slapped Qin Jingru directly on the face.

  In an instant, Qin Jingru was fanned and fell directly to the ground.


  Qin Jingru stared at Xu Damao angrily.

  Haven't spoken yet.

  Xu Damao said angrily:

  "Bitch, they're all sluts. If your sister Qin Huai is a slut, you Qin Jingru are also a slut."

  "Go away, go away, go away."

  He was completely furious.

  Scarlet eyes, can't wait to kill.

  Qin Jingru was really scared.

  She hummed the two of them and scolded, "Xu Damao, you are cruel, let's see."

  After he finished speaking, he turned and left angrily.

  The long-term meal ticket plan failed.

  I'm not happy anymore.

  "God r, no matter who you are, I will not kill you, I promise not to be a human being."

  in the room.

  There was Xu Damao's angry roar.

  He was crazy, grabbing at his hair.

  Almost insane.


  Qin Jingru rolled his eyes.

  Xu Damao's crazy behavior made her fully aware of it.

  It's better to stay away from yourself.

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining Xu Damao's rage value x99]

  【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting the rage value x99 from Xu Damao]

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host for meeting the ten consecutive draw conditions. Is there a lottery?"

  The sound of the mechanical system came.


  Li Ge said without hesitation.

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a high-quality cantaloupe x1"

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting chocolate x5"

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting sauce beef x3 (unit/catties)"

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a radio x1 (worth 100 yuan)"

  【Host】: Li Ge

  [Skill]: Six library immortal thief, both hands (20% proficiency)

  【Money】: 160 yuan

  [Items]: Egg x15, Milk x3, Chocolate x8, Dragon Fruit x3, Spicy Hot Pot Base x3, 82 Lafite x1, Sauce Beef x3, Radio x1, Cantaloupe x1

  "This time the reward is still good. There are cantaloupe, sauce beef, and more importantly, there is a radio."

  Li Ge's expression moved.

  He just took the radio out.

  Put it on the table in the courtyard of Xumi Space.

  Follow the system prompts.

  Fiddled a few times.

  Soon, a voice was heard.

  The above probably broadcasts that the New Year is coming, reminding the general public to keep warm, to strengthen ideological construction, social construction and so on.

  Most of them are propaganda of some of the above ideological policies.

  Li Ge listened to it for a while and felt boring.

  Just turn the show.

  Just the next moment, Li Ge was attracted by the sound from the radio:

  "It turns out that the purple and red blossoms have bloomed all over the place, and it seems that they are all paid to the broken well and the ruins."

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