The melodious voice, the more melodious the more melodious, is indescribable in the ears, like drizzle dripping, and like apricot flowers blowing on the face.

  Her clear eyes were like water, her dark eyebrows were like smoke, and there was a hint of sadness between her eyebrows.

  That pure, that is sad, just like the spring breeze on the lake in the sky, there are some falling flowers.

  It seems that she can see her graceful body, spinning in circles for a while, making various movements for a while, and even the posture of stopping is so beautiful.

  "The beauty of the good day is but the sky, who's family is enjoying the pleasures."

  "Float with a sleeve of water and sing the Peony Pavilion."

  Listen to her tune.

  Li Ge raised his hand unexpectedly.

  Follow the rhythm, hum softly, put your fingers on the table, and tap.

  Just wait for the last song.

  Li Ge couldn't help but suddenly opened his eyes and raised his hands to applaud.

  There was also applause on the radio.

  "This tune was sung by Meng Xiaodong, a famous Peking Opera master, known as the Winter Emperor during the Republic of China."

  Listen to the introduction on the radio.

  Li Ge couldn't help but be stunned.

  After a long time, he exclaimed in amazement.

  "Masters of Peking Opera are worthy of being masters of Peking Opera, and they really have their own unique charm."

  Before Li Ge, it was not very understandable.

  Why do those older generations like to listen to dramas?

  But suddenly, Li Ge understood.

  This kind of charm is the people who indulge in the life of intoxication and gold in later generations.


  its charm.

  It is something that can be sung to those who can understand.

  And Li Ge, I didn't understand it before.

  Now, suddenly, I gradually understand.

  "It's really sweet, this thing, it's okay."

  Seeing this radio, Li Ge was very satisfied.

  If you have nothing to do in the future, you can listen to it.

  "Find a location, put in the spiritual spring, and then talk about it."

  Take back your thoughts.

  Li Ge didn't talk nonsense either.

  He slid his hoe straight away.

  Just get out of the yard.

  when he came to the farm.

  A loud crowing sounded.


  A big rooster, in good shape, is standing in the chicken coop.

  A pair of phoenix eyes seems to be very nervous.

  Staring closely at the old hen in the chicken coop.

  Li Ge's expression moved.

  How sensitive he is.

  Just the blink of an eye.

  Just a little surprised.

  Originally, there were still some doubts, what was this angry chicken doing?

  It turned out that it was an egg hatched by an old hen, and a little life was about to be born.

  At this time, in the expectant eyes of the old hen and the angry chicken.

  That egg, a little life, is struggling to break the eggshell.

  The eggshell first cracked a few cracks on the surface.

  Then the surface of the eggshell was pushed up with a force.

  It seems to be a little laborious.

  At this time, the Angry Chicken, which was still crowing, and the old hen were also instantly tense.

  Seeing this, Li Ge frowned.

  But Li Ge did not help.

  Time passed by minute by minute.

  As it goes by.

  The eggshell was suddenly torn apart by a force again.

  First, a pair of wings stretched out from the cracked eggshell.

  see this scene.

  The angry chicken, who was still nervous at first, opened his eyes wide.

  A loud crowing sounded.

  Followed by.

  The eggshell is broken.

  A small head stuck out.

  550 fiery red cockscomb, among a pair of phoenix eyes.

  Glittering sharp rays of light.

  He seems to be curious about this world.

  It glanced left and right.

  First look.

  Then he saw Li Ge and was squatting down to look at it.


  It seems somewhat happy.

  A loud crowing sounded at Li Ge.

  This sound is like the first ray of dawn at dawn.

  Let this small world that was originally silent.

  Full of breath of life.

  Seeing this, Li Ge couldn't help but smile, under the resentful eyes of the male and female chickens.

  Reached out and grabbed the little angry chicken.

  Keep it in the palm of your hand.

  this little life.

  Somewhat weak.

  The body is swaying, but Li Ge seems to be able to feel the stubbornness in his bones.

  Standing in Li Ge's hands.

  Use a pair of chicken feet to grab the flesh of Li Ge's palm.

  Just don't fall down.

  "You little guy is a bit interesting. Let you taste this rootless water."

  Li Ge was also interested.

  Take the rootless water directly.

  Pour some in the right hand heart.

  Seeing this, the little angry chicken seemed very happy.

  It hurriedly pecked at Li Ge's right heart like a chicken pecking at rice.

  With the rootless water belly.

  Li Ge could clearly feel it.

  The life force of the rootless water is invisibly strengthening the little angry chicken's body.


  At this moment, the angry chicken seems to be able to see the rootless water in Li Ge's palm.

  It became a little hot in an instant.

  Li Ge rolled his eyes and cursed angrily:

  "This rootless water, I keep the tea, don't worry about it. Now that you are a father, take the little guy well and talk about it."


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