Huaiqing: "At the banquet, we obtained a lot of valuable information, and at the same time successfully weakened the power of corrupt officials. But corrupt officials are still acting recklessly, and we need more targeted action to eradicate their evil forces once and for all. Subordinate

1: "Brother Huaiqing, according to the intelligence I gathered, the wealth of corrupt officials is mainly stored in his mansion. If we can seize these goods, we will not only weaken them, but also help the people to regain their lost property. Subordinate

2: "I agree with Subordinate 1's suggestion that the wealth of corrupt officials is their weakness, and the seizure of property will deal a huge blow to them. We can give these goods to the people they exploit to bring hope and comfort. Subordinate

3: "In addition to seizing property, we should also look for evidence to expose the crimes of corrupt officials. In this way, not only can they be punished as they deserve, but also more people can recognize their true colors. Huaiqing

: "Your advice is very pertinent. We will develop a detailed plan, including operations to seize property and collect evidence. But before that, we need more support and help. Man

1: "I have contacted a number of righteous warriors, and they all express their support for our cause. They are willing to stand by our side to bring justice to our people. Subordinate

2: "In addition, I have the support of some people who are willing to provide intelligence and help us with our operations. They yearn for fairness and justice, and hope that we can completely eradicate the power of corrupt officials. When

Huai Qing heard these good news, his eyes flashed with hope.

Huaiqing: "This support has come too timely, and we are no longer alone. Now, with greater determination and strength, we must continue to move forward and build a just river and lake for the people!

The subordinates responded in unison: "Yes!" We will walk with you to defeat the evil forces of corrupt officials and fight for justice! Huaiqing

and his partners relived their vows again, and their conversations were filled with solidarity, support and determination. They know that only by persevering can good triumph over evil and bring a better place for the people. They raised their swords and took steps to continue to act for a just and just world.

Just as Huaiqing and his companions were determined to continue their operations, an elderly warrior dressed as a warrior walked into their base of operations.

Older Warrior: "Huaiqing, I heard about your deeds of fighting for justice, and I deeply admire it. I would like to join you in providing help and guidance. Huaiqing

: "Thank you for your support, senior. It will be our pleasure for you to join. What is your name? "

Older Warrior: "I am a warrior known as "Sword Shadow" on the rivers and lakes. For years, I have been fighting for justice and trying to help those who are oppressed. I have heard that you are preparing to seize the property of corrupt officials and expose their crimes, and I have some experience and skills to share with you. "

Subordinate 1: "Senior Sword Shadow, it is a great honor to act with you. Your experience and guidance will be a valuable asset to us. "

Subordinate 2: "Yes, Senior Sword Shadow, we will humbly accept your teachings and fight together for justice. Sword

Shadow: "Very well, young people. In this evil age, we need more warriors to uphold justice. Our goal is to remove the cancer of corrupt officials and bring hope to the people. I will fight side by side with you to use my sword and wisdom to defeat the evil forces of corrupt officials. "

Huaiqing: "Senior Sword Shadow, please give us some advice, we need to be more cautious and efficient in the operation of seizing property and exposing crimes. "

First of all, we need to develop a detailed action plan, including detailed reconnaissance of the mansion and understanding of the daily activities of corrupt officials. Second, we must maintain close communication and tacit cooperation in our actions, and only by uniting can we achieve victory. Finally, we must always remember that our goal is for the people, not for self-interest and revenge. Only with justice in mind can our actions be supported and recognized by more people. "

Subordinate 3: "Senior Sword Shadow, your guidance is invaluable. According to your suggestions, we will formulate a detailed action plan and take the interests of the people as the starting point to fight the evil forces of corrupt officials. Sword

Shadow: "Young people, I have full confidence in you. I believe that under your leadership, good will triumph over evil. Let's bring light and hope to the rivers and lakes together! Huaiqing

and his companions were extremely excited and excited, and their determination was even stronger because they now had an experienced Sword Shadow senior on board. They know that with the guidance and support of their predecessors, their actions will be more robust and effective. They will fight side by side and work for justice, hoping to bring a better tomorrow to the rivers and lakes.

Huai Qing, Jianying, and their companions sat around the base of operations, discussing in detail their upcoming plan to seize corrupt officials and expose their crimes.

Huaiqing: "In our operations, we must ensure the safety of the people while minimizing unnecessary harm. Our goal is to eliminate evil, not to kill innocents. "

Jianying: "Huaiqing is right, we must adhere to the principle of chivalry, protect the weak, and give corrupt officials a fair trial. We need to choose the timing and the means to deter them to the greatest extent possible and make them realize the cost of sin. Subordinate

1: "So, how should we divide labor and cooperate in the operation of seizing property? Subordinate

2: "I think we can divide the task into several groups, one group is responsible for entering the mansion, and the other group is responsible for protecting the people and ensuring the smooth running of the operation. Subordinate

3: "At the same time, we can also set up interference and illusions to distract corrupt officials and create opportunities for the seizure of property. Huaiqing

: "Very good, clear division of labor, cooperation tacit understanding is the key to our success. In addition, we need to ensure that operational intelligence is accurate and adequate. Subordinate 1, please continue to keep in touch with the people and obtain any important information related to corrupt officials. Subordinate

1: "Understand, I will continue to communicate with the people and obtain the latest information on the corrupt mansion as soon as possible. "

In the operation to expose the crimes of corrupt officials, we can expose the evidence through the media and public occasions, so that more people can understand their criminal acts." In this way, we can not only weaken the power of corrupt officials, but also get more people to stand up for justice. "

Subordinate 2: "Senior Jianying is right, we can use the power of public opinion to make corrupt officials have nowhere to hide. "

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