Subordinate 3: "At the same time, we can also contact justice lawyers and authorities to hand over evidence to them to ensure that corrupt officials cannot escape justice." Huaiqing

: "Okay, our plan has taken shape. Next, we'll further refine each action step and arrange the time and place. Senior Sword Shadow, your experience and guidance will play a vital role in us. "

Sword Shadow: "Young people, I believe you are ready, let us fight for justice, sweep away the cancer of corrupt officials, and bring a bright river and lake to the people!"

Huaiqing and his partners responded in unison: "Yes!" For justice, for the happiness of the people! "

They are united and determined to march firmly towards their actions and to fight for a just and just world." They know that the road ahead will not be easy, but they believe in the power of justice and believe that their efforts will bring about real change. They were ready to set out for that bright future, for the judgment that the corrupt officials who did all the evils deserved.

Huai Qing, Jianying, and their companions began to make final preparations for their action, and everyone gathered to discuss the details.

Huai Qing: "Our action is about to start, and we need to make sure that every detail is ready. Senior Sword Shadow, please make a time and place for us to act, as well as the relevant arrangements. Sword

Shadow: "Okay, let me arrange it for you. According to the information we have, the corrupt mansion is the most heavily defended. I suggest that we choose to act late at night, when corrupt officials are less vigilant. Subordinate

1: "It's a good idea to act late at night. Moreover, in the vicinity of the corrupt officials' residences, we can set up ambushes to prevent their reinforcements and the transmission of information. Subordinate

2: "We also need to ensure speed and tacit understanding. We can set up a temporary command center for real-time command and coordination. Subordinate

3: "At the same time, we should also conduct a final inspection of weapons and equipment before the operation to ensure that everyone is well equipped and prepared for any situation. Huaiqing

: "Very good, we will act according to the suggestions of the senior and partners of the sword shadow. In addition, we need to be mentally prepared to remain calm and responsive in the face of unexpected situations. "

Jianying: "Huaiqing is right. In action, we may face various difficulties and challenges, but as long as we maintain unity and confidence and support each other, we will certainly be able to overcome all difficulties. Subordinate

1: "We have always fought for justice and worked for the people. Now, we are about to face the most important battle, let us carry forward the chivalrous spirit and show the power of justice to the extreme! Subordinate

2: "We fight for this moment, for those who are oppressed, for those who yearn for justice and equality. We must make corrupt officials pay their due! Huaiqing

: "Partners, our goal is ahead. This operation is not only a challenge to corrupt officials, but also to that dark age. We must write a glorious page for history and bring justice and hope to the rivers and lakes!

They shouted in unison: "For justice, for the people, for a bright river!" Huai

Qing, Jianying and their partners looked at each other firmly, and their dialogue was full of determination and determination. They are ready, to fight for justice, to work for that better future. Their action is about to begin, and a crucial moment is about to determine the fate of the quacks and lakes.

In the tense atmosphere where the operation was about to begin, Huai Qing, Jianying and their partners gathered again at the base of operations to give final encouragement and encouragement.

Huai Qing: "Partners, we are ready, our goal is in sight. This operation is not only to combat the evil forces of corrupt officials, but also to return justice and dignity to the people. We want them to see the power of justice and let them understand the mission of the warrior! "

Yes, everything we do is for justice and fairness. Corrupt officials have been arrogant for a long time, and now is the time for us to stand up and bring justice to the people. Every warrior must always remember that our mission is to protect the weak and seek justice for the innocent!

Subordinate 1: "We have justice in our hearts and firm beliefs. No matter what difficulties and dangers we face, we will not back down. The people expect our actions, let us give them hope and courage! Subordinate

2: "The flame of justice burns in our hearts, and we will ignite the whole river and lake with actions!" Our goal is to completely eradicate the power of corrupt officials and bring justice, peace and prosperity to the people! Subordinate

3: "In this operation, we are one, we are the spokespersons of justice. We need to support and protect each other. Only by uniting can we overcome all difficulties and achieve our goals! Huaiqing

: "Partners, let us raise the cry of justice together, for a better world!"

They shouted in unison: "For justice, for the people, for a bright river!" "

The determination of Huai Qing, Jianying and his companions ignited the passion in the base of operations. Their conversations were filled with conviction and courage. They have prepared everything and firmly embarked on the path of justice. They know that the road ahead will not be easy, but they believe in the power of justice and believe that their efforts will not be in vain. Their actions will transform rivers and lakes, bringing hope and new beginnings to the people.

At the critical juncture when the operation was about to begin, Huaiqing, Jianying and their partners once again united for the final mobilization and planning.

Huaiqing: "Partners, we have everything ready, now it is time to show our strength and determination. This is a contest between good and evil, and we must go all out and leave no room for it! Sword

Shadow: "Yes, this is our moment to fight for justice. We must remove the cancer of corrupt officials and seek justice for the oppressed. Every warrior needs to be alert at all times to deal with any unexpected situation. Subordinate

1: "We must remember our goal and not be swayed by the intrigues and temptations of corrupt officials. Our actions are for the people, for a more just and equal quack! Subordinate

2: "No matter what difficulties we face, we must work closely together and support each other. Only by uniting can we defeat the forces of corrupt officials. Our faith will be our most powerful weapon! "

Subordinate 3: "Senior Sword Shadow, we need your wisdom and experience to lead us. Please give your final guidance and suggestions so that we can achieve maximum success in our actions! "

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