Sword Shadow: "Young people, I see your courage and determination. In our actions, we should try to be as stealthy and swift as possible, and raise our hands without attracting attention. At the same time, we need to keep an eye on each other's safety and make sure no one is left behind or exposed. "

Huaiqing: "What Sword Shadow Senior said is very correct. We must accurately implement the plan, divide labor and cooperation, and minimize the power of corrupt officials. Our goal is to bring justice and equality to the people! Sword

Shadow: "In the end, no matter what difficulties we encounter, we must stick to our belief in chivalry. We act for justice and the well-being of our people. Let's fight for a better world and fight for chivalry!

The partners swore in unison: "For justice, for the people, for a bright river!" Huaiqing

, Jianying, and their partners looked at each other firmly, and their conversations were full of determination and perseverance. They know the importance of this operation, they integrate chivalry into every step of the action, and they stand up for the sake of justice and equality. They have a mission in mind, ready to meet the challenges ahead, confident that their efforts will allow good to triumph over evil and bring real hope and change to the people.

Huaiqing, Jianying and their partners gathered again in the tense atmosphere before the action for the final mobilization and encouragement.

Huaiqing: "Partners, we are about to embark on the road of justice, and our goal is to weaken the power of corrupt officials and fight for justice and dignity for the people. This is not only a battle, but also the ultimate challenge to the forces of evil. Our mission is to safeguard justice and defend the rights and interests of the people! "

Yes, our actions are not only to bring down corrupt officials, but also to completely change the face of the rivers and lakes. We want to bring light and hope to those who have been oppressed, so that they can regain their dignity and freedom.

Subordinate 1: "We have justice in our hearts and firm beliefs. At this moment, we must be driven by the voice of the people, no matter what difficulties we face, we will not back down! Subordinate

2: "It's been our dreams and pursuits for years, and now it's time to make them a reality. We must use the power of action to bring a new world to the rivers and lakes!

Subordinate 3: "Our actions are not only to seize the property of corrupt officials, but also to expose their crimes. We want to give them a fair trial and make them pay the price they deserve! Huaiqing

: "Partners, we are a righteous team, and we will write the chapter of history with our actions. At this critical moment, we must maintain unity and tacit understanding and look after each other. Only through cooperation can we achieve ultimate victory! Sword

Shadow: "The power of justice will guide us forward, let us adhere to the way of chivalry, and fight for those who cannot do justice!" No matter what difficulties and dangers we face, we must believe in ourselves and believe in our mission! Huaiqing

: "Partners, let us make our last cry, for justice, for the people, for a bright rivers and lakes!

They shouted in unison: "For justice, for the people, for a bright river!" "

The determination of Huaiqing, Jianying and their partners burned like fire, and their dialogue was full of unity and determination. In this final preparatory stage, they are convinced of the power of justice and of the real difference that their efforts will bring about real change. They are chivalrous and determined to embark on the road ahead. They encourage each other and are willing to give everything for a more just, equal and bright world. Now, they are ready to meet the test of fate, and they strive for that ideal world.

Huaiqing, Jianying, and their partners gathered at the base of operations again, facing the countdown to the operation, exchanging expectations and determination for this important operation.

Huai Qing: "Partners, the time for action is coming. We have gone through a long period of preparation and it is time to show our strength and determination. This operation is not only about the fate of corrupt officials, but also about the rights and interests of ordinary people. We want to get justice for them and restore justice to the rivers and lakes! Sword

Shadow: "Yes, this is our responsibility and mission as warriors. We need to protect the weak, fight the forces of evil, and bring light to those who suffer. This is our battle, for a more just and equal quack! Subordinate

1: "We have been working hard for this moment, and now it is finally here. We must unite as one, give full play to our respective advantages, fight corrupt officials with the greatest strength, and win victory for the people! Subordinate

2: "We need to use late-night operations as an opportunity to take advantage of the hidden advantages in the dark. Division of labor and close cooperation to ensure the smooth progress of the operation. We must let corrupt officials feel the power of justice! Subordinate

3: "In the course of action, we must always be vigilant and flexible. If anything unexpected happens, we react quickly to keep each other safe. We must guard the flame of justice and never extinguish it! Huaiqing

: "Partners, everything we do is for those who suffer innocently, so that the rivers and lakes can return to fairness and justice. This is our responsibility, we must move forward bravely and never waver! "

Sword Shadow: "At this most critical moment, let us reaffirm our vows once again. We must use our actions to write a magnificent history and bring light and hope to the rivers and lakes! Huaiqing

: "Partners, let us issue our last cry together, for justice, for the people, for a bright rivers and lakes!"

They shouted in unison: "For justice, for the people, for a bright river!" Huaiqing

, Jianying, and their partners looked at each other firmly, and their conversations were full of determination and perseverance. On the eve of this operation, they were full of anticipation, and the desire for victory drove them forward. They know that there are obstacles ahead, but they believe in the power of unity and faith. Now, they are ready for the final decisive battle, and for the sake of that river and lake full of justice, they are chivalrous and join hands to meet the challenge.

Huai Qing, Jianying and their companions were immersed in the preparations of the night before, full of nervousness and anticipation for the action. They reunited at the base of operations for final mobilization and planning.

Huaiqing: "Partners, tomorrow is the day of action. We've gone through a long preparation, and now it's time to put everything into action. Our goal is to weaken the power of corrupt officials and strive for a just and equal place for the people! Sword

Shadow: "Yes, the justice we seek will not fall, we must bring justice to the oppressed and give them justice." This is our responsibility, we must move forward bravely, not afraid of hardships and dangers! "

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