One day, Xie Huaiqing was working in the police station when a young man walked in.

Young Li Ming: Captain Xie, hello! I am Li Ming, an eyewitness in that thief case.

Xie Huaiqing: (laughing kindly) Hello, Li Ming, thank you for the clues you provided earlier. Without your help, we may not be able to catch the thief.

Li Ming: I came to you because there is something that has been haunting me. I have something to tell you.

Xie Huaiqing: Please say, you can say it.

Li Ming: That night, when I was walking around, I actually saw the true face of the thief.

Xie Huaiqing: (surprised) What? Why didn't you tell us before?

Li Ming: I was very scared, afraid that he would find me. And I'm not quite sure if what I'm seeing is true. But now I understand that I cannot remain silent about the crime.

Xie Huaiqing: (seriously) What you said is very important, Li Ming. Can you describe the true face of the thief?

Li Ming: He is actually a middle-aged man with glasses and looks ordinary. The look in his eyes made me feel that he seemed a little guilty, but at the same time there was a hint of indifference.

Xie Huaiqing: (thinking) Thank you, Li Ming. Your testimony may be helpful to us in resolving other related cases.

(Act 12)

Xie Huaiqing and Li Ming return to the crime scene together to relive the night Li Ming witnessed.

Xie Huaiqing: (Careful observation) Are you sure he is the thief?

Li Ming: (nodding firmly) I was very impressed by his appearance, absolutely right!

Xie Huaiqing: (seriously) Okay, we will investigate this matter and inform you of the results as soon as possible.

(After investigation, the police confirmed the clues provided by Li Ming and successfully locked the true identity of the thief.)

(Act 13)

A few days later, Xie Huaiqing and the police officers set out again and finally captured the thief in one night.

Thief: (remorseful after showing his true face) I confess that I deserve it. I didn't think I would ever get caught, but I didn't expect to be caught by you guys in the end.

Xie Huaiqing: Sooner or later, crimes will be punished. You made the right choice this time, at least you're willing to take your mistakes.

Thief: (grateful) Thank you, I realized how stupid my previous actions were. Hopefully, I can start again and live a normal life.

Xie Huaiqing: You still have a chance, the key is to face life in the right way.

(Act 14)

After the thief was dealt with according to law, Xie Huaiqing and the police officers were praised by the townspeople. Their persistence and wisdom solve this series of thief cases, bringing the town back to peace and tranquility again.

Li Ming: (sighing) Captain Xie, you are really an amazing policeman!

Xie Huaiqing: (laughs modestly) Thank you for the compliment, but the teamwork is the most important. We are simply doing our part to protect peace in this land.

Constable Zhang Qiang: (Admiringly) Yes, our team is strong, but without your wisdom and courage, we would not have achieved such results.

Xie Huaiqing: (smiles) You guys are too polite. No matter what, as long as we unite and cooperate and work together, we can achieve good results.

(Under Xie Huaiqing's leadership, security in the town continued to improve, and he became a hero.) He guarded this peaceful land with wisdom and kindness, bringing stability and warmth to the town.


few months later, Xie Huaiqing was sitting in his police office and received an anonymous letter. He opened the envelope, and inside was a note.

The note read: "Captain Xie, thank you for your kindness and tolerance. I have decided to go on the right path and change my life. Thank you again!

Xie Huaiqing: (smiles) It seems that our efforts have not been in vain. The letter was written by a thief.

Constable Zhang Qiang: It's good news that he has finally decided to repent.

Xie Huaiqing: Yes, for a person, being able to realize his mistakes and bravely change them is a great improvement.

(Act 16)

As time passed, the town continued to be quiet and calm. Xie Huaiqing and the police officers continued to stand at their posts to defend this peaceful land.

One day, an event was held in the town to thank Huaiqing. Residents came to pay their respects and gratitude to him.

Resident A: Captain Xie, thank you for your continued contribution to us!

Resident B: Yes, your wisdom and courage reassure us.

Xie Huaiqing: (laughs modestly) This is all we should do, I just did my duty as a police officer.

(Act 17)

After the event, Xie Huaiqing stood alone on the roof of the police station, looking at the night view of the town. He was full of emotion in his heart.

Xie Huaiqing: (Talking to himself) Quiet night, calm town, I really like it here. Sometimes, I think, maybe this town is part of my guard.

(At this time, police officer Zhang Qiang walked up)

Police officer Zhang Qiang: Captain, why are you standing here alone?

Xie Huaiqing: (smiling) Nothing, just thinking about the past. The change in the town is really gratifying.

Constable Zhang Qiang: Yes, we are really honored to have your leadership.

Xie Huaiqing: (patted Zhang Qiang's shoulder encouragingly) You are also the guardians of this town, and you will guard this land with me. We must always maintain the quality of perseverance and kindness to make the town always peaceful.

(In the end, Xie Huaiqing and Zhang Qiang continue to guard the town and create a safer environment for residents.) Their stories were told in the town, and Xie Huaiqing became a legendary hero of this land, forever remembered and revered.


few years later, Xie Huaiqing was already a veteran police officer in the town. Under his leadership, the security of the town has been maintained in good condition. One day, he sat in his police office and recalled bits and pieces of the past.

Constable Zhang Qiang: (walking into the office) Captain, you see this is today's newspaper.

Xie Huaiqing: (takes the newspaper and glances) Oh? Any news?

Constable Zhang Qiang: (pointing to the headline in the newspaper) It's a report about the thief case. It seems that our previous efforts have really helped a lot of people.

Xie Huaiqing: (smiles) Yes, I hope they will continue to follow the right path.

Officer Zhang Qiang: Do you remember the letter that the thief wrote to you? It seems that he has really rehabilitated.

Xie Huaiqing: (nodding) Yes, I have always believed that everyone has the possibility of change. As long as there is repentance, people can start again.

(Act 19)

The tranquility and harmony of the town continues. Xie Huaiqing's wisdom and kindness, as well as the efforts of the police officers, have made the town a safe and comfortable home.

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