Xie Huaiqing: (smiles) Time flies so fast, we have spent so many years together.

Constable Zhang Qiang: Yes, Captain Xie, your wisdom and courage have always been our example.

Xie Huaiqing: (To put it mildly) You are also my pride, and I believe that you will continue to guard this town and let it continue to prosper.

Constable Zhang Qiang: (Firmly speaking) Yes, we will continue to inherit your spirit and contribute to the tranquility of the town.

(Act 32)

Xie Huaiqing and the police officers recall the past together and look forward to the future together. Their friendship will be forever connected, for the harmony and tranquility of the town, guarding this beautiful land. Xie Huaiqing titled with wisdom and kindness

: The sparks fluttered in the sixties

of the last century in a small town in the sixties, Xie Huaiqing was an ordinary youth. He lived in turbulent times, where society was rife with contradictions and conflicts, and struggles between different factions occurred from time to time. However, Xie Huaiqing himself does not like violence and strife, and he always expects to solve problems through dialogue and understanding.

One day, Xie Huaiqing was drinking coffee in a café in town when he suddenly heard a noise. He went out and saw two groups of young men arguing, and the situation clearly showed some signs of deterioration.

Xie Huaiqing decided to step forward and try to resolve the dispute. He explained to a group of young people: "Everyone calms down and understands each other more than sparring." If there is any conflict between you, say it, and we will find a solution together.

One of the young men glared at Xie Huaiqing and said with disdain: "Where did you come out of nowhere, what are you interjecting?"

Xie Huaiqing smiled and said, "I am just an ordinary person who cares about social harmony, and I hope everyone can live in peace."

Another group of young people also became suspicious of Xie Huaiqing's approach, and they said, "Are you an undercover agent of that group? Want to reconcile our relationship?

Xie Huaiqing shook his head firmly: "I am not undercover and do not belong to any faction. I just believe in the power of dialogue and understanding, and hope that everyone can communicate calmly and find common solutions.

The remarks resonated with some young people, but others were skeptical. In order to prove his sincerity, Xie Huaiqing took the initiative to organize a symposium and invited representatives of both sides to attend to discuss solutions to the problem.

After some persuasion, the two sides finally agreed to participate in the symposium organized by Xie Huaiqing. Xie Huaiqing spent a lot of thought and prepared detailed meeting materials, hoping to make some substantive progress at the symposium.

On the day of the symposium, the atmosphere was tense and anticipating. Xie Huaiqing stood on the rostrum, took a deep breath, and opened the meeting.

"Gentlemen, first of all, I would like to thank you for joining this symposium. We come together not to blame each other, but to find ways to solve problems. Please respect each other, listen carefully to each other's opinions, and discuss solutions together. Over

the next few hours, representatives from both sides began to gradually release their grievances and grievances. Xie Huaiqing listened to everyone with an open mind, constantly guiding everyone to focus on the problem itself, rather than personal attacks.

Over time, the atmosphere of the symposium gradually became harmonious. People are beginning to realize that their conflicts are not unsolvable, as long as they are willing to sit and listen to each other and find solutions together.

In the end, the symposium ended successfully in a peaceful atmosphere. The representatives of the two sides shook hands and made peace, expressing their gratitude to Xie Huaiqing. They realize that through dialogue and understanding, they can transcend hatred and find common interests.

Since that day, Xie Huaiqing has become a respected figure in this town. With his persistence and wisdom, he resolved many disputes and conflicts. He also taught people that in turbulent times, dialogue and understanding are important forces that can bring people together towards a better future.

In the days after the symposium, Xie Huaiqing continued to keep in touch with the representatives of both sides and regularly organized small-scale exchange meetings. He hopes that through these meetings, they will get to know each other better and reduce misunderstanding and hostility.

At an exchange meeting, a young man asked Xie Huaiqing: "Mr. Xie, I have always been hostile to another faction, and I feel that they have been oppressing us. But in the symposium, I found that they also have their own difficulties. What should I do?

Xie Huaiqing encouraged him: "It is an important step that you can be aware of your own biases. If you want to break the hostility, you must be willing to take the initiative to understand each other and think more from their point of view. Only through true understanding can you find a solution to a problem.

Another representative also shared his thoughts: "Mr. Xie, you are right. I also learned a lot at the symposium. In the past, we always misunderstood each other's intentions, leading to escalating conflicts. Now I'm willing to change that state and sit down with them and have a good talk. "

With the deepening of exchanges, the knot between the representatives of the two sides gradually loosened, and more people began to change their concepts. Xie Huaiqing's wisdom and patience played a key role in this.

However, not everyone can easily let go of past hatreds. Once, an elderly delegate angrily walked into the exchange venue and said to Xie Huaiqing: "Who do you think you are? Why should we let go of each other's faults?

Xie Huaiqing did not dodge his anger, but responded patiently: "I don't want you to forget the hatred of the past, but if we keep immersed in the pain of the past, we will not be able to move forward." Only the gradual release of hatred can pave the way for reconciliation.

After some argument, the elder representative's mood gradually subsided, and he began to think about Xie Huaiqing's words. Although he did not change his position on the day, he left the exchange meeting without the previous anger on his face.

Xie Huaiqing knows that it will take time, but he believes that as long as he moves forward step by step, he will eventually achieve results.

In the months that followed, Xie Huaiqing continued to push for change in the town. He launched a peaceful march that attracted many young people and elders to participate. The march's slogan was "Peace through dialogue, forging the future with understanding".

As the peace march progressed, more people began to join in, expressing their desire for peace. During the parade, people put aside their hostility to each other and became united, which breathed new life into the town.

Through Xie Huaiqing's efforts, the town gradually moved towards peace and prosperity during the turbulent years of the sixties. People have learned to solve problems through dialogue and understanding, and no longer use violence and conflict to resolve differences.

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