Partner 2: Yes, when we first started manufacturing lithography machines, it was really a hard journey.

Xie Huaiqing: (smiling with emotion) Yes, we were all young and vigorous at that time, full of longing and longing for the future.

Partner 1: And we have faced countless challenges and difficulties, but we have not given up and persevered in the pursuit of technological progress.

Act 12: Memories and Prospects

(While celebrating their achievements, Xie Huaiqing and his team gather to reminisce about the past and look forward to the future. Partner

2: Huaiqing, do you remember the moment when we successfully ran the lithography machine for the first time? It's exciting!

Xie Huaiqing: Of course I remember! At that moment, we seemed to see infinite possibilities and the power of technology to change the world.

Partner 1: Our achievements are the result of team efforts and wisdom. I'm proud to be part of this team.

Xie Huaiqing: Me too. I couldn't have done this without your support and cooperation. Our success is the success of our team.

Act 13: Inspiration and Inheritance

(Xie Huaiqing decided to pass on their successful experience to more young people.

Xie Huaiqing: We must not only continue to advance in science and technology, but also pass on our experience to the next generation and inspire more young people.

Partner 1: You're right. We can set up a science and technology research foundation to fund science and technology projects for young people and help them realize their dreams.

Partner 2: At the same time, we can set up scientific and technological seminars and workshops to let more people understand and participate in technological innovation.

Xie Huaiqing: Exactly! Let us continue to inherit and carry forward our spirit, so that the torch of science and technology will continue to be passed on in the hands of the new generation.

Act 14: Never Stop

(Xie Huaiqing and his team are determined to continue to move forward and work hard for the advancement of science and technology.

Partner 1: Huaiqing, we still have many new ideas and projects waiting for us to realize.

Partner 2: Yes, the world of technology is always full of possibilities. Let's continue to explore and innovate.

Xie Huaiqing: No matter what the future brings, we must firmly go on. Let's never stop working for the future of technology!

(The story comes to a successful end with the persistent efforts of Xie Huaiqing and the team.) They will continue to open up the brilliant future of science and technology and bring more progress and prosperity to human society.

Act 15: Challenge and Courage

(Over time, advances in technology have brought new challenges.) Xie Huaiqing and his team faced an unprecedented technical problem. Partner

1: Huaiqing, our latest lithography machine is having trouble manufacturing more complex chips. The resolution is not enough, resulting in defective chips.

Partner 2: We tried various ways to improve it, but we still couldn't solve this problem. It's really frustrating.

Xie Huaiqing: (Contemplation) It's a challenge, but we can't back down. Every technological breakthrough in history has been accompanied by difficulties and failures, and we must face them bravely and find solutions.

Act 16: Discovery and Innovation

(After continuous trial and research, Xie Huaiqing and his team finally found a new material and processing method that is expected to solve the resolution problem.

Partner 1: Huaiqing, I noticed a new research paper introducing a new type of lithographic material that may help us solve current problems.

Partner 2: At the same time, I am also trying to use a new control algorithm that has the potential to improve the accuracy of the lithography machine.

Xie Huaiqing: That sounds promising! Let's give it a try right away, maybe that's the answer we've been looking for.

Act 17: Breakthrough and New Chapter

(After continuous trial and improvement, Xie Huaiqing and his team finally overcome the resolution problem and successfully manufactured a more advanced lithography machine. Partner

1: Look, the new lithography machine works very well when it comes to making chips! Almost no defects!

Partner 2: This is so exciting! We have finally succeeded in solving this problem that has been plaguing us for a long time!

Xie Huaiqing: This is the result of our joint efforts, everyone has worked hard! Our technology has taken it to a new level.

Act 18: Sharing and Openness

(Xie Huaiqing decided to open and share their technology to promote global scientific and technological cooperation and development.

Xie Huaiqing: Our success is inseparable from the support and inspiration of other researchers. I decided to open up our technology and share our research with the world.

Partner 1: It was a great decision! This can promote scientific and technological cooperation and accelerate the development of science and technology.

Partner 2: At the same time, we can also cooperate with other scientific research teams to solve larger technical problems.

Act 19: The Future of

Science and Technology (Xie Huaiqing and his team continue to move forward on the road of science and technology, and their open and cooperative attitude has brought the development of science and technology to a new level.

Xie Huaiqing: The future is full of infinite possibilities, let's continue to explore the brilliant future of science and technology!

Partner 1: Yes, let us never stop and contribute to the progress of science and technology!

Partner 2: Whatever the future brings, we must move forward with determination. Technology changes the world, let's work together to create a better tomorrow!

(The ending of the story shows the unremitting spirit of exploration of Xie Huaiqing and his team, whose scientific and technological breakthroughs not only led to their own development, but also brought progress and prosperity to the entire human society.) The torch of technology continues to shine in their hands, illuminating the way for future technological development. Act 20

: Looking Back and Feeling

(Xie Huaiqing and his team have gone through many years in the journey of science and technology, and looking back on the past, they are full of emotion.

Xie Huaiqing: Time flies, we have gone through the road of science and technology for so many years. It is unforgettable to recall when I first started developing lithography machines.

Partner 1: Yes, we were all young engineers, full of dreams and passions. We have grown from a small laboratory to the tech team we are today.

Partner 2: Every breakthrough is inseparable from our unity and cooperation and unremitting efforts. I feel it is a lifelong privilege to work alongside you.

Act 21: Technology and Mankind

(Xie Huaiqing and his team are well aware of the importance of science and technology to human society, and their love and sense of responsibility for science and technology are more firm.

Xie Huaiqing: Science and technology is not only our business, but also our responsibility to human society. Our efforts and breakthroughs impact the lives of countless people.

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