Partner 1: Yes, our lithography machines have revolutionized the semiconductor industry, driving the rapid development of computer, communication and electronics technologies.

Partner 2: Our technology makes the world more connected, spreads information faster, and makes people's lives easier.

Act 22:

R&D of Technology (With the development of science and technology, Xie Huaiqing and his team continue to carry out new R&D


Partner 1: Huaiqing, I heard about a new field of technology, called quantum computing, which is said to have the potential to surpass traditional computers.

Partner 2: Yes, the theory of quantum computing is very fascinating, and we can consider doing some research to explore this new field.

Xie Huaiqing: Sounds interesting! Let's start researching, maybe in this new field, we can also make some breakthroughs.

Act 23: Forever Learners

(Xie Huaiqing and the team have always maintained the spirit of learning and enterprising.

Xie Huaiqing: No matter how much we have achieved, we must remain humble and always have a learning mentality.

Partner 1: Yes, technology is constantly advancing, we cannot stand still. Only by constantly learning and exploring can we stay ahead.

Partner 2: Yes, our mission is to promote the development of science and technology so that human society can continue to move forward.

Act 24: Hope

for the Future (Xie Huaiqing and his team look forward to the future, and they are full of hope for the future of technology.

Xie Huaiqing: The road to science and technology in the future will be broader, and we must build a better platform for the new generation of scientific and technological talents.

Partner 1: Yes, we want to encourage young people to participate in scientific research and let more people participate in scientific and technological innovation.

Partner 2: No matter what challenges we face in the future, we must firmly walk forward and contribute to the future of technology.

Xie Huaiqing: Let's work together for the brilliant future of science and technology!

(Xie Huaiqing and his team continue to move forward on the road of technology, their stories bear witness to the progress and glory of technology, and also open a new chapter for the future of technology.) Their struggle and contribution will inspire more people to devote themselves to scientific and technological research and innovation, and jointly promote the continuous development of human society. Act

25: Win-win Technology

(Xie Huaiqing and his team began to cooperate with other technology companies and research institutions to promote the win-win

and common progress of science and technology.

Partner 1: Huaiqing, our project with that famous semiconductor company has made good progress.

Partner 2: Yes, their technology and resources complement our research, and we learn from each other to achieve win-win results.

Xie Huaiqing: Cooperation is the key to promoting the development of science and technology. We must advocate the concept of openness and sharing, so that more scientific research institutions can work together to overcome problems.

Act 26: Responsibility and Sustainability

(Xie Huaiqing and his team know that the development of science and technology also comes with certain responsibilities, and they began to pay attention to sustainable development and social responsibility. Partner

1: Huaiqing, our technology is constantly consuming resources, and we should think about how to achieve sustainable development.

Partner 2: Yes, we can work on developing more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies to reduce environmental impact.

Xie Huaiqing: The development of science and technology must be combined with the needs of society and the sustainability of the environment. Let us share our social responsibility to leave a better planet for the future.

Act 27: Technology Serves Mankind

(Xie Huaiqing and his team decided to serve the needs of more human beings with technology, focusing on the application of science and technology in the fields of medical care, education and public welfare.

Xie Huaiqing: Our technology should not only serve the industry, but also pay attention to human health and well-being.

Partner 1: Yes, we can conduct research on technology in the medical field to help people better treat diseases and stay healthy.

Partner 2: We can also promote the application of technology in the field of education, so that more people can access advanced educational resources.

Act 28: Inspiring Successors

(Xie Huaiqing and his team decided to set up science and technology scholarships to encourage more outstanding young people to devote themselves to science and technology research.

Xie Huaiqing: We want to encourage more young people to love science and technology and provide them with opportunities to study and research.

Partner 1: Yes, we can set up science and technology scholarships to support young people who are interested in technology.

Partner 2: At the same time, we can also carry out scientific and technological innovation competitions to stimulate the creativity and enthusiasm of young people.

Act 29: Never Stop

(Xie Huaiqing and his team are determined to never stop and contribute to the advancement of science and technology.)

Xie Huaiqing: No matter how much we have achieved, we cannot stand still.

Partner 1: Yes, the world of technology is constantly changing, and we must always maintain a learning and enterprising attitude.

Partner 2: Our mission is to promote the development of science and technology, so that technology can bring more hope for the future of mankind.

Act 30: The Brilliant Future

of Science and Technology (Xie Huaiqing and his team continue to move forward on the road of science and technology, their stories have witnessed the progress and glory of science and technology, and also opened a new chapter for the future of science and technology.

Xie Huaiqing: Let's work together for the brilliant future of science and technology!

Partner 1: Yes, let us never stop and contribute to the progress of science and technology!

Partner 2: No matter what challenges lie ahead, we will move forward with determination. Technology changes the world, let's work together to create a better tomorrow!

(The story of Xie Huaiqing and his team will never end, and they will continue to open up the brilliant future of science and technology and bring more progress and prosperity to human society.) Their struggle and contribution will inspire more people to devote themselves to scientific and technological research and innovation, and jointly promote the continuous development of human society. On the road of technology, they will continue to write their own legends. Act

31: Gratitude and Hope

(Xie Huaiqing and his team continue to grow in the journey of science and technology, they are grateful for their past efforts and full of hope for the future.

Xie Huaiqing: Looking back on the road we have traveled, I am very emotional. Thank you for your continued support and trust in the team.

Partner 1: Huaiqing, you are the leader of our team, without your leadership and wisdom, we would not be able to achieve these achievements.

Partner 2: Yes, we are a close-knit collective, and everyone has contributed greatly to the development of this team.

Xie Huaiqing: It is precisely because of your cooperation and joint efforts that we have been able to make so many scientific and technological breakthroughs.

Act 32: Inheritance and Continuation

(With the efforts of Xie Huaiqing and the team, the team continued to expand and began to cultivate new scientific and technological talents. )

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