Partner 1: Huaiqing, our team is getting bigger and bigger, and we want to start training new talents to take over our mission.

Partner 2: Yes, we can set up internship programs to attract young people to join our team and let them grow in practice.

Xie Huaiqing: Inheritance is the key to the development of science and technology, and we must pass on our experience and wisdom from generation to generation.

Act 33: Facing the World

(Xie Huaiqing and his team decided to promote the achievements of science and technology to the world and bring more benefits to the


Xie Huaiqing: Our technology has achieved great success in China, and now it is time to promote it globally.

Partner 1: Yes, we can cooperate with scientific institutions in other countries to solve global scientific and technological problems.

Partner 2: At the same time, we will also expand the application of technology to more fields, so that technology can benefit more people.

Act 34: Innovation and Breakthrough

(Xie Huaiqing and his team began to invest more resources and energy to carry out more cutting-edge scientific and technological research and innovation.

Xie Huaiqing: We have achieved a lot, but the journey of science and technology will never end.

Partner 1: Yes, we must maintain the momentum of innovation and constantly push the boundaries of technology.

Partner 2: New challenges are waiting for us, let's continue to move forward!

Act 35: The Power of

Technology (Xie Huaiqing and his team are well aware of the power of science and technology, and they will continue to work hard to bring more benefits to human society.

Xie Huaiqing: Technology changes the world, and we must let the power of science and technology benefit more people.

Partner 1: Yes, our mission is not only to develop advanced technology, but also to make technology serve the needs of mankind.

Partner 2: Let us continue to work together and contribute to the progress of science and technology!

(The story of Xie Huaiqing and his team will continue to be written, and their technological journey will never stop.) They will continue to explore the brilliant future of science and technology and bring more progress and prosperity to human society. Their struggle and contribution will inspire more people to devote themselves to scientific and technological research and innovation, and jointly promote the continuous development of human society. On the road of technology, they will continue to write their own legends. Act

36: Return

to the original intention (In the brilliant future of science and technology, Xie Huaiqing and his team decided to return to the original intention

and pay attention to the humanistic values behind the development of science and technology.

Xie Huaiqing: While we continue to pursue scientific and technological progress, we must not forget the humanistic care behind science and technology.

Partner 1: Yes, the essence of science and technology is to improve the quality of human life, and we must put human needs first.

Partner 2: Our scientific and technological research and innovation should serve the happiness and well-being of mankind.

Act 37: The Integration

of Technology and Art (Xie Huaiqing and his team began to explore the integration of technology and art, combining the aesthetics of science and technology with humanistic feelings.

Xie Huaiqing: Technology is not only cold machinery, it can also have beautiful expressions and emotions.

Partner 1: We can integrate artistic elements into the design of technology products, making technology more humane and close.

Partner 2: The integration of technology and art will bring more touches and surprises to mankind.

Act 38: The Ethics and Responsibility

of Science and Technology (With the advancement of science and technology, Xie Huaiqing and his team began to think about the ethics and responsibility of science and technology.

Xie Huaiqing: The development of science and technology must be accompanied by ethical thinking, and we must be cautious about the possible impact of science and technology.

Partner 1: Our technology should be used to benefit people, not harm them.

Partner 2: We must always keep in mind our responsibility to ensure that the development of science and technology is in line with the values of human society.

Act 39: Equity and Inclusion

in Technology (Xie Huaiqing and his team are determined to promote fairness and inclusion in science and technology, so that the progress of science and technology can benefit everyone in the world.

Xie Huaiqing: Science and technology are the common wealth of all mankind, and we must strive to eliminate the digital divide in the development of science and technology.

Partner 1: We can carry out science and technology education projects to let more people access and understand technology.

Partner 2: At the same time, we should also pay attention to the scientific and technological needs of developing countries and contribute to the balanced development of global science and technology.

Act 40: Never Give Up

(In the journey of science and technology, Xie Huaiqing and his team are determined to never give up and go on firmly.

Xie Huaiqing: No matter how many challenges lie ahead, we must move forward resolutely.

Partner 1: Yes, the road to technology is not easy, but we must persevere and never give up.

Partner 2: Our mission is to promote the development of science and technology and bring more hope and progress to human society.

(On the road of intersection of technology and humanities, Xie Huaiqing and his team will continue to move forward.) Their stories bear witness to the progress and brilliance of science and technology, and also embody the feelings of human care and responsibility. They will continue to explore the brilliant future of science and technology and bring more progress and prosperity to human society. Their struggle and contribution will inspire more people to devote themselves to scientific and technological research and innovation, and jointly promote the continuous development of human society. On the road of

science and technology, they will act 41: Technology

and peace (Xie Huaiqing and his team are well aware of the importance of science and technology in maintaining peace, and they

decided to use the power of science and technology to promote world peace

and stability.

Xie Huaiqing: Science and technology play an increasingly important role in modern warfare, and we need to think about how to use technology to maintain peace.

Partner 1: We can conduct research to explore the use of technology in conflict prevention and conflict resolution.

Partner 2: At the same time, we should also promote international scientific and technological cooperation and promote the role of science and technology in global security and stability.

Act 42: Technology Brings to All Humanity

(Xie Huaiqing and his team are determined to bring the benefits of technology to all mankind, especially those in poor and marginalized areas.

Xie: Our technology should serve everyone, especially those living in poverty and hardship.

Partner 1: We can carry out science and technology public welfare projects, apply technology to education, medical care and other fields, and help improve the lives of vulnerable groups.

Partner 2: Let the light of science and technology illuminate every corner of the world, so that more people can benefit from the progress of science and technology.

Act 43: Gratitude and Blessing

(With their unremitting efforts, Xie Huaiqing and his team have made more technological breakthroughs, and they are full of gratitude and blessings to each other.

Xie Huaiqing: Thank you for your continued support and companionship, our road to science and technology is more brilliant because of you.

Partner 1: Huaiqing, you are our leader and role model, thank you for your guidance and encouragement.

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