"Eh, Xiaoqing, where did the electric fan in your hand come from?"

After the aunt asked this, everyone noticed.

Xie Huaiqing didn't know when there was a brand new electric fan in his hand.

I saw him respond faintly.

"I bought it myself."

After Jia Zhangshi exclaimed, he began to ask a series of questions.

"You bought it? How is it possible, is your family rich? "

Do you have tickets for electric fans?"

This old godly woman is really endless.

Instead of answering her question, he stared into the other's eyes with burning eyes.

"How do you know if our family has money or not?"

"Did you come into our house and turn things over?"

"My family has nothing to do with you, does it? What's the good thing I need to tell you? Jia

Zhangshi was overwhelmed by these questions.

She also really sneaked into the Xie family's house and turned things over.

When Lao Jia just died, she was afraid that Lao Jia would leave something to his daughter.

I went into Jia Wenxiu's house and searched for a long time, but I couldn't find anything.

Now it seems that Lao Jia secretly gave his daughter something.

Otherwise, where does this little beast have money to buy an electric fan.

Thinking of this, she suddenly became flustered and breathless.

She pinched her waist with one hand, and began to point with the other.

"Oh, how do I know."

"The people in the courtyard, who doesn't know that your family of three is a poor ghost."

"You ask everyone, who doesn't know that your poor relatives come to fight the autumn breeze?"

Hearing this, Xie Huaiqing directly sneered.

"You don't lose your heart when you say this."

"When my mother came, she didn't bring nothing!"

"Didn't my grandfather eat and drink all the money my mother paid for?"

Jia Zhang was speechless now.

Because Xie Huaiqing was indeed telling the truth.

Hearing this, the people in the courtyard showed a look of contempt towards Jia Zhang.

"It's not that I haven't seen this stepmother, which one will be as vicious as Jia Zhang's."

"All the girls are married, the children are so old, and they bully others."

"It's not easy for Jia Wenxiu to drag his children and daughters, Jia Zhangshi is actually embarrassed to spend other people's money."

Jia Zhang, however, did not feel that he had a problem.

What's wrong with spending some money on the Xie family?

Jia Wenxiu, as a daughter, shouldn't she honor the elderly?

She faced everyone's guidance and looked calm.

"What's wrong with the flower?"

"After beating your mother for so long, shouldn't your mother repay us? Be a man with a conscience.

"In this way, you give me the electric fan in your hand, and I won't ask you for the medical expenses of the stick terrier."

Her words made the people in the courtyard see what shamelessness is.

Yan Bugui watched from the side and muttered.

"That's a lot of money, right?"

In school, he had seen electric fans.

The school's only electric fan was in the principal's office.

In the summer, I often see the principal with the electric fan on, lying on the sofa and sleeping soundly.

The wind blowing from inside the principal's office was called a refreshing refreshment.

According to other colleagues, this electric fan is very expensive.

And the power consumption is still a lot, which is not what ordinary people can spend.

Xie Huaiqing's family conditions are indeed very doubtful!

He asked aloud.

"How much does this electric fan cost?"

It doesn't hurt to tell them, in the future, there will definitely be something more in their own home.

Now it's time for them to get used to it first.

Xie Huaiqing said.


Boy! Yan Bugui listened and smacked his tongue.

Such a small electric fan is actually more expensive than the big electric fan in the principal's office.

Listening to the teachers in the school, the principal's electric fan was only more than forty yuan.

The eldest mother also thinks that this child will really cost money.

She had long wanted to buy an electric fan, so she asked the other party about the price.

But I didn't expect that this electric fan was so expensive.

Then forget it, Lao Yi's little money, or keep it for the pension.

The people in the courtyard were also surprised.

"Fifty bucks! It's really giving.

"I only make twenty-five yuan a month, and he spent two months' salary this time!"

"What a loser, what is bad to do with fifty dollars, you have to buy an electric fan."

"You don't know this, people can take out fifty yuan to buy electric fans, there must be some family at home."

"Then again, why is the Xie family suddenly so rich?"

After Jia Zhang listened to the price of electric fans.

Her eyes let out greedy eyes.

That's fifty bucks!

Jia Dongxu's salary for two months!

She stared at the electric fan.

How to see how to think that this electric fan should be your own home.

"Fifty pieces! Where did you get these fifty pieces from?

"Your mother's money has long been spent, did Lao Jia leave it for you?"

The more Jia Zhangshi spoke, the more excited he became, and he couldn't wait to grab the electric fan in his hand now.

Xie Huaiqing was too lazy to pay attention to her.

This sun-basking person is about to melt, it is better to go home and blow the electric fan.

Then take out the melon from the space, and comfortably blow the electric fan to eat the melon.

How nice! Not to mention how energetic it is.

He pouted.

"Your imagination is quite rich."

"Since you want to know so much where our family's money came from."

"Then I'll tell you."

Jia Zhangshi pricked up his ears and only listened to the other party.

"My money was picked up from the bird's nest in that tree!"

"By the way, you still need a ticket to buy an electric fan, you know?"

"I can't help but tell you that my ticket was also picked up from the bird's nest."

After speaking, Xie Huaiqing stood there and sneered.

It seems to say, if you have the ability, you will go to the bird's nest in the tree and pay for it.

This can make Jia Zhangshi angry enough.

The stick terrier went to climb the tree and not only did not pick up anything.

He also broke his leg, and now he lies at home without moving.

What should I do if I lie down on such a hot day and suffer from heat stroke?

This damn little beast is still talking about climbing trees.

Her angry lips trembled, feeling that the other party must have deliberately mocked.

Xie Huaiqing looked at her appearance and smiled softly.

"This bird's nest in the tree is a real treasure."

"I'm telling you, you can't just go to our bird's nest just because you want money."

"This time the stick terrier climbed our tree and broke his leg, and if he dares to do this again the next time, it may not be what he broke."

After that, he took his sister's hand and went back to his home.

Jia Zhangshi didn't have time to stop him, and slammed the big poplar tree angrily.


In the tree, the magpie in the nest felt the vibration.

It poked its head out and screamed, then twisted its butt.

A lump of white stuff came out of its eyes and landed on the face under the tree.

Jia Zhang touched the cool things on his face.

Look up, there is a magpie pooping next to the tree nest!

That thing on his own face is bird!

She rolled her eyes angrily and fainted on the ground.

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