"Oh, hey, Jia Zhang's fainting."

"Qin Huairu, come out quickly, your mother-in-law fainted."

"Don't be stunned, everyone run, be careful to lie to us!"

Xie Huaiqing put the electric fan on the ground and looked through the window.

I saw Jia Zhangshi lying on the ground, and the people around him dispersed with a hula hula and scattered.

He sneered, it seems that this Jia Zhang Clan is really doing evil in this courtyard.

She was dizzy at this time, and no one helped her.

He watched coldly as the people dispersed, and then half-covered the window.

"Xiao Nuan, come here!"

Xie Huaiqing plugged in the electric fan and turned on the switch.

Xiao Nuan quickly ran to the electric fan, and pulled up her clothes to blow cold.

He looked at the fact that he quickly called his sister over, and he was not afraid of getting cold when he blew so hard.


My sister obediently ran to his side.

He wiped the sweat from Xiao Nuan's forehead and instructed.

"Can't you be so close to the electric fan in the future, do you know?"

"And clothes can't be lifted."


Xiao Nuan asked ignorantly.

Xie Huaiqing couldn't tell which question his sister was asking for a while.

I gave my sister an answer in general.

"Because you can get sick with a cold."

"Okay, brother, got it."

"Well, Xiao Nuan is really good, reward you with a delicious."

"What's delicious?"

When it comes to food, she is energetic.

Directly stuck to Xie Huaiqing's body, even the electric fan did not blow.

He had to take his sister into the kitchen.

Take the melon out of the bag and peel it with a knife.

The sweet fruity smell wafted through the air.

Xiao Nuan couldn't wait to pick up a melon skin and stuff it into her mouth.

Xie Huaiqing hurriedly stopped it.

"Can't eat."

"Yes! Fragrant! She

also grabbed the melon skin and didn't want to throw it.

He looked at this foodie sister and shook his head helplessly.

Cut a piece of melon from the board and hand it to my sister.

"This is delicious."

Seeing that there was something delicious, Xiao Nuan threw the skin very crisply.

He breathed a sigh of relief, cut the melon into strips, washed it, and then inserted his chopsticks.

"Brother, that, delicious."

"Well, it's delicious, you swallow what is in your mouth first, brother will let you eat it."


Xiao Nuan held the piece of melon and began to bite.

With a small mouth, he ate so fast.

He had just cleaned up the pineapple skin and washed his hands.

I saw that the melon had been wiped out by my sister.

"Brother still wants."

"Are you a pig spirit reincarnated?"

"What pig? Eat?

Xie Huaiqing handed the melon with chopsticks to his sister from the board

, "Eat, eat."

Xiao Nuan's saliva couldn't stop flowing down.

He himself picked up the melon and started eating it.

It's delicious, and the texture is somewhere between noodles and crisp.

The taste is sweet and juicy, and it has a cool meaning.

Eat a few bites of melon.

He gave his sister another piece of melon and took her out of the kitchen.

While blowing an electric fan, eating melon.

For the first time since Xie Huaiqing crossed into this world, he felt comfortable.

In his spare time, he told his sister the story of Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit.

The girl giggled.

"Zhu Bajie is so stupid!"

She didn't notice the slightest connotation of her brother poking and poking.

The way she just ate melon is exactly the same as Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit!

"Silly girl."

He muttered softly.

Then he told her about the Great Sage Heavenly Palace.

Early childhood education, starts with me!


In the evening, the sun sets, and people are returning home one after another.

Jia Wenxiu also stepped into the house with the afterglow.

As soon as she entered the house, she saw her two children asleep on the kang.

Looking at the sleeping faces of the children, she immediately felt light.

The exhaustion of the whole day is gone.

She walked lightly into the house and walked in to take a look.

She felt very wrong.

Where did the leftover melons on the table and the electric fan on the floor come from?

Xie Huaiqing also opened his eyes at this time.

He didn't fall asleep in the first place, but just took a nap on the bed just to coax his sister to take a nap.

Take your sister's leg off her stomach and set it aside.

He put on his shoes and went to the ground.

"Mom, you're back?"

Jia Wenxiu nodded and said with a serious face.

"Kid, where did this electric fan and melon come from?"

"The second aunt gave it."

"What second aunt, which second aunt?"

My mother's face changed.

Xie Huaiqing lifted the mattress and took out Xie Zhiyu's letter from under the mattress.

"Mom, give, the letter from the second aunt."

Sister-in-law has news?

She excitedly pulled the envelope from the child's hand.

Then with trembling hands, he opened the envelope and took out the letter inside.

I saw my sister-in-law say on the letter.

In the future, I will send various tickets to their family.

Let them not worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation.

He will also ask someone to find news of Xie Huaiqing's father.

Since he can survive the battlefield, maybe his younger brother will also live.

These two thin pieces of paper, Jia Wenxiu read over and over.

It took a long time for her mood to calm down.

It turns out that these things were given by my sister-in-law.

She hugged the letter, closed her eyes tightly, and put back her tears.

If only one day, her husband would also send her such a letter.

After collecting her mood, she took a deep breath and put the letter in her arms.

"Are you hungry?"

"I'll cook for you now."

"Mom, don't worry, let's eat a melon first."

Saying that, he was going to the stove to cut melons.

"Melon? Where? Xiao

Nuan also woke up.


When she saw her mother, she jumped off the kang excitedly.

After stepping on the bench and picking up his leftover melons, he came to his mother.

"Mom, eat!"

Xie Huaiqing suddenly realized.

He thought that Xiao Nuan couldn't eat.

The melon left behind was originally meant to be given to the mother.

This girl has always been gluttonous.

But now he is still willing to leave something from his mouth for his mother.

What a filial piety to children.

Jia Wenxiu was really moved.

The tears that had just been held back are now flowing.

"Mom, don't cry..."

she quickly wiped the tears from her face.

"Mom is happy."

My sister-in-law has news, and the family has broken off relations with Jia Zhang.

I went to work in the rolling mill myself, and the children were also filial.

This day will definitely get better and better!

She pushed the melon to her daughter.

"Xiao Nuan eats, mother cooks."

With that, she walked into the stove.

It was found that there was half a melon left on the board.

There is also a long, seasoned strip of meat on the board.

"What is this?"

"Oh! The snake meat I caught.

Xie Huaiqing said the afternoon's events lightly.

Jia Wenxiu listened for a while.

"Don't you go later."

He naturally said yes.

Seeing that her son was so obedient, she was relieved to start making snake meat.

A strange smell of meat wafted into the yard.

After Jia Zhangshi smelled the taste, he pouted Qin Huairu.

"Go, you go and get back."

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