Qin Huairu was a little reluctant.

Her mother-in-law is now talking about going to see who makes the meat.

After reading it later, she must have asked for it from others.

In case it is someone who does not have a good relationship with the Jia family is making food.

Wouldn't it be humiliating to ask people for meat in the past.

She hesitated and refused to leave.

When Jia Zhang saw that she was not moving, he glared and scolded.

"Qin Huairu, are you deaf?"

"Can't you hear me letting you see?"

She was scolded, and a grievance appeared on her face.

"Mother-in-law, doesn't our family have meat tickets?"

"Tomorrow, I'll go get the meat ticket and exchange it for two taels of pork."

Her mother-in-law listened and said angrily.

"Can the meat tickets at home be used indiscriminately?"

"Well, you are a Qin Huairu, you can't earn a penny, you can spend it, and the money my son earns has been spent by you."

"Are you going or not?"

Seeing that her mother-in-law was about to get angry, she had to get up and go outside.

Smelling this strange smell, she arrived at the window of Xie's house.

I only saw that the window between the Xie family's stove was open.

Jia Wenxiu was doing something inside.

A smell of meat that has never been smelled before.

It came out through the gap in the window.

She glanced at it, and then went home and told Jia Zhang.

As soon as Jia Zhang heard this, he immediately took out an empty bowl from the cupboard.

"Take this and ask her to go."

He looked at the huge sea bowl and made a mistake.

This front foot has just severed relations with others.

The hind feet ask for meat to eat.

She couldn't pull her face to do that.

But forced by the mother-in-law's obscenity.

She had to go out with the bowl in her hand.

When she arrived at Xie's door, she had a smile on her face.

Then he pushed the door straight in.

"Yo, Sister Wen Xiu, what are you doing?"

"What a fragrant taste."

As soon as she came in like this, Xie Huaiqing saw a big bowl in her arms.

Jia Wenxiu heard her voice and walked out of the stove.

"Do whatever you want."

"Just make something so delicious, let me see."

With that, she squeezed into the stove.

Xie Huaiqing watched his mother chase in.

Then he also followed behind his mother, and then stopped at the mouth of the stove.

This Qin Bailian is really shameless.

Who squeezes into people's stoves during meals.

Of course, Qin Huairu also knew that it was inappropriate to do so.

If she had changed to someone else's house, she wouldn't necessarily have done it.

But this is Jia Wenxiu's home.

When she had not yet married into the Jia family.

I heard how this eldest daughter of the Jia family was bullied by her mother-in-law.

When the other party moved into the courtyard to serve Old Lady Jia.

It is also called by himself all day long.

So she is not afraid of the other party at all now.

Jia Wenxiu looks cowardly, and he is taking everything away now.

She didn't dare to fart either!

"Get out!"

"Did I let you in?"

But what Qin Huairu didn't expect was that the other party would dare to speak so hard now.

She was dumbfounded all of a sudden.

"What did you say?"

"I said let you out!"

Jia Wenxiu held the spatula tightly and plucked up enough courage to speak.

After the analysis that my son gave himself that night.

She can see clearly now.

Qin Huairu, who used to think that he was a good person.

She is actually a woman with honey abs and a sweet mouth.

In the past, I didn't set up a name and thought of a way to get money from myself.

And let himself work for her.

Qin Huairu was in place.

What's wrong with Jia Wenxiu?

How did it become so tough?

Xie Huaiqing also spoke at this time.

"Didn't you hear what my mother said?"

"You are such a big person, bring a bowl to someone's house at night."

"You're here to deliver food? Or come to eat?

He tilted his head and looked very childish.

The words that came out of his mouth directly made Qin Huairu's face red and dripping blood.

She cursed secretly in her heart.

Little beast, talking without leaving anyone face.

Still eat such fragrant things, sooner or later the mouth rotten intestines are broken.

Hearing his son speak, Jia Wenxiu's heart breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, she was still a little afraid in her heart.

But to be able to protect the children.

She summoned up her courage again.

"Qin Huairu, you are not welcome in my family, you go out!"

"There is no relationship between us, in the future, you Jia family members will not enter our Xie family's door!"

These words were almost rubbing the other party's face to the ground.

No matter how thick-skinned Qin Huairu is, he really can't stay.

She glared at the mother and son in annoyance, and quickly ran out.

Jia Wenxiu put down the spatula in his hand and wiped the sweat on his head.

"How about it, Xiaoqing, can mom do it this time?"

He gave his mother a thumbs up.

"Mom, you're amazing!"

A weak, recalcitrant mother does this for her children.

It's really changed.

Jia Wenxiu looked at her son's encouragement and smiled on her face.

"Son, don't say it."

"Scolding her like this, my mother is really much better in her heart."


In the middle courtyard.

Qin Huairu returned to Jia's house empty-handed.

She placed the empty bowl on the table.

When Jia Zhang saw it, his face sank.

"What about meat?"

The meat didn't want to come back, and she didn't dare to make a sound.

"You useless thing!"

Jia Zhangshi flicked his hand, after snapping.

A bright red slap print appeared on her face.

Originally, I was angry at Xie's house, but now I went home and was slapped again.

She cried when she was aggrieved.

Jia Dongxu watched from the side and said with a cold face.

"What are you crying about, you haven't eaten back, and you're embarrassed to cry."

"Day by day, you will know to eat, if it weren't for your sake, I would have to divorce you sooner or later!"

"You can't handle Jia Wenxiu's cowardly nature, what else can you do? What a waste! Listening

to her husband's cold words, Qin Huairu's heart became even more uncomfortable.

If the mother-in-law does not understand herself, forget it, why does the husband not understand herself either?

She choked up and explained.

"Jia Wenxiu is not like before."

"She dares to scold me now, and the little cub she gave birth to also scolds me."

"They scold you, you won't do it?"

Jia Zhang said angrily.

"You're a dead man, and you listen to others scold you?"

"You won't fight back, you won't hit someone?"

Qin Huairu just whimpered and cried.

I didn't dare to say a word.

The stick terrier was also shouting on the side.

"Grandma, I want to eat delicious, my legs hurt."

"The doctor said I had to make up for it, otherwise I would be left disabled."

"Grandma, I don't want to become lame, I want to eat delicious."

Seeing the good grandson make a fuss.

Jia Zhang had to agree.

"Don't cry grandson, grandma is going for you!"

Saying that, she took off the towel on her head, and then walked out the door with the empty bowl.

She came to the door of Xie's house.

Through the crack in the door, I saw that the electric fan was blowing.

And on the table of the Xie family, there is a big melon!


They actually have melons to eat?

Jia Zhang's eyes widened like copper bells.

She stretched out her hand and pushed open the door of Xie's house.

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