
"How can you have melons in your house?"

Jia Zhang asked in shock.

In this day and age, melons are a luxury.

It is impossible to eat all kinds of varieties like later generations, and eat them if you want.

Jia Zhang has lived for so many years, and has never eaten a few mouthfuls of melon in his life.

At this time, she looked at the melons on the table of the Xie family, and her eyes showed deep disbelief.

A few days ago, the Xie family was still poor and didn't even have a mouthful of rice.

It was only a few days before I ate melons.

Xie Huaiqing said to Jia Zhangshi angrily.

"What does it matter to you that our family eats melon?"

He was a little helpless.

How can the people of the Jia family be so virtuous.

Go to someone's house without saying hello, and enter if you want to enter.

I also specially picked up meals.

Come and beg for food?

Jia Zhangshi rolled his eyes and changed his mind.

On such a hot summer, eat sweet and sandy melon to quench your thirst.

What a pleasure!

Since the Xie family has it, then point with the Xie family.

Does Jia Wenxiu dare not give it to himself?

"How do you kid talk? I'm your grandmother.

"Grandma is a little thirsty, you give grandma some melons."

Saying that, she was going forward.

Xie Huaiqing picked up the knife that was placed on the table to cut melons.

An icy smile appeared on his face.

"Jia Zhang, which grandmother are you counting me?"

"We've broken off our relationship, haven't you forgotten?"

"Get out of my house quickly, or else..."

He raised his knife and slashed at the melon.

With a click, the ripe melon cracked.

The yellow-orange-orange soil inside was exposed.

Jia Zhangshi trembled, and his face became ugly.

At this time, Jia Wenxiu got up.

She reached out and pushed an uninvited guest who broke into her home.

"You go out, don't come to our house."

Her action directly made Jia Zhangshi stupid.

When is this?

The sun hit the west and came out?

Jia Wenxiu actually dared to do it with himself!

When she came back to her senses.

I found that I had been pushed out of the door of Xie's house.

And the door of the Xie family has been locked back.

Seeing that she could not achieve her goal, she immediately collapsed on the ground.

"Woohoo, everyone, come and see!"

"Jia Wenxiu bullied people, I worked so hard to pull her so much."

"She actually bullied me!"

In the courtyard of the courtyard, many people slept.

Because summer is too hot.

So many people have moved their beds to the yard.

A mosquito net made of cotton yarn is supported by bamboo poles around the bed, which can prevent mosquitoes and provide shelter.

I can sleep directly in the yard at night.

With such a voice, she directly shouted people out of the mosquito net.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?"

People gathered around.

Jia Zhang slapped his thigh and howled.

"Big guy, come and take a look! Jia Wenxiu she bullied me.

"I married into the Jia family and pulled her up, there is no merit and hard work!"

"She bullied me so much that she couldn't even give me a mouthful of melon."

After saying this, the people in the courtyard thought she was crazy.

Melon is such an expensive thing, how can the Xie family have it.

Even Xu Damao, the richest in the yard.

He was also reluctant to buy melons to eat.

The Xie family is so poor, how can they afford to eat melons.

For a while, everyone thought she was messing around.

"Jia Zhang, you are almost okay, bully Jia Wenxiu also has a degree."

"That is, everyone is married, and they actually bully people, and if it goes on like this, how can those two little ones live?"

When Jia Zhangshi heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded, why don't people believe it!

She immediately got up from the ground and dragged one of them to the window of Xie's house.

"Look, look, they're not eating melons."

The man looked, yo, he was really eating melon.

The turquoise skin is thin, and the green and yellow bowl looks moist and juicy.

A bite must quench your thirst.

Thinking so, he actually felt a cool breeze blowing on his face.

"Strange, why do I already feel cool without eating melon?"

"What?" Someone leaned over and said, "People have electric fans on in their homes!"

With that, the man noticed that there was still a brand new electric fan on the floor of the Xie family.

"Obedient, look at what is on his table, is it meat?"

Another electric fan and melon, and meat?

The people in the courtyard all stood in front of Xie Huaiqing's window.

No one cares about Jia Zhang's.

"Good guy, it's really, the Xie family is sending it! When can I eat that bite of

melon" "There is still such a layer of melon bowl on the melon skin, why don't I eat it?" Waste, what a waste, loser!

"I don't want that melon, I just want to blow the electric fan, if only Jia Wenxiu's man was there, I would be embarrassed to go into their house and rub the electric fan to blow."

The children in the courtyard all stood in front of the window of the Xie family one by one.

Feel the cool breeze blowing from the electric fan.

The children in the courtyard have shared a common dream since then.

That is to buy an electric fan and eat melon in front of the electric fan!

Jia Zhangshi saw that no one paid attention to him, and his angry teeth were about to be crushed.

As the night grew darker, the children who were blowing the wind in front of Xie's window were taken away by their respective parents.

Xie Huaiqing's family also finished eating.

As soon as Jia Wenxiu finished washing the dishes, he saw that his son had cleaned up the table.

And he was walking outside with a pot of melon bowls.

She quickly called out to her son.

"Xiaoqing, you stand up."

Xie Huaiqing turned around and asked.

"What's wrong, Mom?"

"Don't throw the melon, mom will get the seeds out, and you can plant them yourself next year."

She took the basin from her son's hand.


When his mother did this, Xie Huaiqing could also understand.

In this era, there is a shortage of food and clothing, but everyone will not let go of anything that can be eaten.

For example, turnip seeds are very popular with women in winter in Sijiu City.

Marinated in so many cans, all eaten in winter.

He handed the basin to his mother.

After Jia Wenxiu took the basin, he went into the stove.

She first picked out some good seeds and put them on a clean stove.

Then I went outside with the melon peel.

Splashed on the garbage heap in the yard.

Jia Zhang has been paying attention to the movements of the Xie family.

Seeing that Jia Wenxiu threw the melon skin out.

She immediately got up and walked over and stole the melon skin.

Before leaving, she glared inside the room.

Little beasts, not even a single flesh left, eat so much, be careful to sneak into the crotch of their pants!

She picked up these melon skins with thin soup and went to her house.

People lying around saw it.

They all scolded her in their hearts for not being faceless, and even picked up the leftover melon skins that others had to eat.

Jia Zhang's shouted with great interest.

"Grandson, come and eat, melon skin, crisp and sweet!"

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