Li Ming: Yes, our basketball dream does not stop at our own country, we want to go to the world!

Wang Qiang: Through basketball, we can transmit friendship and understanding and make the world more harmonious.

(Teammates decided to be more active in international basketball exchanges in an effort to increase the team's international reach.)

Xie Huaiqing: In the future, we will participate in more international competitions to let the world know about our basketball team!

Li Ming: We want to pass on our basketball story to more international friends and let them feel our enthusiasm.

Wang Qiang: Our basketball dream is not only our own, but also belongs to the whole world!

(Teammates toast together and toast to the broader basketball stage of the future.) They know that there are still countless challenges and opportunities on the road of basketball dreams, and they will continue to move forward bravely and write their own brilliant basketball stories with perseverance and hard work!

(As the team's international reach expanded, they began to build broader basketball cooperation and exchange relationships around the world.)

Xie Huaiqing: Our team is increasingly recognized by the international basketball community, and this is the result of our joint efforts.

Li Ming: Yes, we must continue to maintain unity and illuminate every corner of the world with the light of basketball.

Wang Qiang: Basketball has allowed us to have a deeper connection with people around the world, and we should cherish this opportunity.

(They received an invitation from a foreign basketball team to participate in an international friendly basketball game.)

Xie Huaiqing: This is a great opportunity, we have to prepare well and win glory for our team!

Li Ming: To participate in international competitions, we must not only show our strength, but also represent the image of our country.

Wang Qiang: We want to play in the best condition and let the world see our basketball level!

(At friendly international basketball tournaments, their team showed their strength by pitting against strong teams from various countries.)

Xie Huaiqing: This competition was really exciting, we met a lot of excellent opponents.

Li Ming: This is a valuable experience that allows us to better understand the level of international basketball.

Wang Qiang: Although we did not win the championship, our team performed very well!

(After the game, they interacted with teams from other countries and posed for photos.)

Xie Huaiqing: Basketball really connects us with people all over the world.

Li Ming: We made a lot of new friends in this friendly match, which was really a valuable experience.

Wang Qiang: Our basketball dream has transcended national boundaries, and we must continue to go to the world!

(The teammates decided to continue to actively participate in international competitions in the future, strengthen international basketball exchanges, and win glory for the country.)

Xie Huaiqing: Our basketball story continues, and we will go further in the future!

Li Ming: We want more international friends to know and understand us, so that our basketball dream can spread all over the world!

Wang Qiang: Use the power of basketball to make the world more united and harmonious!

(Teammates raised their glasses again to celebrate the bright prospects of the future of basketball.) They know that there will be more challenges and opportunities on the road of basketball dreams, but they are willing to bravely face everything, use basketball passion and perseverance, and continue to write their own brilliant basketball stories!

(When the teams returned home, they began preparations for an international basketball tournament in hopes of attracting more basketball teams from around the world.)

Xie Huaiqing: We want to hold a truly international basketball tournament and let the world see our strength!

Li Ming: Yes, our team has become stronger and stronger, and this is a good opportunity to show our level to the world.

Wang Qiang: At the same time, we also want to provide a platform for exchanges and cooperation for teams from other countries.

(In preparing for the event, they put a lot of time and effort into organizing publicity and inviting teams.)

Xie Huaiqing: Our events should be distinctive and show the culture and style of our country.

Li Ming: Yes, I hope that the teams who come to participate can feel the unique basketball atmosphere in our country.

Wang Qiang: Our goal is to make this event the best possible and make good memories for all those involved.

(The game began, and basketball teams from all over the world gathered here to showcase the charm of basketball.)

Xie Huaiqing: I am very proud to watch these teams compete on the field!

Li Ming: Yes, this is the result of our efforts and the moment when we win glory for the country.

Wang Qiang: Our events attract people from all over the world, and basketball really connects the world.

(During the tournament, they interacted with teams from other countries and forged more friendships.)

Xie Huaiqing: Basketball is really a universal language, and people from different cultures can understand each other on the court.

Li Ming: We not only learned their basketball skills, but also learned mutual friendship and mutual respect.

Wang Qiang: This event is a great success and we are proud to contribute to the country!

(In this international basketball tournament, they showed the strength of their team, but also passed on the spirit of friendship and unity in basketball.)

Xie Huaiqing: Our basketball story continues to move forward, and we want to create another brilliant basketball stage in the future!

Li Ming: Yes, our team still has a long way to go, we must keep forging ahead and constantly surpassing ourselves.

Wang Qiang: Let us continue to use basketball as a bond and let our team become a role model in the hearts of more people!

(Teammates raised their glasses again to toast to basketball dreams.) They know that there will be many unknown challenges and opportunities on the journey of basketball, but they firmly believe that with the passion and persistence of basketball, they will always move forward and write their own brilliant basketball story!

(After the event, the team returned home, and the success of the basketball game attracted more attention.)

Xie Huaiqing: This international basketball tournament is really successful! As a result, the name of our team spread around the world.

Li Ming: Yes, our basketball dream is no longer limited to our home country, we have become part of the international stage.

Wang Qiang: We must continue to maintain our own style, constantly improve our basketball level, and win glory for our country!

(As basketball teams continue to grow in international reach, they receive more praise and attention.)

Xie Huaiqing: We have received recognition and support from many people, which is the reward for our team's hard work.

Li Ming: At the same time, we must also remain humble and persistent, and continue to move forward.

Wang Qiang: Our basketball story continues, and we can't stand still.

(They decided to continue to actively participate in international basketball competitions in the future, communicating and cooperating with more national teams.) )

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