Xie Huaiqing: We want to show our strength in more international competitions and strive for better results.

Li Ming: At the same time, we should also learn from the advantages of other countries and constantly improve our own techniques and tactics.

Wang Qiang: Our goal is to become the best on the international basketball stage!

(The team has also begun to pay more attention to the cultivation of basketball youth, hoping to sow the seeds of basketball into the hearts of more children.)

Xie Huaiqing: We want to pass on our basketball dream to more young people and inspire them to chase their dreams.

Li Ming: Basketball has taught us a lot, and we hope that more children can also find their own growth and happiness in basketball.

Wang Qiang: We can get more children off the streets through basketball and make more contributions to society.

(The teammates decided to set up a basketball youth foundation to carry out more basketball public welfare activities and help more children with dreams.)

Xie Huaiqing: Our team is not only a basketball team, but also a group that contributes to society!

Li Ming: We want to use our influence to change the lives of more people.

Wang Qiang: Our basketball story will become more and more exciting, and we will continue to create more chapters!

(Teammates raised their glasses again to celebrate the bright future of basketball.) They know that there will be more difficulties and challenges on the road of basketball dreams, but they are willing to move forward without hesitation and write their own splendid basketball stories with the passion and responsibility of basketball!

(With the help of the Basketball Youth Foundation, the team has carried out a series of basketball public welfare activities, reaching more schools and communities, and impacting the lives of more children.)

Xie Huaiqing: Watching those children running and laughing on the basketball court, I think our efforts are worth it!

Li Ming: Yes, it is really touching that we can influence so many children and let them have fun and growth through basketball.

Wang Qiang: Our basketball story is not only about the game and honor, but also about conveying warmth and hope.

(At a charity event, they met a special kid who was a basketball lover but couldn't participate in normal games due to physical reasons.)

Special Child: (Looking at the basketball court, with infinite regret in his eyes) I really want to play basketball with everyone, but I can't run....

Xie Huaiqing: Don't be discouraged, basketball is not only a game, you can feel the charm of basketball from other angles.

Li Ming: Yes, basketball is not only the victory or defeat of the game, but also the process of showing yourself and growing up happily.

Wang Qiang: We can take you to participate in more basketball skills training, so that you can find your own happiness in basketball.

(The team designed a series of basketball training sessions specifically for a special child so that he could find joy on the court.)

Special Kid: (smiling) Thank you! I never thought I would have such an opportunity, I will cheer!

Xie Huaiqing: Your enthusiasm and persistence are our example, and we will always support you!

Li Ming: Yes, no matter how you behave on the basketball court, you are our hero!

Wang Qiang: Basketball has taught us not to give up, let's move forward in the world of basketball together!

(With the help of the Basketball Youth Foundation, special children began to find confidence and joy in basketball, and their basketball stories became more colorful.)

Xie Huaiqing: Every child has their own basketball story, and we must use our influence to let more people have their own basketball dreams.

Li Ming: Yes, it is our responsibility and mission to let every child find joy and confidence in basketball.

Wang Qiang: In the future, our basketball story will continue to be written, no matter what difficulties we encounter, we will continue to go!

(Teammates raised their glasses again to celebrate the prospect of basketball.) They know that there will be more touching moments and challenges on the road of basketball dreams, but they are willing to take on this responsibility without hesitation and write their own splendid basketball stories with basketball enthusiasm and love!

Xie Huaiqing (middle-aged chef, specializing in shredded meat in Beijing sauce) Wang Ming (young apprentice, interested in

shredded meat in Beijing sauce)


In an antique traditional restaurant, Xie Huaiqing is teaching Wang Ming to make shredded meat in Beijing sauce


Xie Huaiqing: Wang Ming, today we will make shredded meat in Beijing sauce. This is a traditional food in Beijing, and we have to be careful to pass it on.

Wang Ming: Yes, Master. I'm interested in shredded meat in Kyo sauce and want to learn how to make it.

Xie Huaiqing: Very good, young people are interested in traditional culture, I am very happy. First of all, we need to prepare the ingredients. The shredded meat is lean pork and should be finely sliced so that it can be flavored.

Wang Ming: Okay, I'll cut the shredded meat.

(Wang Ming carefully shredded the lean pork and handed it to Xie Huaiqing) Xie Huaiqing: (took the shredded meat)

Cut well, followed by green onion, ginger and garlic, three treasures when stir-frying. Cut the green onion into flower knives, the ginger into shreds, and the garlic into minced pieces.

Wang Ming: (carefully chopping green onion, ginger and garlic) Master, cutting like this can increase the beauty and taste of the dish, right?

Xie Huaiqing: (nodding and smiling) That's right, cooking should not only pay attention to taste, but also pay attention to the coordination of color, aroma and taste. Okay, now we can start cooking. Heat a wok, add an appropriate amount of oil, then stir-fry green onions, ginger and garlic until fragrant.

Wang Ming: (stir-fry scallions, ginger and garlic with a spatula) Well, the aroma is full, it seems that we are on the right track.

Xie Huaiqing: Good, then add the shredded meat, add a little salt and pepper to taste.

(The shredded meat in the pot begins to change color and emits a tempting aroma

) Wang Ming: (curiously asks)

Master, what is the sauce of the shredded meat in Jing sauce?

Xie Huaiqing: (smiling) The sauce of shredded meat in Jing-chan is mainly sweet noodle sauce, plus some sugar, vinegar, cooking wine, soy sauce, etc. When the meat is cooked, we add the sauce.

(After a while, the shredded meat in the pot is fried

) Wang Ming: (carefully adding the sauce)

Master, is this so?

Xie Huaiqing: Good, that's it. Now stir-fry with a spatula to allow the sauce and shredded meat to blend well.

(The dishes in the pot are more fragrant, Xie Huaiqing gestured for Wang Ming to taste it) Wang Ming

: (tasted a bite)

It's great! The taste is beyond words, I have never tasted such delicious shredded meat in Kyo sauce.

Xie Huaiqing: (smiling and patting Wang Ming's shoulder) Young man, you are very savvy and learn quickly. Shredded pork in Kyokso-sauce is a traditional delicacy in Beijing, but it also needs to be passed down by the younger generation. You can continue to carry on the essence of it later.

Wang Ming: Thank you Master for your praise, I will continue to work hard.

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