With the assistance of Miss Carrie, Flavor quickly made a name for herself in the international market. She helped develop marketing strategies for different countries and spread the story of the flavor of the age through international media, sparking more interest in the food brand.

Years later, Flavor has become an internationally renowned gastronomic brand with locations all over the world. Its legend has become a worldwide legend, making people feel the power of food and warmth. Xie Huaiqing and the young people witnessed the glorious journey of the flavor year from a small town food hall to an international brand. They believe that the legend of flavor years will continue to spread around the world and bring happiness and joy to more people.

At the headquarters of the Flavor Year, Xie Huaiqing and the young people gathered together to review the development process of the Flavor Year.

Young man 1: I can't imagine that the development of Flavor from a small town food hall to an internationally renowned brand is really an incredible journey.

Young man 2: Yes, we have encountered many challenges along the way, but also countless joys and achievements.

Xie Huaiqing: You have really done a great job, and you have been full of innovation and persistence along the way. I'm proud of you.

Young Man 3: We couldn't have done all this without your support and guidance. Thank you for your continued trust in us.

Carrie: The legend of the Flavor Years has touched countless people, including me. I feel that being able to participate in it is the greatest luck of my life.

Xie Huaiqing: Miss Carrie, your joining has contributed a lot to the international development of Flavor Year. We benefit greatly from your expertise in spreading stories.

Carrie: Thank you for the compliment. I learned a lot from the Flavor Years and I will always remember this collaboration.

Young person 1: Next, we will continue to work hard to maintain our love and dedication to the flavor of the year, so that it will become an eternal good memory in the hearts of more people.

YOUNG YOUNG PERSON 2: Yes, although we have achieved a lot, this is just a new starting point. We want to pass on the legend of flavor years.

Xie Huaiqing: I believe you will do well. Flavor Years is a true home, a warm and happy home. It will continue to shine under your leadership.

In the years to come, the legend of the flavor years continues. Xie Huaiqing and the young people guard this enthusiasm and original intention, so that the flavor of the food and warmth can be transmitted to more people. All over the world, people gather in this warm home to write a new chapter of flavor years together and create more happiness and joy for the future. It will be a lasting story, a wonderful year to remember.

A few years later, Flavor has hundreds of stores around the world, becoming an indispensable food brand in people's hearts. At an important celebration, Xie Huaiqing and the young people gathered again to celebrate the glorious achievements of the flavor year.

Young man 1: Today is such a special day, the flavor of the years has developed into this, it is unbelievable.

Young man 2: Yes, we have been trying, but we did not expect to achieve such brilliant results.

Carrie: You guys did a great job, the story of the flavor of the year has touched countless people, and it has become synonymous with a good year.

Xie Huaiqing: Yes, young man, you have run this family with your heart, and you have made the flavor of the year a favorite of everyone.

Young person 3: Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. Without your guidance and trust, we would not be where we are today.

Xie Huaiqing: You are all excellent young people, and you are the ones who make the flavor years constantly rejuvenated. I believe there will be more opportunities waiting for you in the future.

Young man 1: We will not forget our original intention, nor will we forget the legendary story of flavor years. No matter what the future holds, we will hold on to this passion.

Young man 2: Yes, we want to pass on the food and warmth of the flavor to more people, so that more people can feel this happiness.

Carrie: I'm sure you can do it. The flavor of the year has become a symbol of a good year, and it will always remain in people's hearts.

At the celebration, the team and customers spent a time full of laughter together. They taste the food and share stories that fill the home with warmth and joy.

In the years to come, the flavor years will continue to expand, so that more people can taste this delicacy and warmth. No matter where they are, everyone can find a home and make memories in the flavor years. It's a timeless story, a beautiful year to remember. The legend of the flavor years will continue to be passed down around the world, creating more happiness and joy for the future.

At the headquarters of Flavor Nianhua, Xie Huaiqing sat with the young people and discussed future development plans.

Young man 1: The brand has already achieved success in the international market, should we consider opening branches in more countries?

Young man 2: Yes, we have received invitations from many countries that want to introduce flavor years to their countries.

Xie Huaiqing: Opening more international stores is a good way forward, but we need to choose our partners carefully and ensure that we can maintain the uniqueness of flavor in each country.

Young person 3: You're right, we need to find partners who truly understand and share our values.

Carrie: At the same time, in the international market, we also need to pay attention to adapting to local tastes and culture and make some corresponding adjustments.

Young man 1: Miss Carrie, your advice is valuable. We will carefully consider and formulate reasonable international expansion plans.

Xie Huaiqing: In addition, we should continue to strengthen the consolidation and expansion of the domestic market. Although we are already well-known in China, the market competition is still fierce.

Young man 2: Yes, we can't be satisfied with some achievements, we must always be innovative and enterprising.

Young people 3: We can also consider launching some new dishes and activities to attract more customers' attention.

Carrie: For marketing strategies, we can also use emerging channels such as social media to engage more closely with customers.

Xie Huaiqing: Great, your ideas are very good. We must maintain unity and cooperation to jointly realize the dream of a bigger flavor year.

Young 1: We will continue to work hard to make the flavor of the year the first choice in the minds of more people.

Young 2: Whether at home or internationally, we want to pass on the legend of the flavor of the year to more people.

Carrie: I'm sure you'll achieve even more to illuminate every corner of the world with the flavours and warmth.

Under the new development plan, Flavor continues to embark on a new journey. With the spirit of unity and innovation, they pass on food and warmth to more people. Whether nationally or internationally, the legend of the Flavor Years will continue to live around the world and become a lasting memory.

In the conference room of the Flavor of the Year headquarters, Xie Huaiqing and the young people are discussing the topic of social responsibility and sustainable development.

Young people 1: As the flavor grows, we must also think about how to give back to the society and assume corporate social responsibility.

Young person 2: Yes, we can consider participating in some charity activities to support local charities or environmental organizations.

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