One sunny morning, Xie Huaiqing was preparing for a new day's business. A strange young lady walked into the "Flavor of the Year" restaurant, wearing a straw hat with wide brimmes, looking a little shy.

Xie Huaiqing greeted her warmly: "Welcome, beauty."

The lady said a little nervously: "I heard that the braised pork here is particularly delicious, so I specially rushed over to try it."

Xie Huaiqing smiled and nodded: "That's right, braised pork is our signature dish, which is guaranteed to make you have an endless aftertaste." Please sit down and I'll serve you right away. He

personally served the lady a braised pork accompanied by a bowl of fragrant white rice and a refreshing side dish.

The lady lifted the lid of the pot, and suddenly a tempting aroma permeated, and she couldn't help drooling: "Wow, it's really fragrant!" Xie

Huaiqing smiled modestly: "Thank you for the compliment, I hope you will like it."

The lady carefully took a piece of braised pork and put it in her mouth, and immediately showed a satisfied look on her eyebrows: "It's so delicious! The meat is tender and melts in the mouth, which is really delicious."

When Xie Huaiqing heard the praise, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "It seems that you really have a taste for food." In fact, I am very particular when preparing ingredients, and only the freshest ingredients can be used to make such a delicacy.

The lady continued to enjoy the food, and suddenly asked: "I heard that your dream when you were a child was to open your own restaurant?" Xie

Huaiqing nodded in response: "Yes, I have been passionate about cooking since I was a child." Seeing my family smiling because of the dishes I cooked, I decided to open my own restaurant when I grew up.


Huaiqing smiled and said, "To realize your dream, you must first have firm faith and unwavering efforts." I have experienced many difficulties and setbacks, but I have never given up. I learned cooking skills, saved money, found this place, and turned my dreams into reality step by step.

Listening to his story, the lady couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "You are really amazing, Mr. Xie Huaiqing." Your persistence and hard work not only made your dreams come true, but also gave us so much delicious food.

Xie Huaiqing smiled modestly: "Being able to bring happiness and deliciousness to everyone is also my greatest happiness." With

Xie Huaiqing's conversation with the lady, the atmosphere in the restaurant became more intimate. In the time that followed, they continued to talk about food, dreams and life, sharing stories with each other, as if they had become old friends they hadn't seen in years.

Since then, Flavor Nianhua Hotel has not only become famous for its food, but also attracted more and more diners and story lovers because of Xie Huaiqing's kind and hardworking quality. His restaurant has become a warm and beautiful presence in the town, and it has also made more people believe that as long as they have dreams and work hard for it, they can create their own flavor on the wide streets.

One day, a gentleman who looked a little older walked into the "Flavor Year". He wears an elegant suit and is smiling, giving a gentle feel.

Xie Huaiqing greeted him warmly: "Welcome, sir, what can I do for you?" The

gentleman smiled and said: "I heard that the braised pork here is very famous, so I specially came to taste it."

Xie Huaiqing smiled and said, "You have come to the right place, braised pork is our specialty, I believe you will like it." He

personally served the gentleman a braised pork and poured him a glass of sake. The gentleman took a sip of wine, and then tasted the braised pork, with a satisfied expression on his face: "This braised pork is indeed worthy of its name, it is simply excellent."

Xie Huaiqing smiled: "Great, I feel very honored to be appreciated by you."

The gentleman put down his chopsticks, seemed to remember something, and asked, "Young man, I heard that you often listen to the stories of customers in restaurants, do you have any interesting stories to share?"

Xie Huaiqing nodded: "Yes, I like to listen to the stories of guests, everyone has a unique life experience. Not long ago, a young painter came here. He told me that he dreamed of becoming an artist when he was a child, but because of his family, he gave up his artistic dream and became an ordinary office worker. But he never forgot his love for painting, so every day after work, he would pick up a brush to continue his artistic creation. I encouraged him not to give up on his dreams, saying that as long as he had a dream in his heart, it would come true one day.

The gentleman smiled and nodded: "You are really a wise and warm person. Listening to your story, I can feel that this is a place full of hopes and dreams.

Xie Huaiqing said modestly: "I just do my best to help others and make them feel delicious and warm." In fact, everyone has their own story, and if you listen attentively, you will find that the world is so colorful.

The gentleman nodded with deep feeling: "You are right. Young people, your restaurant is not only delicious, but more like a place where stories are exchanged. I am sure that your dreams will continue to be passed on.

Xie Huaiqing looked at the gentleman gratefully: "Thank you for your encouragement, sir." I will always work hard to let more people feel the food and warmth of the 'flavor of the year'." They

continued to talk in a pleasant atmosphere, sharing each other's stories, as if time was flowing quietly in this small restaurant. Here, not only delicious braised pork, but also Xie Huaiqing's kind and hardworking soul, as well as a variety of stories from all over the world, are connected into a touching picture. In the "Flavor Year", dreams and food are intertwined into a moving melody, attracting more and more people.

Just then, a young traveler pushed open the door of "Flavor of the Year". He was carrying a bag that looked like he had just traveled a long way.

Xie Huaiqing greeted him warmly: "Welcome, young man. You may seem like you've traveled a long way and need a good rest. The

traveler smiled and nodded: "Yes, I heard that the food and stories here are famous, so I came to find out."

Xie Huaiqing prepared a signature braised pork and a bowl of hot noodle soup for him. The traveler tasted the braised pork, and his expression immediately became pleasant: "This braised pork is really delicious, the texture and taste are very unique."

Xie Huaiqing smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliment." We prepare every dish with care and hope that every guest can taste delicious. The

traveler put down his chopsticks, looked at Xie Huaiqing's smile, and suddenly asked: "Shopkeeper, how do you maintain your enthusiasm for your dreams and persistent efforts?"

Xie Huaiqing's eyes became deep: "Keeping dreams and working hard is not an easy task. Sometimes there are setbacks and difficulties, but it is precisely because of my dedication to my dreams that I can persevere. And the smile and recognition of every guest is also my motivation to keep moving forward. "

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