The traveler nodded thoughtfully: "You're right. I'm always looking for my dreams, but sometimes I feel lost and confused.

Xie Huaiqing said gently: "Everyone's life is a journey, there may be confusion and struggle along the way, but the important thing is not to give up, find what your heart really desires, and firmly pursue it." Dreams are the compass of our lives and will lead us in the right direction. The

traveler seemed to understand something, and his mood became brighter: "Thank you for your encouragement, owner." I think it's a wonderful experience to come here, not only to taste the food, but also to get spiritual inspiration.

Xie Huaiqing smiled and said, "I'm glad my words can help you." Wherever you go, believe in yourself and your inner voice. I wish you all the best on your way to your dreams. Their

conversations continued, talking about dreams, travel and life. In the small restaurant "Flavor Year", not only the aroma of food is pervasive, but also the spark of dreams flickering in the hearts of different people. The story of every guest and every delicious food are strung together in this wide street to form a colorful picture, leaving the "flavor of the year" forever in time.

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a hat approached the "flavor of the year". His face was a little tired, and he seemed to have some thoughts.

Xie Huaiqing greeted him warmly: "Welcome, sir."

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "I heard that the braised pork here is very famous, so I came to try it specifically."

Xie Huaiqing enthusiastically prepared a braised pork and a cup of clear tea for him. The man tasted a mouthful of braised pork, and his face showed a hint of comfort: "The taste is indeed good, very evocative."

Xie Huaiqing smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment." Braised pork is our signature dish, and I want every guest to taste delicious. The

man was silent for a moment, as if he wanted to say: "You know, I also had a dream back then, but the cruelty of reality made me have to give it up." Now that I've lost myself, I don't know how to continue.

Xie Huaiqing listened to him with a gentle expression: "In life, we all face various challenges and choices, and sometimes we give up our dreams to live a better life. But maybe not really giving up, but keeping your dreams in your heart and moving forward in another way. The

man nodded thoughtfully: "You're right." Maybe I really should find a way to keep dreams germinating in my heart.

Xie Huaiqing said encouragingly: "Yes, no matter how the years change, the dreams in our hearts are the source of our strength. Perhaps you can find some hobbies or activities related to dreams to rekindle your passion for dreams.

The man showed a hint of a smile: "Thank you, shopkeeper." Your words have given me a new direction to think.

Xie Huaiqing patted him on the shoulder kindly: "Life is a journey again and again, don't be afraid to change direction along the way." As long as you have a dream in your heart, you will surely find a path to happiness. Their

conversation continued, talking about life, dreams and bravery. The middle-aged man's face gradually shone with hope, as if he had rediscovered himself. In the small restaurant "Flavor of the Year", Xie Huaiqing used his kindness and wisdom to make every guest feel warmth and courage. It's not just a restaurant, it's a place of food and stories, so everyone can find their own "flavor of the year" on the wide streets.

Just as the conversation between Xie Huaiqing and the middle-aged man gradually improved, a burst of happy laughter suddenly sounded. A young girl ran into the "flavor of the year", she looked lively and cheerful, with a youthful atmosphere.

Xie Huaiqing turned to greet her: "Welcome to the 'Flavor Year', little girl." How did you find out here?" the

girl said proudly, "I heard that the braised pork here is super delicious, so I specially ran over to try it."

Xie Huaiqing smiled and prepared a braised pork and a glass of juice for her. The girl took a bite excitedly, and immediately her eyebrows danced: "Wow, it's really delicious!" Xie

Huaiqing smiled with satisfaction: "I'm glad you like it." The braised pork here is my original flavor and I hope to bring you a delicious experience.

The girl said as she ate, "I heard that you also listen to the stories of your guests here, and I also have an interesting story."

Xie Huaiqing said encouragingly: "Please say, I like to listen to stories." The

girl excitedly began to tell her story: "When I was a child, I used to dream of becoming a musician, and I loved playing the piano and writing songs. But as I grew up, pressure and choices made me give up my dream of music, and I felt that music could only be my hobby, not a career.

Xie Huaiqing asked with concern: "Are you still interested in music now?" The

girl nodded: "Yes, although I have not become a professional musician, music has always been a part of my life." I often play the piano and write songs, which makes me feel happy and satisfied.

Xie Huaiqing said encouragingly: "That's good, although you haven't become a professional musician, but you still insist on your love of music, which is a wonderful thing in itself." The path of life is diverse, and it is important to find a way to make yourself happy. The

girl smiled brightly: "Thank you for your understanding and encouragement, shopkeeper." I now have more freedom to make music without being limited by pressure and expectations. 'Flavour Years' is a magical place, not only with good food, but also with the encouragement of dreams.

Xie Huaiqing smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliment." I want this to be a place where everyone can find their own flavor, whether it's food or dreams.

In "Flavor of the Year", Xie Huaiqing's conversation with the young girl exudes warmth and positive energy. This small restaurant has become a place that not only satisfies the taste buds, but also conveys dreams and courage, and everyone can find their own unique flavor in this wide street.

At this moment, an old man who looked slightly mysterious quietly walked into the "flavor of the year". He wore a simple robe and a satin belt around his waist, giving people an antique and elegant feeling.

Xie Huaiqing greeted him respectfully: "Welcome, honorable elder. Do you need to taste our food?" The

old man smiled and nodded: "I heard that the braised pork here is very flavorful, so I specially came to try it."

Xie Huaiqing quickly prepared a braised pork and a pot of fragrant tea for him. The old man tasted the braised pork, and his face showed satisfaction: "Yes, the cooking method of this braised pork is quite ancient, which reminds me of the taste of my youth."

Xie Huaiqing smiled and said, "Thanks to the elders' praise, I have incorporated some ancient techniques into my cooking, hoping to pass on the traditional delicacy." "

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