Xie Huaiqing watched the lady enjoying the delicious taste of braised pork, and his heart couldn't help but feel a burst of joy. He asked, "What do you think is different about our

braised pork?" The

lady stopped her hand and replied seriously: "I have eaten a lot of braised pork, but the taste of your restaurant is really different." The selection of meat materials and heat are well mastered, making people eat it as if they returned to the taste of homemade braised pork made by their mother when they were children.

Xie Huaiqing smiled and nodded after hearing this: "I am very happy that you can say this." Actually, I'm very picky about ingredients, and I go to the market every day to buy fresh ingredients. Another secret is that I add a secret family seasoning to my cooking, which is the key to the unique flavor of our braised pork.

The lady asked with interest, "Can you tell me the recipe for this secret seasoning?" Xie

Huaiqing laughed and said, "This is a family tradition recipe, which has been passed down for generations, and I think I can't share this secret until at least when I retire."

The lady smiled softly to show understanding. She took another bite of white rice and praised: "The rice is really cooked just right, fluffy and sweet, it is a perfect match."

Xie Huaiqing said modestly: "Thank you for the compliment." Our rice is made with high-quality rice and cooked with special pots to ensure that the rice grains are full and evenly heated.

The lady looked at Xie Huaiqing, suddenly remembered something, and said with some hesitation: "Actually, I have a small request, I don't know if it's okay?"

Xie Huaiqing smiled kindly and said: "Of course, you can just say."

The lady continued a little shyly: "My father and I like to eat braised pork, but my father is not in good health and has been living in a nursing home. I want to bring this delicious dish to him, I wonder if I can pack a copy for me to take away?" Hearing

this request, Xie Huaiqing's eyes warmed a lot, and he said seriously: "Of course, I will pack a well-made braised pork for you, hoping to bring some warmth and deliciousness to your father."

The lady looked at Xie Huaiqing gratefully and sighed: "Thank you so much!

Xie Huaiqing said with a smile: "You're welcome, this is also the consistent philosophy of our hotel, hoping to provide more care and care for customers." The

lady finally put down her heart and slowly enjoyed the last few bites of braised pork. At the farewell, she once again thanked Huaiqing for his warm hospitality, and promised to come and taste the food here often.

Watching the lady's back drift away, Xie Huaiqing's heart was full of joy and satisfaction. He knows that, in addition to delicious food, treating every customer with sincerity is the secret of his hotel's long-term operation. This sunny morning is destined to be a wonderful start.

A few days later, on a sunny morning, the young lady visited the "Flavor of the Year" restaurant again. This time she did not wear a straw hat and appeared more confident and cheerful.

Xie Huaiqing walked over enthusiastically: "Welcome again, beauty." Did your father taste braised pork last time?

The lady smiled and nodded: "Yes, he likes it very much, he said that it was the best braised pork he has eaten in so many years, thank you for the delicious gift."

Xie Huaiqing smiled and said, "I am also very happy to let you and your father like it." If you have any other special needs, don't hesitate to let me know and I'll do my best to accommodate them.

The lady's gaze fell on the menu on the table, and after she hesitated, she said: "Actually, I have a small wish, can you ask for help?" Xie

Huaiqing smiled kindly and said: "Of course, you can just say, I will try my best to help."

The woman plucked up the courage to continue, "I would like to hold a small charity dinner at this hotel to raise some funds for the nursing home. I wonder if you are willing to support this event?" After

hearing this, Xie Huaiqing's face showed a gratifying expression: "This is a very kind idea, and I am very happy to support your charity dinner." You can rest assured that I will cooperate to provide first-class service and food to help you raise money.

The lady looked at Xie Huaiqing with emotion and said excitedly: "Thank you, I will arrange it as soon as possible, and then discuss the details with you."

So, Madam and Xie Huaiqing began to prepare for the charity dinner together. They worked together to develop the menu, and Xie Huaiqing carefully prepared some special dishes to ensure that each dish could present the best taste. Ms. was responsible for publicity and guest invitations, and also personally designed a touching speech for the event.

On the day of the charity dinner, the hotel was newly decorated, candles flickered, and the atmosphere was warm. The guests were enchanted by the food and moved by the ladies' speeches. Under the leadership of Xie Huaiqing, the staff of the hotel served every guest attentively to make the dinner more successful.

After the event, the lady excitedly thanked Xie Huaiqing: "Without your support and help, this charity dinner would not have been so successful. Thank you, my father and I will always remember your kindness.

Xie Huaiqing smiled and said: "This is what I should do, and I am very happy to be able to participate in it and contribute to your charity." From

that day on, the restaurant forged a deep friendship with the young lady. They often hold charity activities together, give back to the community with food and care, and become a beautiful scenery for restaurants and communities. Xie Huaiqing's restaurant is more and more loved and praised by people because of this kindness and enthusiasm. On this sunny morning, a wonderful friendship and charity blossoms in this restaurant.


As time went by, Xie Huaiqing's friendship with the young lady grew deeper and deeper. She often comes to the restaurant to exchange ideas about food and charity with Xie Huaiqing. With her encouragement, Xie Huaiqing also began to actively participate in other charity activities in the community, using her cooking skills and restaurant resources to help more people in need.

One day, the lady came to the hotel and said to Xie Huaiqing with a somewhat apprehensive expression: "I recently received an unexpected donation, sponsored by a charitable foundation. They hope that we will jointly organize a large-scale charity dinner and use the funds raised to help the lonely elderly and poor families.

Xie Huaiqing was very happy: "This is a good opportunity for us to use the power of the charity foundation to make the charity dinner bigger and more influential." The

lady nodded in agreement: "Yes, I have already discussed with them." They send people to help us organize the event and provide additional donation and advocacy resources. "

As the charity dinner was being prepared, the staff of the hotel were busy, and everyone was fully enthusiastic. They not only prepared sumptuous food, but also designed some interesting interactive sessions, so that guests can enjoy the food while feeling the power of charity.

On the evening of the dinner, the hotel was decorated brightly, and guests and caring people from all walks of life entered the venue. In her opening remarks, Ms. thanked all participants for their support and shared the story of her first encounter with Xie Huaiqing, telling the story of the kindness and philanthropy of the "Flavor of the Year" Hotel.

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