Carrie: We can leverage the local strengths of each team member to make Flavor truly integrated into the local community on a global scale.

Young people 1: We can also hold food festivals, cultural exchange activities, etc. to enhance the awareness and goodwill of local customers about the flavor of the New Year.

Young person 2: At the same time, we will continue to promote our food and stories on social media to let more people know about our food and stories.

Xie Huaiqing: I am very pleased with your teamwork, cooperation and cross-cultural communication. I am confident that under your leadership, Flavor will continue to achieve greater success around the world.

With the joint efforts of young people from all over the world, Flavor Year has expanded its brand influence around the world. They respect the gastronomic culture of different countries, listen to the needs of local customers, and integrate flavor into the hearts of each country. The culinary legend of the flavor year will continue to be passed down around the world and become a beautiful year in people's hearts forever. In this warm home, people gather together to write a new chapter of the flavor of the year, and create more joy and happiness for the future. It will be a lasting story, a wonderful year to remember.

In the global development of Flavor Year, the team members passionately continued to discuss how to further strengthen the brand's position in the global market.

Young 1 (from Asia): We can consider partnering with well-known local restaurant groups to leverage their channels and resources to accelerate their expansion in the region.

Young 2 (from Europe): In Europe, we can use local, seasonal ingredients to launch seasonal menus to attract more customers who like to try fresh ingredients.

Young 3 (from South America): We can create some specialties related to South American culture and festivals to increase people's interest and curiosity.

Young people 4 (from Africa): In Africa, we can focus on community engagement and philanthropic activities that foster emotional bonds between brands and local people.

Young 5 (from Australia): We can further enhance our online sales channels in Australia to facilitate more Australian customers to taste the flavor of the year through online ordering and takeaway services.

Xie Huaiqing: Your suggestions are very valuable, and cross-cultural cooperation and cross-border cooperation will bring more opportunities for the global development of Flavor Year.

Carrie: We can also use digital technology to develop multilingual websites and apps to better serve customers in different countries.

Young person 1: Yes, this removes the language barrier and makes it easier for customers to understand our menus and features.

Young people 2: At the same time, we can also strengthen the training and communication of multinational teams to enhance cooperation and understanding among team members.

Young person 3: Our diverse team is our strength and the guarantee of our success. , Flavor Years has a more solid foundation around the world. They respect the culture of different countries, listen to the needs of local customers, and integrate flavor into the hearts of each country.

Xie Huaiqing: You are the leading talents of the future, and I am full of confidence in your future. The flavor years will become more brilliant because of you. In this warm, home, people gather together to write a new chapter of the Year of Flavor and create more joy and happiness for the future.

With the joint efforts of global teams, the culinary legend of the Flavor Year continues to live on around the world through cross-cultural cooperation and digital innovation, becoming a beautiful year in people's hearts forever. It will be an eternal story, a beautiful year to remember.

In the process of globalization of Flavor Years, team members are constantly taking on challenges, while also learning and growing.

Young 1 (from Asia): In the process of globalization, we have also encountered some cultural differences and challenges. We need to be more sensitive to the habits and tastes of different countries in order to better adapt to the market.

Young People 2 (from Europe): Yes, our team needs more cross-cultural training in order to better integrate into the local community and make Flavor a gastronomic brand that everyone loves.

Young 3 (from South America): At the same time, we need to focus on a consistent brand image on a global scale, so that customers can feel the warmth and uniqueness of the flavor years everywhere.

Young 4 (from Africa): For some of the more specific ingredients and seasonings, we also manage the supply chain globally to ensure consistency in quality and taste.

Young 5 (from Australia): We can also consider cultural exchange activities around the world so that our team members can learn more about each other and grow together.

Xie Huaiqing: Your thinking is very deep, globalization is a complex task that requires us to continue to learn and improve.

Carrie: The diversity of our team gives us an advantage in global growth, and we need to learn from each other's experiences to promote the success of Flavor Years together.

Young people 1: We also need to actively use digital and social media platforms to stay more connected with customers around the world and understand their needs and feedback.

Young people 2: At the same time, with the joint efforts of the global team, the market of Flavor Year is gradually expanding in different countries, and we will continue to carry out innovative activities to introduce more specialties adapted to local tastes and attract more new customers. It will be a timeless story, a beautiful year to be remembered.

Xie Huaiqing: I am very pleased with your teamwork and enterprising spirit. I firmly believe that the globalization of Flavor will be more successful because of you. Jointly write a new chapter in the Year of Flavor and

become a gourmet brand in people's hearts. They respect the culture of different countries, listen to the needs of local customers, and integrate flavor into the hearts of each country. Through cross-cultural cooperation, digital innovation and continuous improvement, the flavor of the year, the legend of gastronomy continues to circulate around the world, becoming an eternal, beautiful and good year in people's hearts. In this warm home, people come together to create more joy and happiness for the future.

In the process of globalization of the flavor years, team members continue to learn and improve, and strive to enhance the influence and reputation of the brand. At a strategic planning meeting, they discussed how to further expand the international market share of Flavor Year.

Young 1 (from Asia): I think we can use some international food exhibitions and fairs to let more people know about the cuisine of the flavor year.

Young 2 (from Europe): Yes, events like this can attract customers from different countries and open up new markets for our brand.

Young 3 (from South America): We may also consider partnering with some well-known hotels and resorts to set up Flavor Flavor Branch on their premises.

Young 4 (from Africa): Yes, by partnering with well-known local brands, we can increase the brand's local awareness and credibility.

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