Li Yang: Very good, your self-confidence and hard work will be your most powerful weapons. In the process of drafting, it is not only a competition, but also an opportunity to show yourself.

Xie Huaiqing: I understand that I will do my best. At the same time, I would like to thank you and the team for all this opportunity and support.

Li Yang: You're welcome, we believe in your potential and are optimistic about your future. Xie Huaiqing, come on, let's create a wonderful music story together

! Xie Huaiqing: Thank you for your encouragement, I will try to do my best! No matter what the result is, I will devote myself to this musical journey.

Host: Dear audience friends, welcome to the stage of "The Sound of Music"! Today we have a special contestant, let us warmly welcome

Xie Huaiqing! Audience: (applause thunderous

) Xie Huaiqing: (smile slightly, nodding to the audience) Judge A: Xie Huaiqing, what song do you want to sing? Xie Huaiqing:

I chose a song I wrote by myself, called "The Journey of the Heart". I hope you enjoy it.

Judge B: Songwriting? Well, we're all looking forward to hearing from your original work.

(The music started and Xie Huaiqing began to sing.) His singing is infectious, and his lyrics are smooth and sincere, and engaging.

Audience: (Gradually immersed in his singing, someone shed tears.)

Judge C: (nodding slightly) This song is really good, your singing voice is very magnetic and can touch people's hearts deeply.

Judge A: Your music is full of emotion and shows your unique style. I think your creative talent has great potential.

Judge B: Agreed. Your voice and lyrics make people feel the emotions in your heart, which is exactly what real music can achieve.


: Xie Huaiqing, your performance is really outstanding! Thank

you very much for your support and encouragement. It is a great honor to be on this stage.

Judge A: We look forward to seeing more of your performance and continue to be sincere and enthusiastic.

Xie Huaiqing: I will, thank you for your encouragement and guidance.

(Applause continued as Xie walked off the stage with a smile, and his musical journey officially reached a new height.)

Moderator: Xie Huaiqing, your singing is really shocking!

Audience members: (Applause and cheers getting warmer

) Judge A: (suddenly kneels on the ground, holding his chest tightly) It's so touching! Your singing touches my deepest emotions, I can't suppress my emotions! Judge B: (Also kneels

on the ground, eyes moist) You use music to open the window of people's hearts, which is a wonderful talent!

Judge C: (kneeling on the ground, voice trembling) Your music, it is like a warm current, flowing throughout my body, making me feel the beauty of human emotions.

Audience: (Many people have cried and were moved by the actions of the judges

) Host: This is the first time in the history of "The Sound of Music" that the judges have fallen to their knees, which shows how profound the impact of your performance has been!

Xie Huaiqing: (face full of gratitude and joy) Thank you, I just want to convey real emotions with my music.

Judge A: (stands up and wipes away tears) Xie Huaiqing, you are a true music messenger, your singing not only touches us, but also touches the whole world.

Judge B: (Standing up and looking deeply at Xie Huaiqing) Your music is not only an art, but also a power that can heal the soul.

Judge C: (stands up and pats Xie Huaiqing on the shoulder) Your future will be full of possibilities, Xie Huaiqing. Keep going, and you'll definitely become a shining music star.

(Applause continued, the audience wiped away their tears, and Xie Huaiqing's musical interpretation became an unforgettable moment for the show.)

Moderator: (voice trembling) Xie Huaiqing, your singing is really touching, I can't help but be deeply moved.

Audience members: (Applause, some wiping tears

) Judge A: (moist eyes) Your music is a healing, a strength, it can soothe the wounds in people's hearts.

Judge B: (voice trembling) Xie Huaiqing, you have created a magical atmosphere that makes people feel as if they have entered a pure world.

Judge C: (sighs softly) I've never seen such a sincere performance, and your music hits the heart.

Moderator: (tears welling up, emotional) Everyone witnessed an extraordinary musical performance, Xie Huaiqing, your singing voice is so moving that I can't express my emotions in words.

Audience: (moved to take out a tissue to wipe his tears, the scene is solemn and solemn

) Moderator: (Trying to calm the emotions) At this particular moment, I think we need to pause for a while. We will temporarily suspend the show to give everyone some time to calm down, because Xie Huaiqing's performance is too moving.

Audience members: (applause of thanks, someone applauds this pause

) Judge A: (wipes away tears) We are all shocked, Xie Huaiqing's music is a power, a power that can purify the soul.

Judge B: (nodding in agreement) Yes, I've never felt a musical atmosphere like this anywhere else.

Judge C: (takes a deep breath) At this point, we really need some time to think about it, to taste the wonderfulness just now.

(The show paused, and people were immersed in the performance as if time had stood still.)

Host: The competition is over, Xie Huaiqing, congratulations! Your singing really conquered the audience, you are the champion of tonight

! Audience: (applauding and cheering excitedly, some people are eager to take the stage

) Xie Huaiqing: (smiling excitedly) Thank you very much for your support, thank you for liking!

Judge A: Your music is a feast of feelings, you have won everyone's recognition and won the hearts of our judges.

Judge B: Your music is not only an art, but also a transmission of emotions, and you touch everyone with your singing.

Judge C: Congratulations, Xie Huaiqing, you are the star of tonight. Your music expresses a true understanding of life, of emotions, which is invaluable.

Moderator: Not only that, but as tonight's winner, you also received a special reward. You will qualify for international music competitions, which is a more advanced and challenging

stage! Xie Huaiqing: (with a surprised expression) I never thought there would be such an opportunity, it is a great honor!

Judge A: Your music has an international resonance, I believe you can show a more dazzling light on that stage.

Judge B: We have full confidence in you and believe that you will win the honor for the country.

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