Judge C: Xie Huaiqing, congratulations, continue to maintain your talent and enthusiasm and create more memorable music.

Audience: (cheers continue, as if the whole stage is filled with his success)

Moderator: Xie Huaiqing, your musical story will continue, let's look forward to his wonderful performance on the international stage!


on the busy streets, in a happy mood, with promotional posters) Today's roadshow will definitely be wonderful!

(Suddenly, a stranger approached, his eyes wandering, and he looked suspicious.)

Stranger: Hey, young man, do you want more exposure?

Xie Huaiqing: (looking at the stranger warily) Yes, I'm Xie Huaiqing, a singer.

Stranger: I know people who can help you get further in the music industry, for some fee, of course.

I don't need to promote myself in this way, I will rely on my own efforts to find a way.

You know, the music industry is not so simple, opportunities are rare, if you don't want to regret it, hurry up and seize this opportunity.

Xie Huaiqing: I have confidence in my talent and do not need to resort to improper means. Please leave.

Stranger: Boy, you are too stupid and naïve! If you don't seize the opportunity, you will always have to mess around in this small place!

(The stranger suddenly tried to get close to Xie Huaiqing and try to push him down, but Xie Huaiqing reacted quickly and kicked the stranger's chest.)

Xie Huaiqing: (looks at the fallen stranger in shock, takes a few steps back) I... I didn't expect it to turn out like this....

(Passers-by gathered around, saw the stranger's condition, and called the police and called for help.) The police quickly arrived at the scene and launched an investigation.


Huaiqing: Yes, he suddenly attacked me, and I just reacted and defended myself.

Police: We'll find out. You can avoid it first.

City leader: Xie Huaiqing, I heard that you are a local musical talent in our city, and you have recently achieved great achievements in the music industry.

Xie Huaiqing: Thank you very much for the compliment, city leader.

City Leader: Your musical talent has earned honor for our city and set a great example for young people. I heard that you also achieved excellent results in international music competitions, and it is well deserved.

Xie Huaiqing: I do my best, and I am very grateful for the support and encouragement of the city.

City leader: Your music is not only an art, but also a spiritual sustenance. Your singing conveys the love of life and the pursuit of dreams.

Xie Huaiqing: I have always hoped to express my emotions through music and share empathy with more people.

City Leader: Your music career is evolving, and I'm sure you'll create even better work to brighten our city.

Xie Huaiqing: I will try to do my best and live up to everyone's expectations.

City Leader: We will continue to pay attention to your growth and hope that you can become an excellent representative and let more people see the cultural heritage and creativity of our city.

Xie Huaiqing: I will cherish this opportunity doubly, continue to work hard, and use music to win glory for the city.

City leader: Very good, Xie Huaiqing, your future must be full of infinite possibilities. Keep moving forward for your dreams, we will support you.

(During the conversation, the city leaders' eyes full of encouragement and expectation made Xie Huaiqing more determined to move towards the goal of the music industry.)

(At night, Xie Huaiqing sits at his desk, writing songs intently under the light.) Outside the window, it was a quiet night, and his mind gradually immersed in creation.

Xie Huaiqing: (humming the melody in a low voice, constantly revising the lyrics) This time the song must be more touching and express the deepest emotions in my heart.

(Time passed minute by minute, Xie Huaiqing had been writing for a long time unconsciously, he stood up, looked out the window, and was in a happy mood.)

Xie Huaiqing: (whispering to himself) Perhaps, this is the kind of state I have been pursuing. I found the outlet for emotion in music, I found my own voice.

(He returned to the table, continued to write the song, and gradually, a new song was born, full of sincere emotion.)

Xie Huaiqing: (Singing) "The wind blows through the forest, and my thoughts are like a tidal wave. Starlight adorns the night sky and illuminates the path in my heart..."

(The song echoed in the room, and Xie Huaiqing's emotions surged with the melody.) He felt the power of the songs he created.

Xie Huaiqing: (stands up excitedly and sings more devotedly) "I want to use my voice to convey all my dreams. Let this note become an eternal sign..."

(As the song was high-pitched, his emotions also reached a climax, his heart beat faster, and he couldn't sleep at night with excitement.) He knew the song would be an important milestone in his musical journey.

(He continued to write songs late into the night.) In the world of music, he found tranquility and long-desired emotional release.

Xie Huaiqing: (sitting on the sofa, smiling) Honey, we've been together for a long time, and I think you should know how much I love you.


Huaiqing: (frowns, gently grabbing your hand) I know what you're worried about, but I want to tell you that the past experience is over, and I choose to be with you because I love you deeply, not because of anyone or anything in the past.

You: (Looks up, eyes flashing with uneasiness and doubt) However, there have been so many good memories between you, I am afraid that you will not be able to let go of these memories.

Xie Huaiqing: I won't deny what happened, but believe me, I have buried those memories in my heart. Every moment with you is my most cherished time and the beginning of my re-discovery of happiness.

You: (sighs softly) I know I should believe you, but sometimes emotions are really hard to control.

Xie Huaiqing: I understand that we all have a past, but what matters is the present and future of our togetherness. I am willing to always be by your side and prove my love for you with my actions.

You: (Raises his head, the uneasiness in his eyes gradually dissipates) Xie Huaiqing, thank you for your understanding and patience. I will also try to let go of the anxiety of the past and create a better future with you.

Xie Huaiqing: (While strolling through the streets and alleys, I suddenly heard a beautiful singing, and I followed the prestige and saw a homeless man in shabby clothes singing.) )

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