Wandering singer: (singing the song with a magnetic voice, attracting the attention of many people around

) Xie Huaiqing: (Attracted by his singing, approaching forward) Hi, your singing voice is really great.

Wandering Singer: (looks up, smiling) Thanks, friend. It's just some shabby songs, but it always gives me some comfort.

Xie Huaiqing: Are you a wandering singer? Why don't you try to perform in more places? Wandering singer:

(laughs) Life has made me lose too much, I don't have the opportunity to pursue things other than music.

Xie Huaiqing: Your singing voice is really talented, I believe that if you have the opportunity to show it to more people, many people will like it.

Wandering Singer: (sighs) You said it nicely, but the reality is harsh. I'm used to the wandering life and don't have much hope anymore.

Xie Huaiqing: I am a singer and I have experienced difficulties, but I believe that music has a power that can change destiny. If you want, I can help you and give you a chance to make your song heard by more people.

Wandering Singer: (eyes flickering, incredulous) Are you really willing to help me?

If you want, we can work together to create great music.

Wandering Singer: (with a grateful smile) Thank you, friend. I'm willing to try, maybe music can really change my life.

(Xie Huaiqing and Wandering Song Xie Huaiqing

: (Sitting in the room, playing the guitar intently, suddenly feeling a strange energy rushing into the body) (

The items in the room began to tremble slightly, the books opened themselves on the table, and the curtains fluttered gently.)

Xie Huaiqing: (Stopped his movements in surprise and stood up) This...

(He concentrated, trying to control the energy.) Suddenly, a force was released from his fingers, slowly dropping a floating object back onto the table.

Xie Huaiqing: (dumbfounded at all this) Could it be... I have superpowers?

(He tried to control again and found that he was able to make objects move at will, even change shape.)

Xie Huaiqing: (showing an excited expression) This is incredible! I actually have superpowers! (

He began experimenting with different things, using superpowers to show all kinds of surprising effects.)

Xie Huaiqing: (excitedly muttering to himself) What would it be if I could incorporate this power into my music?

Accompanied by music, he tries to incorporate his superpowers into the notes.

(Suddenly, he noticed that the guitar's strings were vibrating on their own, and the notes formed beautiful patterns in the air.)

I can incorporate my superpowers into music to create a musical experience like never before!

Bank staff: Sir, do you want to deposit a million?

Bank staff: Thank you very much for your generous donation, it will be of great help to the community.

(Xie Huaiqing left the bank after completing the donation procedures.) Soon after, at a lottery shop on the street, he saw a billboard for the lottery.

Lottery shop owner: Sir, come and buy a lottery ticket? The jackpot in this issue is 10 million!

Xie Huaiqing: (shook his head with a smile) No, I don't have confidence in luck.

(However, the moment he walked out of the lottery shop, he suddenly thought of something and turned back.)

Xie Huaiqing: Okay, give me one. Quickly choose a number for me.

Lottery shop owner: (smiling) Okay, please wait.

(The owner of the lottery shop handed Xie Huaiqing a lottery ticket.)

XH: Thank you.

(After returning home, Xie Huaiqing put the lottery ticket on the table and continued to write songs.) A few days later, when he walked into the lottery shop again, the owner looked at him with delight.

Lottery shop owner: Sir, have you won the

lottery? Xie Huaiqing: (somewhat confused) Won? I forgot to buy lottery tickets.

Lottery shop owner: Your ticket won the jackpot of 10 million

! Xie Huaiqing: (stunned there, then realized what happened) What?

! Lottery shop owner: Yes, congratulations! What a lucky coincidence.

Xie Huaiqing: (overwhelmed with excitement) I... Am I really winning 10 million?

(He thinks back to the million he donated at the bank, and then looks at the lottery ticket in front of him, feeling as if everything has become incredible.)

Xie Huaiqing: (While strolling in the park, he suddenly felt the urgent need to go to

the toilet) (He hurriedly found the public toilet and walked in.

Xie Huaiqing: (relieved, feeling much more comfortable) (

However, when he looked at the toilet, he was surprised to find that he was not peeing urine, but a brew of cappuccino.)

Xie Huaiqing: (shook his head suspiciously, thinking that he was blinded) This...

(He grabbed a little urine (or cappuccino?) with his hand, put it on his finger, and tasted it.

Xie Huaiqing: (exclaimed in surprise) Hey, this... (He

walked out of the bathroom, recalling in disbelief.)

Xie Huaiqing: (Talking to himself) How is this possible? Can I really pee coffee?"

Xie Huaiqing: (Stand aside, concentrate, try to "pee" out the coffee) (

As a result, his attempt succeeded, and he actually peed a bubble of cappuccino.)

Xie Huaiqing: (with a surprised expression) This is incredible! I can actually pee coffee! (

He can't help but wonder what this strange superpower is all about.)

Xie Huaiqing: (Feeling hungry at home and deciding to go to the kitchen to find something to eat) (

He opened the refrigerator and found that there were only some ingredients in it, and there was no ready-made food.)

Xie Huaiqing: (sighs and decides to make something to eat himself) (

He takes out eggs, flour, milk and other ingredients, and prepares to make some egg tarts.)

Xie Huaiqing: (Seriously starts the operation, stirring the ingredients together to make

the egg tart filling) (He pours the filling into the egg tart skin and puts it in the oven to bake.)

Xie Huaiqing: (anxiously waits until the tart is baked) (

He turned on the oven, took out a golden tart, and took a bite expectantly.)

Xie Huaiqing: (opens his mouth in surprise) This... (

He took another bite to confirm that he was not mistaken

) Xie Huaiqing: (Surprised) It turned out to be a Michelin egg tart

! (He couldn't believe his eyes at all, tasted it and mouthful, convinced that it was not an illusion

) Xie Huaiqing: (laughed) This is amazing! I can actually make Michelin-level egg tarts! (

He began to doubt his sense of taste, but everything is so real.) )

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