Xie Huaiqing: (In the solitary moment after the concert, facing myself in the mirror) I really did it, 10 million albums, which is a huge achievement!

Xie Huaiqing: (nodding confidently) I know I'm doing it right, I stick to my musical style and impress the audience with real emotions.

(He recalls the hardships and efforts he has gone through.)

Xie Huaiqing: (firmly said to myself in the mirror) I am far from stopping, I will continue to devote myself to the singing career, express my emotions with music, and transmit positive energy.

(His eyes reveal longing and determination for the future.)

Xie Huaiqing: (smiling at myself in the mirror) I will remain humble, never forget my original intention, continue to work hard, and become a better musician.

(He put the album back in place, ready to devote himself to the creation and interpretation of music again.)

Paparazzi Reporter: Xie Huaiqing, please ask here! I heard that you have been secretly recording a new album recently, can you reveal some news? Xie Huaiqing:

(smiling) Well, there are indeed some new music projects in the pipeline, but I hope to keep some suspense and let everyone have more surprises when they are released.

Paparazzi Reporter: There are rumors that your new album will involve many big-name music producers, is this true?

But I can guarantee that I will do my best to bring out a more mature and in-depth musical style for the new album.

Paparazzi Reporter: We saw some recent photos of you on social media and seemed to have had a nice evening in a small bar.

Xie Huaiqing: (smiles) Actually, it was just a scene where I was partying with my friends. As for the mystery lady thing, I want to keep some privacy.

Paparazzi: Last question, one of your previous songs has caused a lot of discussion on social media, and some people say that this is your autobiographical work, right?

Music is my way of expressing my heart, and I want to be able to build emotional resonance with my listeners, so some songs may be closer to my true story.

Paparazzi Reporter: Thank you for your answer, I wish you continued success!

Xie Huaiqing: Thank you very much, thank you for your support. I hope you can look forward to my future music, and I will continue to work hard to create more beautiful songs for everyone.

Grandma: Child, you finally came to see me, I'm fine, I'm old, and I'm a little unwell.

Xie Huaiqing: I will come back to see you often, don't worry too much. By the way, I was walking around the neighborhood today and found a mysterious cave.

Grandma: Mysterious cave? There are no caves around here.

Xie Huaiqing: Yes, I also find it very strange.

Grandma: Young man, stop messing around. At this age, you should study harder and don't go to those dangerous places.

Xie Huaiqing: Grandma, I know your worries, but I think that cave may be something special. I want to find out, maybe there will be some interesting discoveries.

Grandma: Oh, you kid is always so curious. Well, if you insist, I can't stop you either. But be careful not to take risks.

Xie Huaiqing: I will pay attention to safety, grandma, you are waiting for me at home. If anything, I'll let you know.

(Xie Huaiqing left his grandmother's house and came to the mysterious cave entrance.)

Xie Huaiqing: (Talking to himself) This cave looks really mysterious, maybe there is really something worth discovering.

(He entered the cave, which was unusually spacious and dimly lit.)

Xie Huaiqing: (Lighting with a flashlight, moving on) It seems that this place is really hidden deeply.

(The further he went, the cave narrowed, but he kept steadfast on his way.)

Xie Huaiqing: (Finally reaching the end of the cave) This is a small space that looks like a naturally formed basement.

(He looked around closely and found some ancient stone carvings on the ground that seemed to have some unsolved mysteries.)

Xie Huaiqing: (In the cave, I felt a special atmosphere and couldn't help but start singing) ♪ The distant stars, twinkling in the night sky, are the hope in my heart... ♪

(His singing echoes through the cave, full of emotion and resonance.) Voice

: (Response coming from the depths of the cave, intertwined with his singing in a soft voice) ♪ is the hope in my heart... ♪

Xie Huaiqing: (taken aback, stopped singing, looked around) This... Voice

: Please don't be afraid, I'm just an ancient soul who lives here.

XH: (Surprised) Ancient souls? Voice:

Yes, I used to be the guardian of this land, and my existence gradually became forgotten over time. To this day, your singing wakes me up.

Xie Huaiqing: (shocked and excited) Can you hear my

singing? How do you respond? Voice: Your singing conveys sincere emotions and makes me feel the pulse of life. In this lonely cave, I felt a long-lost warmth.

Xie Huaiqing: (movingly) I really didn't know that my singing would trigger such a reaction. I am honored to be able to communicate with you.

Voice: I'm equally honored. In your singing, I feel your love for life and music, and I also feel the firmness in your heart.

Xie Huaiqing: (smiles) Thank you for the compliment. I will continue to sing, and you are welcome to accompany me if you wish.

Sound: I will accompany you in your music and refill this cave with life and the power of music.

(Xie Huaiqing started singing again, his singing and the sounds in the cave together, creating a wonderful harmony.)

Xie Huaiqing: (Singing in the starry cave, full of emotion) ♪ The distant stars, twinkling in the night sky, are the hope in my heart... ♪

(Starlight shone in the cave, seemingly in response to his singing.) Voice

: (Gentle voice rings again) ♪ is the hope in my heart... ♪

Xie Huaiqing: (smiling, feeling the response of the voice) I think I found a friend who really appreciates music.

Sound: Your song brings the cave to life and also outlines the trajectory of the stars. At this unique moment, let's immerse ourselves in the ocean of music together.

Xie Huaiqing: Very willingly, I feel that the music here is like a mysterious resonance with the stars.

(The stars became more colorful, like rainbows dancing in a cave.)

Xie Huaiqing: (starts singing again, the song is integrated with praise for the stars) ♪ The stars are picturesque, lighting up the loneliness of the night, bringing hope and warmth... ♪

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