Voice: (Ringing like a tide, intertwined with his singing) brings ♪ hope and warmth... ♪

(Amid the interweaving of singing and starlight, a peaceful atmosphere permeates the cave.)

Xie Huaiqing: (Feeling a wonderful power, singing more engaged) ♪ Let the music travel through time and space, awaken the dreams in the heart, and let the hope always be in the heart... ♪

(The stars in the cave grow brighter, like stars twinkling in the night sky.) Voice

: (as bright as a star) Let ♪ hope always be in the heart... ♪

Xie Huaiqing: (The singing fades, but it is full of emotion and gratitude) Thank you, the guardian of the cave, for allowing me to experience such a wonderful moment.

(In the starry cave, his song shines like a starlight, and the summer insects seem to be silent in this beautiful music.)

Xie Huaiqing: (Standing at the door of grandma's house, holding a document) Grandma, I'm going to be away for a while, and I have a dream to pursue.

Grandma: Child, you have to pursue your dreams, and Grandma supports you. As long as you are happy, grandma will be relieved.

Xie Huaiqing: (Passing the document) This is a gift, which I have prepared for you. There are a thousand trillion assets in it, I hope you can live comfortably.

Grandma: (takes the file in surprise) This...

Xie Huaiqing: This is the result of my years of hard work, and I hope to use this to repay your nurturing grace.

Grandma: (moved to tears) Child, you have really grown up and become more sensible. But you have to remember that money is not the most important thing, the most important thing is health and happiness.

Xie Huaiqing: I will keep your teachings in mind, Grandma. I will strive to pursue my dreams while also taking care of my body.

Grandma: Good boy, no matter where you go, Grandma will bless you. I hope you can achieve your dreams and don't forget your hometown and grandma.

Xie Huaiqing: I will never forget, grandma. I will come back to see you from time to time to share my story and achievements.

(A few days later, Xie Huaiqing arrived at the Voices of Dreams tryout.) Staff

: Xie Huaiqing, your number is 412, please wait for a while.

Xie Huaiqing: Thank you. (He sat in the waiting area, feeling both nervous and excited.)

(Finally it was his turn to perform on stage, and he walked to center of the stage and stood in the spotlight.)

Judge 1: Hello, you are Xie Huaiqing, right? What are you going to sing today? Xie Huaiqing:

Yes, I will sing a song that I wrote myself, I hope to move everyone.

Judge 2: Okay, please get started.

(Xie Huaiqing began to sing, and his voice was full of emotion and power, and gradually attracted the attention of the audience.) Judge

3: (Looking at Xie Huaiqing, his eyes flashed with amazement) This voice, this emotion, is really moving.

(When he sang, there was thunderous applause, and the audience and judges gave a standing ovation.)

Host: Xie Huaiqing, your singing is really wonderful, we sincerely hope that you can continue to show your musical talent on this stage.

Xie Huaiqing: (smiling, full of gratitude) Thank you very much for your support and encouragement, I will work hard.

(On the stage of Sound of Dreams, he took a new step with his unique musical talent, striving for his dream.)

Xie Huaiqing: (smiling) Okay, I'm honored to sing "The Sea and the Sky" for everyone.

(He walked to center stage, took a deep breath, and prepared to sing.) The music started and he began to interpret this classic song with a passionate voice. Riding

the wind and raising my footsteps, looking at the sky I forgot all the pain, just because you are by my side This time I will hold you and never give up No matter if you fail, no matter how you lose You must go on For you, for yourself, and for the faith in this heart May the wind blow into your laughter and open forever I have heard, heaven is calling our names Fearless, looking up at the sky, I want me to fly higher and farther Let the world be full of hope, no matter how bumpy the road I will not give up faith No matter how big the storm I am not afraid ♪ Fly to that unknown place, despite the unknown risks of the future I have decided that everything is left to time Fearless, looking up at the sky, I want me to fly higher and farther Even if the world changes, I must never give up Dreams make me fly, let me transcend everything I want me to fly higher and farther ♪

(His singing is full of power and emotion, taking the audience on a deep journey. Judge

1: (eyes wide, in disbelief) This... Judge

2: (touching his chest, his voice trembling) This is not only a song, it is simply an emotional release, his expression is amazing!

Judge 3: (sighing) This kind of interpretation makes people feel like they can see his inner world, and every note deeply touches people's hearts.

Moderator: (Excitedly excited) Everyone looked at the audience, they all stood up, enthusiastic applause and cheers one after

another! Director: (stunned to look at the stage, almost forgetting that he was still holding the microphone) My God, what's going on?! (Suddenly the microphone exploded in his hand, he was stunned

) Judge 1: (stepped forward and held the director's shoulder) Mike, are you all right? Director: (

stunned shaking his head) I... I'm okay, it's just... Such a performance, such a singing, it is like coming from another world!

Judge 2: (patting the director's back) Yes, this is a performance we have never seen before. This young man, his voice and emotions are truly incredible.

Judge 3: (amazed) We should really be thankful to be able to witness this moment with our own eyes. His singing is simply like a miracle of music.

Moderator: (The explosion of the microphone also seems to stimulate the host's emotions) Yes, this is a musical miracle and an emotional outburst!

Judge 2: (nodding approvingly) His music, his performance, far exceeded our expectations, and he deserved this honor!

Judge 3

: (seriously) Not only does he have amazing talent in music, but more importantly, he is able to touch people's hearts with his music, which is exactly what we need.

Moderator: (announcing with a smile) Then, after the unanimous approval of the judges, I am honored to announce that Xie Huaiqing has won the highest lifetime honor of this show!

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