Cai Xuka: (I was a little fascinated and couldn't help but hold my breath.)

(However, when Xie Huaiqing struck the drum at a climactic moment, he accidentally raised the drumstick too high and caught Cai Xuka's wig flying out of his mind.)

Cai Xuka: (turned pale with fright, covered his head) My hair! How did you do it! Xie

Huaiqing: (stopped in surprise, quickly apologized) I'm really sorry, I didn't expect this.

Cai Xuka: (put the wig back on, said a little angrily) You guy, actually dare to touch me!

Xie Huaiqing: (sincerely apologizes) I did miss the hand, I didn't mean to do it.

Cai Xuka: (laughing sarcastically) Well, it seems that you are deliberately trying to be funny and want to create topics in this way, right?

Cai Xuka: (hesitated, then sighed) Forget it, forget it, it's not a big deal anyway. You don't care.

(Despite the accident, it also seems to have eased tensions between the two a bit.)

(There was a brief silence, and people around noticed someone standing up, pale.)

Audience 1: (exclaim) Oh, what's wrong with that person? Audience

2: (widening eyes) Like... (

Everyone looked and saw that someone had wet marks on their pants.)

Cai Xuka: (with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth) Oh, what a wonderful performance, actually scared a big man to pee his pants.

Xie Huaiqing: (looking at Cai Xuka with displeasure) This is not the result I want, I don't mean to be scary.

Audience 3: (sympathetically) Alas, he may have been genuinely frightened, stop making fun of him.

Cai Xuka: (sneer) Oh, it's boring, I just told the truth.

(Under the gaze of many people, the frightened spectator walked out of the venue, his head bowed in shame.)

Xie Huaiqing: (takes a deep breath and says calmly) Music is used to convey joy and emotion, and I'm sorry if my performance brings unpleasant things.

Audience 4: (reassuringly) Don't mind, it was an accident, no one will blame you.

Audience 5: (Encouraging) Yes, your music is really good, don't let this affect your confidence.

Cai Xuka: (looking at Xie Huaiqing and sighing) Your music is indeed impossible to ignore. In the scene just now, I seemed to understand something.

Xie Huaiqing: (smile) Music can convey emotions and can also resonate with people. I didn't mean to scare him, but it also made me understand the power of music more.

Cai Xuka: (seriously) You're right, maybe I underestimated the power of music before. You win, I serve.

Xie Huaiqing: (Firmly) It's not that I won, it's music that wins. Everyone has their own talents, but they just need to find a way to show them that suits them.

Cai Xuka: (nodding) You're right, I'm going to take a fresh look at myself. Xie Huaiqing, I wish you all the best on the road of music.

Xie Huaiqing: (said gratefully) Thank you, and I wish you to find your own music path.

(Xie Huaiqing stood in front of the car and looked at the dented body in amazement.)

Xie Huaiqing: (shocked) This... How is this possible? I just bought a car....

Perpetrator: (walks over in a panic) I'm sorry! I'm really sorry, I didn't control the car.

Xie Huaiqing: (his voice trembled) This is a magic car worth 80 million! You have to compensate me!

Perpetrator: (nodding nervously) Yes, yes, I will be responsible for compensation, and I will deal with the insurance as soon as possible.

(Passers-by stopped and talked about it.)

Passerby 1: Wow, this is really bad luck, the car I just bought was hit.

Passerby 2: I heard that this car is quite expensive, I am really distressed.

(Police also arrived at the scene and began an investigation of the scene.) Police

: Please cooperate with the investigation, we will deal with it as soon as possible.

Xie Huaiqing: (looking at the car body with a heavy heart, muttering) I just took a step and encountered such a thing again....

PERPETRATOR: (embarrassed) I'm really sorry, I'll be in charge.

Insurance company personnel: (After answering the phone, hearing the owner's name, he said in surprise) What? The owner of

the car is Su Yang? Colleague: (curiously asking) What's wrong? Who

is Su Yang? Insurance company personnel: (a little overwhelmed) Don't you know? Su Yang is the young musical genius, and his car actually had an accident? Colleague: (Wondering) Music genius?

Why does it sound familiar?

Insurance company personnel: (excitedly explaining) is the one who shined on the talent show with the song "Sea and Sky"! His musical talent is amazing

! Colleague: (suddenly realized) Oh, oh, I see! He is actually the owner of the car, it's incredible!

Insurance company personnel: (while wandering while saying) Yes, I remember his name being mentioned many times, I didn't expect it to be related to him.

Colleague: (laughs) It's a coincidence, if his car gets hit, the insurance company will have to deal with it.

Insurance company officer: (comes to his senses and says anxiously) Yes, yes, I have to contact him as soon as possible to see if I need any help.

(With the efforts of the insurance company personnel, the insurance matters were properly handled.) Despite the accident, Xie Huaiqing will still respond positively and continue to move forward. Fan

1: I heard that Xie Huaiqing's car was hit, I feel sorry for him!

Fan 2: Yes, he just bought a car, and he encountered this kind of thing, which is really unlucky.

Fan 3: Can we do something? His car is not cheap to repair.

Fan 4: I think we can start a donation campaign where people raise money for him and help him fix his car.

Fan 5: That's a good idea, let's call it out on social media to see if anyone is willing to help him.

(Soon, the news went viral on social media, attracting widespread attention.)

Netizen 1: I heard that Xie Huaiqing's car was hit, and his car is worth 80 million, but I really feel sorry for him.

Netizen 2: His music has always been very good, he is in trouble, we should lend a hand.

Netizen 3: I am willing to donate a little money to help him fix his car.

Netizen 4: I also donate some, although not much, but willing to contribute.

(The donation campaign quickly began and netizens donated money in the hope of helping Xie Huaiqing repair his car.)

Xie Huaiqing: (Moved by the news) I really didn't expect everyone to support me so much, thank you! Fan 6: Xie Huaiqing

, your music has always accompanied us, now is the time for us to give back to you.

Fan 7: You're welcome, your music has moved us a lot, and we are willing to help you with this little thing.

(With the support of many fans and netizens, the donation campaign was a great success and raised enough funds for Xie Huaiqing's car repair.) )

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