"Thank you, Bloody. Huaiqing said in a low voice.

Blood Cheng V smiled: "You're welcome, we are friends, we should support each other."

Huaiqing took a deep breath and walked onto the stage. He gripped the microphone tightly, stared ahead, and made up his mind. He began to share his views on propofol, as well as his own concerns and grievances. His voice began to tremble slightly, but he struggled to control his emotions and make his words clear and powerful.

During the speech, Blood Cheng V stood aside and silently watched Huai Qing. He could feel the firmness and courage in Huaiqing's heart, and he knew that the support at this time was so important to Huaiqing.

Huai Qing's words became louder and louder, and he stood on the stage and became the focus of everyone's attention. And Blood Cheng V was offstage, silently encouraging Huaiqing with his gaze. At that moment, the tacit understanding and friendship between them became even deeper.

After the speech, the audience burst into warm applause and words of praise. Huai Qing felt a burst of encouragement, he knew that he was no longer alone, with the support of his friends, he could fight for his beliefs to the end.

When Huaiqing walked off the stage, he greeted him with enthusiasm: "You did a good job, Huaiqing!

Huaiqing smiled and nodded: "Thank you, Blood." With you by my side, I feel a lot stronger. Blood

Cheng V patted him on the shoulder: "We are united, working together, and pursuing justice together."

Xie Huaiqing stood on the top of the city's tall buildings, looking at the distant skyline. The breeze blows, and his hair flutters with the wind, accompanied by the determination and yearning in his eyes. This boundless city, full of infinite possibilities, made him feel a strong sense of space.

At this moment, his friend Bo came over, stood beside him, and also stared at the distant scenery: "Huaiqing, you see, this city is like a huge stage, where everyone is performing their own story.

Huai Qing nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, Bo, this city is full of life and vitality, and every corner exudes a unique charm.

Bo felt Huaiqing's emotions and continued: "Do you know, some people say that it is the era of shooters, and it is the time for us young people to spread their wings and fly high.

Huaiqing raised his head and looked at the sky hopefully: "The era of shooters is an era of brave pursuit of dreams, and we young people should seize the opportunity, forge ahead, and create our own wonderful."

Bo nodded in agreement: "That's right, everyone is a shooter, shoot at their own target, not be restrained, not blocked by difficulties."

Huaiqing took a deep breath and felt Bo's encouragement and the power of ideas: "Yes, Bo, we must be like shooters, go forward bravely, and use our own efforts and sweat to turn over every mountain in life."

Bo smiled and patted Huaiqing's shoulder: "Work together, move forward together, believe in ourselves, we will be able to create a different wonderful in this era of shooters."

Huaiqing and Bo looked at each other and smiled, and their eyes were full of determination and hope. Standing at the peak of the city, they felt the power of life outside the window, and a red sports car sped by, streaked through a bright arc, and caught his attention.

Suddenly, a friend next to him came over and patted him on the shoulder: "Huaiqing, look, the speed of that car is really amazing!" Huaiqing

smiled and nodded: "Yes, brake cadre i9, speed and passion always make people feel excited."

The brake cadre i9 nodded, and then continued: "The Champions League game is also wonderful, have you watched it?

Huai Qing took a sip of coffee and his eyes flickered: "Yes, Champions League matches are always full of unpredictable surprises, which make people addicted."

As he spoke, a group of children happily ran into the café, they were discussing something excitedly, and one of the little girls said excitedly: "Have you heard?

Yes, they are going to show some classic animated movies, and there are many interesting interactive sessions, I can't wait to go!" Huai

Qing smiled and looked at the excitement of the little girl: "It sounds interesting, and it also reminds me of the time when I was a child chasing my dreams." Brake

Cadre i9 also joined the topic: "The activities of Animation City V always bring people good memories and pleasant experiences. At

this moment, the waiter came over and handed them a bill for the construction fee. Huai Qing smiled and picked up the bill and prepared to pay.

The brake cadre i9 patted Huaiqing's shoulder: "Huaiqing, I'll treat you."

Huai Qing was stunned, and then smiled: "Thank you, brake cadre i9, next time I invite you." "

, flicking his hair. The sun shone on him, making him feel a touch of warmth. His friend Hu came over and patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "Huaiqing, your hair looks really dark and shiny!" Huaiqing

smiled and touched his hair: "Is it?

Hu asked curiously: "Oh, what brand is it? How is the effect?" Huai

Qing shrugged: "It's called Hu Pink Hair I's Hair Shampoo, I heard that it is an all-natural ingredient, and I feel that my hair has indeed improved."

Hu smiled: "It sounds good, maybe I'll try it too." At

this moment, a breeze blew through, and a petal fell on Huaiqing's hair, as if it was an embellishment of clothes. Huai Qing smiled and shook his head: "It seems that the clothes have also become widely started."

Hu smiled and said, "Yes, but this kind of weather is really pleasant, wind and rain, make people feel happy."

Huai Qing nodded: "Yes, the beauty of nature always makes people feel infinitely comfortable." In

the corner of the museum, I was reading a chemistry book intently. He immersed himself in the world of polymerization reactions, trying to understand the principles and processes involved. However, his attention seemed to be distracted by other things.

At this moment, his friend Li came over and patted him on the shoulder

: "Huaiqing, the Champions League final is about to start, don't you plan to watch it?" Huaiqing frowned, put down the book in his hand, and said a little irritably: "Alas, I just came to the library, it's really unfortunate, the Champions League final is just in time."

Li smiled: "Yes, sometimes the timing is indeed a bit of a headache." However, you can take a little break and go to the game, which is also a good option.

Huaiqing sighed: "I know, but I really want to concentrate on studying during this time." Polymerization reactions are still a bit difficult for me, and I would like to take this opportunity to study more. "

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