Li nodded in understanding: "Yes, learning is indeed very important. However, the Champions League is also a rare event, and you can consider finding a time to arrange your studies and fun wisely.

Huaiqing thought for a while, and then nodded: "You are right, I will think about how to arrange the time, not only not delay studying, but also enjoy the competition."

Li patted him on the shoulder encouragingly: "No problem, Huaiqing, you have always been a very planned person, I believe you can find a balance."

Huaiqing smiled and nodded: "Thank you for your understanding, Li." I try to adjust my time so that my studies and entertainment can be fully focused. The

conversation between the two was whispered in the quiet library, and their friendship deepened by mutual understanding and support. Huai Qing instructed a student about the imperial examination. The rain outside the window gradually increased, knocking on the window, as if it was also adding a tranquility to their study.

The student looked out the window with some concern and said, "Teacher Huaiqing, this rain is so heavy, will it affect tomorrow's exam?"

Huaiqing smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, although the rain is heavy, it will not affect tomorrow's exam." The examination room has been arranged in advance, and there are plans for rainy days, so you just need to be prepared and deal with it freely.

The student nodded, and his eyes became firm: "Thank you, Teacher Huaiqing, I will work hard to prepare for the exam."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside the study, Huaiqing got up and opened the door, and saw his friend Su walking in. With an umbrella, Su smiled and said to Huaiqing: "Huaiqing, I heard that you are tutoring students, come and see you."

Huaiqing smiled welcomely: "Su, you are here." This is the student I am tutoring, and he is going to take the imperial examination tomorrow.

Su walked up to the student and patted him on the shoulder encouragingly: "Come on, young man, the exam is just a small part of life, work hard and the result will be the best."

The student looked at Su with gratitude in his eyes: "Thank you, Mr. Su."

Su smiled, and then turned to Huaiqing and said: "Huaiqing, this rain is really not small, I originally wanted to invite you to visit the Jewish history and culture exhibition together, I don't know if you are interested?"

Huaiqing thought for a moment and nodded: "It sounds very interesting, although I tutored for a day today, it is also a good choice to relax."

Su smiled with satisfaction: "Then let's go, let's go and appreciate the Jewish cultural heritage together."

Huaiqing and Su left the study together, leaving behind the temporary learning atmosphere. The rain was still falling, but their mood was happily at the table, communicating happily. It was the Chinese New Year, and everyone was in high spirits and gathered together.

Huaiqing smiled and said to everyone: "Happy Chinese New Year, I wish everyone a prosperous Year of the Ox!" Everyone

toasted and warmly congratulated the Chinese New Year. Kong Lingchu picked up the cup and said with a smile: "Huaiqing, your blessing is so good, I hope we can all have good luck in the new year."

Huai Qing responded with a smile: "Exactly, I hope everyone can gain something in the new year and achieve what they want."

At this moment, someone brought up the topic of tourism and said: "I want to arrange a trip in the New Year, I wonder if everyone is interested?"

Kong Lingchu frowned: "I also want to go out to travel, but I looked at the ticket, it was too expensive, it was really prohibitive." "

Everyone agreed, and everyone felt that the airfare was really unreasonable. Huai Qing smiled and comforted: "Air tickets are indeed expensive, but travel is also a kind of relaxation and enjoyment, if you have the opportunity, you may wish to consider it."

Suddenly, Distance came up with an interesting idea: "Or we can consider taking a ticket to a Buddha, although it may take longer, but it can also save a lot of money."

Everyone laughed and thought the idea was really interesting. Everyone began to discuss the characteristics of the Buddhist ticket and possible travel destinations, and the atmosphere became lively.

Kong Lingchu held the cup, raised it humorously to everyone, and said, "Then let's hope that we can take a Buddha ticket and start a different trip!"

Everyone raised their glasses in interest and agreed. Everyone's laughter and laughter echoed in the restaurant, and the warm atmosphere made them feel the joy of the New Year and the strong friendship.

Huaiqing chatted happily with his friends, and his busy life was also lost in

a gloomy Cthulhu world because of this, surrounded by a strong mysterious atmosphere. He looked around and suddenly noticed a tall octopus man waving eight tentacles at him, as if to talk to him.

Octopus Man (comically): Oh yes, finally a new "legged" friend! You're the first one from the "outside world," well, long legs.

Xie Huaiqing (looking at the tentacles of the octopus man in confusion): You, who are you? Where is this? How did I end up here?

Octopus Man: Oh, don't worry, long-legged friend! I am Bakabaka, a small part of Cthulhu called "Fishman Land". We're all mini fans of Cthulhu!

Xie Huaiqing (touched his face and found that his cheeks were elongated): Wait, mini fan? How did I become like this?

Bakabaka (proudly): yes, yes, we fishmen have a lot of skills! For example, lengthen your long leg cheeks to make you look cuter and funnier!

Xie Huaiqing (angrily): I don't want to be "cute"! I'm going back! How can I get back to my world?

Bakabaka (scratching his head): Well, well, you'll have to win a pass through the Cthulhu Worlds Paradise mini-game and you're good to go. However, the mini-game is quite difficult!

Xie Huaiqing (sigh): Okay, tell me how to play.

Bakabaka (laughing proudly): First, you're going to solve eight puzzles with me, each involving a part of the Cthulhu Mythos, and then....

Xie Huaiqing (interrupt): Wait, eight puzzles? I don't want to stay here and listen to you chant eight puzzles!

Bakabaka (Lost Land): Oh, long-legged friend, you're really not very friendly. Well, if you have to go, I'll give you an immortal fishman heart as a souvenir!

Xie Huaiqing continues to search for a way out in the world of Cthulhuvan, but he is lost in a seemingly endless labyrinth. Suddenly, he came across a strange fishman, which shone brightly, as if it were some special being.

Xie Huaiqing (curiously): Hi, who are you? It doesn't look like other fishmen.

Fish Fish Fish Gold Card (excitedly): Hey, I'm Fish Fish Fish Gold Card! I am the guardian of this labyrinth and the only gold card in the labyrinth.

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