Xie Huaiqing (surprised): Gold card? Is there any special significance?

Fish Fish Fish Gold Card (Triumphant): Of course there is! Only with my gold card will I be able to open the final passage of this maze and get out of here.

Xie Huaiqing (hopefully): Then can you help me get out of here? I've been here long enough.

Fish Fish Fish Gold Card (cunningly): Sure, but you must complete a mission before I will give you my Gold Card.

Xie Huaiqing (decided to try): Well, what do you want me to do?

Yuyuyuyu Yuyu Gold Card: Did you see the card machine over there? I need you to help me swipe a Kazakh Sands card.

Xie Huaiqing (doubted): Kazakh Jinshaka? What is this?

Fish Fish Fish Gold Card (mysteriously): Haha, this is a puzzle in the maze and you need to find it. In the puzzle, you will encounter the plot of Hua Ge Hua borrowing money to return the loan, but in fact it is a lying trap. The real Kazakh Golden Sandcard is hidden behind the eighteenth structural design, and you can only get it if you find it and successfully swipe it.

Xie Huaiqing (muttering): It sounds complicated, but I will find it as soon as possible.

In the process of continuing to search for Kazakh Jinshaka, Xie Huaiqing suddenly came to a strange space, where everything is full of technology.

Xie Huaiqing (looking around in surprise): Wow, the space here is so big, and it seems to be a technology building.

Lots of space (proudly): Yes, I'm "a lot of space." It's a virtual realm that can simulate a variety of different environments and scenarios.

Xie Huaiqing (curiously): Do you know anything about Kazakh Kinsaka?

There's a lot of space: of course, it's part of the puzzle. You'll need to solve the puzzle of computerized accounting to find it.

Xie Huaiqing (slightly headache): Computerized accounting? Sounds complicated.

There's a lot of space: But don't worry, I have a good way to make it easier for you to understand. You see over there, there's a virtual computerized accounting system, you can go in and experience it.

Xie Huaiqing walked to the virtual system, and as soon as he entered, he found himself in a virtual office environment.

Computerized Accounting (Friendly): Welcome to the world of computerized accounting! I am an accounting computerized system, I can help you understand the process and principle of accounting.

Xie Huaiqing (full of confusion): Well, okay, can you briefly explain the computerization of accounting?

Computerized accounting: Of course! Computerized accounting is the process of automating traditional accounting work through computer technology. By using computer software, account recording, accounting, report generation and other work can be carried out more efficiently.

Xie Huaiqing (nodding in understanding): So that's the case, what about the information related to Kazakh Jinshaka?

Computerized accounting: You need to find the "accounting space". There, you will come across a case of cross-border EC, solving which will give you clues to find the Kazakh Golden Saka.

In the process of continuing to look for clues in cross-border e-commerce, Xie Huaiqing suddenly found a fluffy golden retriever playing not far away.

Xie Huaiqing (walked over excitedly): Wow, what a cute golden retriever! I'll tease it.

Golden Retriever (tail wagg): Woof!

Xie Huaiqing (selling cute to the golden retriever): Come, come, sit down! Sit down!

The golden retriever sat down as if he didn't understand, and then screamed again.

Xie Huaiqing (muttered): Well, I seem to have forgotten the name of the golden retriever.

Golden Retriever (screamed a few times in dissatisfaction): Woof!

Xie Huaiqing (suddenly understood): Oh, yes! Your name is "Woof"! What a clever name!

Just as Xie Huaiqing was playing with the golden retriever, a man in formal clothes walked over, holding a microphone in his hand.

During the interview (smiling): Hey, hello! I'm doing an interesting interview and want to ask you some questions, okay?

Xie Huaiqing (somewhat unexpected): Absolutely, but I'm not very good at interviews.

In the interview (encouraging): No problem, the question is simple. First of all, do you have any understanding of the saying "the chance of not being able to do so must be as many as you want"?

Xie Huaiqing (thinking for a moment): I think that no matter how many difficulties we face and things we don't understand, as long as we have the opportunity to try, we will have the opportunity to learn, and don't give up easily.

Interviewing (nodding in agreement): Very insightful! Next, do you know the story of "Dongfeng Hotel"?

Xie Huaiqing (shaking his head): I don't know, can you tell me about it?

During the interview (excitedly): Absolutely! The "Dongfeng Hotel" is an ancient building that is said to have been the inspiration for a great poet. There, he wrote many popular works.

Xie Huaiqing (interested): Wow, that sounds amazing! I have the opportunity to definitely check it out.

During the interview (encouraging): You're definitely worth a visit! Last question, do you have any tips for the difficulties and challenges in life?

Xie Huaiqing (after thinking firmly): I think the key is to remain optimistic and tenacious, no matter how big the difficulties we face, as long as we don't give up our efforts, we will be able to overcome them.

During the interview (nodding with satisfaction): Excellent answer! Thank you for your time, your answers will be the highlight of this interview.

On the way to continue exploring, Xie Huaiqing suddenly heard a voice, he turned his head and saw a man in a suit shaking his head and communicating with a strange machine.

Xie Huaiqing (curiously stepped forward): Hello, what happened?

WADA (wry): Oh, hello, I'm trying to communicate with this "Huada Avatar" machine, but it always feels a little awkward.

Xie Huaiqing (looking at the machine suspiciously): Huada Huada? What is this?

Huada Huada (helplessly explained): This is an artificial intelligence communication machine that can help people have various conversations. But how do I feel that what it answers is a little unnatural, a little fake.

Xie Huaiqing (interested): Let me try.

Xie Huaiqing walked to Huada Huada and started a conversation with the machine.

Xie Huaiqing (tentatively): Huada Huada, what time do you go to work today?

WADA Wada (mechanically answered): I start work every morning at eight o'clock.

Xie Huaiqing (surprised): Really fake? Do you also have working hours?

WADA (as if a little impatient): Yes, I'm a virtual assistant and I have working hours.

Xie Huaiqing (complaining): Where there are virtual assistants and working hours, this sounds so unreal.

WADA (helplessly): yes, I also find this setup a bit strange. Probably to create an atmosphere of "human assistant".

As Xie Huaiqing continued to move forward, he suddenly came to a mysterious scene, surrounded by strange energy fluctuations. There, he ran into a man who looked like a scientist.

Xie Huaiqing (curious): Hello, where is this? Why did I suddenly come here?

Hughes Puppet Oh Lee Oh Potassium Acetate (excitedly): Hi Hello! Welcome to the realm of Elemental Aeros. It is a unique space that allows us to explore the mysteries between the elements.

Xie Huaiqing (surprised): Elemental Elex? Sounds interesting! Can you explain?

Hughes Puppet Oh Lee Oh Potassium Acetate (enthusiastically): Absolutely! Elemental Aeros is a space that combines science and art, and we can feel the characteristics and changes of the elements through music and images.

Xie Huaiqing (excited): Sounds amazing! Can I experience it?

Hughes Puppet Oh Lee Oh Potassium Acetate (pointing to a device): Of course you can! See that device? Just stand on it and you'll enter the Elemental Elex experience.

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